Cleo Lady in the Lake Apple TV

Lady In The Lake Season 1 Episode 1 Recap

Did You Know Seahorses Are Fish? – The episode opens in a flashback with an unidentified man transporting an unconscious Cleo Johnson (Moses Ingram) across the lake in a rowboat. In death, Cleo was known as “The Lady in the Lake.” The man totes Cleo’s body up a flight of steps. Maddie Schwartz (Natalie Portman) stares at a newspaper clipping about Cleo’s funeral service. The man drops Cleo’s body into the reservoir.

1966 One Month Earlier – A man wearing a mailbox costume/dancing mailbox (Parker Damm) urinates on the wall before joining the Baltimore Thanksgiving Day Parade. Wallace White (Charlie Hofheimer) hosts the parade. The dancing mailbox asks Tessie Durst (Bianca Belle) if she has a letter for Santa. She shakes her head no as Mrs. Durst (Hallie Samuels) pulls her away from the parade. Tessie badgers her mother about Santa recognizing Jews. Her mother says Santa isn’t real. While Allan Durst (Mark Feuerstein) and Mrs. Durst argue about parking, Tessie races off to the Tropical Fish Heaven shop. Reggie Robinson (Josiah Cross) tells her about a rare fish, Albino Eyebiter when Stephan Zawadzkie (Dylan Arnold) enters and urges her to come back with her parents.

Harry Edelman (Noam Shaprio) measures out fresh brisket for Maddie. As she is getting in her car, blood from the brisket leaks on her shirt. While haphazardly concealing the stain, she walks to Hecht. A yellow dress in the storefront catches her eye. She tells a saleswoman, Ethel (Elisabeth Ness), that she wants to try it on. Another saleswoman (Ginger Fries) says there is none in stock. Maggie asks to try on the dress in the window. The saleswoman says the model is a Negro, Cleo. Maggie assures her that she doesn’t mind. The Hecht shift manager, Shirley (Laureen E. Smith) hurriedly assists Cleo in taking off the yellow dress. Cleo overhears a saleswoman tell Maddie about Tessie’s disappearance. At an undisclosed location, a beaten and battered Tessie watches a man dressed in a Santa suit holding a seahorse in a tank.

Maddie arrives at the country club. The valet (James Wilkie Broderick) parks her car. Cleo emerges from Hecht and catches the 7407 bus. A short time later, she arrives at a women’s leadership event where Dora Carter (Jennifer Mogbock)is waiting. Cleo hopes to win Myrtle Summer’s (Angela Robinson) approval with her impending speech. Knowing her boss is in attendance, Cleo is still determined to do the speech for Myrtle. Maddie greets Seth Schwartz (Noah Jupe) with a kiss. Sid Weinstein (Amos Glick) asks Milton Scwartz (Brett Gelman) for a favor regarding the vacant Sandtown studio apartment. Maddie reminds him that it is Thanksgiving. Sid is surprised the Schwartz family celebrates the holiday. Tattie Morgenstern (Mindy Goldberg) blurts out that she doesn’t celebrate it. Cleo apologizes for her tardiness before introducing Dora. Pam (Angella Katherine) asks Dora if she is scheduled to sing for Myrtle. Dora sarcastically asks if she will pay her. Cleo tells Linda (Kelly Owens) that she wants Teddy Johnson (Tyrik Johnson) to go to Douglas High School where she is vice principal. Their conversation is cut short when the hosts introduce Myrtle and Maddie.

During Myrtle’s speech, a man (Ali Amin Carter) speaks out against the integration bill. Dora quietly agrees with the man. Myrtle suggests the man is Shell Gordon’s (Wood Harris) crony. The man denies any connection to Gordon. She says Gordon has been running an illegal gambling scheme for 20 years. Another Crony (Lennox Blu) claims Gordon helped fund her first Senator campaign. The cronies tell Myrtle that she doesn’t speak for them. Taking the floor, Cleo assures them that the event is about black parents who want their children to be educated on the same level as white children. She gets a standing ovation. Stanley Demsky (Michael Blumenstock) the event to announce a new search route for Tessie Durst. Maddie is shocked to learn the identity of the missing girl.

Dora Carter Lady in the Lake Apple TV

Seth informs Maddie that Wallace will be their dinner guest. When he shows little interest in Tessie’s disappearance, she gets upset with him. Elsewhere, Cleo catches Teddy in Old Charlie’s (Benjamin Sheeler). Teddy races up the fire escape. Cleo scolds Old Charlie who believes Teddy has a gift for the game. She vows to never let Teddy work for Gordon. Teddy accesses their apartment through a window. She opens the door to see Slappy Johnson (Bryon Bowers) entertaining Johnny (Don-Dimitri Joseph) and Eggy Woods (Judge Carl Vincent). Lionel Johnson (Samir Royal) tells a few jokes. Cleo expresses her disappointment in Slappy. Eggy and Johnny take off. Slappy asks Teddy why he never warned him that she was coming. After criticizing Slappy for not working, she says they are moving in with her mother, Merva (Veralyn Jones) until he gets a job.

Wallace tells Milton that the owners of the Highlandtown bookstore created a National States’ Rights Party. He says the Jews living in Baltimore will never be safe. Maddie criticizes Wallace for not finding a date for Thanksgiving. He asks her to hook him up with one of her friends. Seth sarcastically says Maddie is friendless. Wallace claims he stepped up when Allan Durst didn’t show up to take her to the prom. Elsewhere, Lionel complains about hand pain related to sickle cell. A short time later, they arrive at Merva’s house. Merva believes Cleo should spend the holiday with her family, not go to work. Isaiah Towns (Bear Jackson) laughs when Cleo says Slappy is working. Seeing Lionel is jaundiced, Merva insists The Prophet look at him but Cleo refuses. Isaiah and Cleo don’t get along.

Milton asks Maddie if she would like to tell him about her former relationship with Allan. She tells him about Tessie’s disappearance. He insists on tossing the brisket because she utilized dairy dishes. Irate, she breaks a dish on the floor and cuts her hand. In the bathroom, she has a flashback of watching Allan scrub her blood off of a bed. Dressed for the prom, she breaks down weeping. Back to the present, Milton questions Maddie’s dramatic response to Tessie’s disappearance. He admits to being upset about the brisket. She reminds him that she has served him for the last 20 years. She packs her luggage and leaves without telling them where she is going.

Sid Lady in the Lake Apple TV

Pharaoh – Cleo arrives for her shift. Clarence (Ray Gordon II) takes her coat. She walks to an illegal gambling operation to reach Vernon’s (Teren Carter). He says Happy Thanksgiving. She signs in.

Weinstein’s Jewelry – Maddie tells Sid that she wants to rent his apartment. Two Jews drop off missing person posters for Maddie. Back at Pharaoh, Dora is having sex with a man when Cleo arrives with her pepper water. At Weinstein’s, Sid asks Maddie about her injured hand. Refusing to explain what happened, she places her wedding rings on the counter. He offers to wait on the rent but insists on pawning them for a short time. He offers her $500. She claims it is covered under a $2,000 insurance policy. He returns the ring to her. Judith Weinstein (Mikey Madison) agrees to show Maddie the apartment. In her car, Maddie decides to not wear her wedding ring.

Pharaoh – Reggie denies Slap access because he is not a member. On the stage, Gordon introduces a trumpet performer, Roy “Tanglefoot” McCoy. Reggie approaches the bar where Cleo is working. Officer Ferdie Platt (Y’Ian Noel) sees him look at Tessie’s missing person flyer. Reggie tells Cleo that Slap is outside. She refuses to approve his access. Reggie races to a room with a large aquarium He puts the Albino Eyebiter in an ice bucket and takes it to the restroom. He pours the fish into the toilet and flushes but the toilet overflows. He cleans up the water when he sees an unconscious Dora. At the bar, Cleo criticizes Platt for not tipping and points out that he usually visits on the weekend. He claims to have come for the view but never makes advances toward married women.

Maddie Lady in the Lake Apple TV

Maddie appears to be uncomfortable when she sees men loitering outside the apartment building. Judith asks to be her roommate but she refuses. The apartment is dirty and not in the best condition. At Pharaoh, Reggie and Cleo deal with an intoxicated Dora. Platt watches Cleo sit down at Gordon’s table. Gordon insists on giving Slappy access to his bar. He asks if she is working for Myrtle. She claims to be a volunteer. He reminds her that he pays her and warns her against giving speeches for Myrtle. Elsewhere, Maddie and Judith search for Tessie. Back at Pharaoh, Cleo introduces Dora for her next performance.

Maddie and Judith discover Tessie’s body. Judith stops Maddie from disturbing the crime scene. Distraught, Maddie refuses leave Tessie alone. Judith leaves to get help as the episode ends.


Lady In The Lake Review

The plot is too often overshadowed by irrelevant, uninteresting side stories. There is no balance between Cleo and Tessie’s stories. While Cleo’s story is interesting, there are bits that could have been omitted to refine the plot and push it along.

The cinematography is decent for the most part. The acting is hit-and-miss and the sometimes-cringeworthy dialogue doesn’t help. The series is heavily laden with stereotypes and clichés. The episode deserves a 5 out of 10.

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