Rob The Night Caller Channel 5

The Night Caller Series 1 Episode 4 Finale Recap

As the episode opens, Lawrence Brightway (Sean Pertwee) wishes himself a happy birthday. When Lawrence leaves the room, Tony Conroy (Robert Glenister) enters through an unlocked door. Finding Lawrence passed out on the sofa, Tony ascends the stairs to his recording studio and takes a seat at his desk. After reading a North West Health Executive “NWHE” document, he throws a liquid at Lawrence face and orders him to get up. Confused, Lawrence offers him money. Refusing the offer, Tony demands he tell the truth. Recognizing him, Lawrence tells him to leave and threatens to call the police. When Tony intervenes, Lawrence grabs him by the throat. Tony retrieves a knife and aims it at him. He says teaching made him happy until it didn’t anymore. Lawrence apologizes for misleading Tony which he blames on his having a crappy birthday. Holding up the NWHE document, Tony accuses him of lying about having cancer.

10 Coffee Shop – Rob (Stephen Walter) offers his condolences to Rosa (Suzanne Packer). She asks if he has been in contact with Tony. He says no. She pleads with him to tell her what to do about Tony. He refuses to offer his advice.

night caller episode 1 rob and tony

Laying his knife on the table, Tony asks why he concocted a story about having cancer. Lawrence claims to have told a few people and when his test results came back negative, it was too late to tell the truth. He explains how his life became a nightmare after he found the lump and to make matters worse, he endured it alone. Lawrence says they have many things in common. Tony calls him an imposter and liar. Lawrence tells him that it goes with the territory. Tony claims to have been okay with being a loner until Lawrence gave him hope. Lawrence assures him that there is always hope. Tony confesses to mowing Stephen Murray down because it was his responsibility to protect. He escorts Lawrence to the bathroom. Elsewhere, Rosa calls the Merseyside Police station. Lawrence convinces Tony to let him go to the bathroom. He locks the door and screams for help. While Tony tries to break open the door, Lawrence emerges and tries to flee but is quickly captured. Tony recalls all the lies that Lawrence fed him. Lawrence questions why he never accepted losing his teaching job.

DS Marshall (Grainne Keenan) asks Rosa to set up a meeting with Tony. Rosa says he is a good man before dialing his phone. Elsewhere, Tony orders Lawrence to take “Night Talk” live. Lawrence claims scheduling changes must be approved. Ignoring Rosa’s call, Tony tells him to call the station controller. Lawrence suggests they forget what happened and he will get Tony a counselor. Lawrence confesses to being a fraudster. Tony demands he make the call. Lawrence warns that it will ruin them. Tony says his life ended when he lost his teaching job. Brodie approves the unscheduled airing before Lawrence introduces Tony. In his taxi, Rob is listening when Tony says the show will be about fraudsters, betrayal, and people who let you down. The first caller, Sue (Fiona Mulvaney) says Lawrence deserves time off for his birthday. Rob takes some drugs. Sue describes Lawrence’s cancer story as heartbreaking. Lawrence skips to the next caller, Rosa. Tony apologizes for things not working out between them. He wants her to promise to become a teacher. She asks him to promise not to harm himself or anyone else and praises him for saving people. She urges him to get help. He says Murray wasn’t the first before ending the call.

Lawrence The Night Caller Channel 5

Armed police enter Lawrence’s house. Night Talk’s next caller is Sarah Hall (Denise McCormack), Joe Hall’s (James Keating) mother. She says Siobhan Hall (Kim Daly) saw him on the bus. Weeping, he apologizes for not answering Joe’s call on the night of his death. In a flashback, Joe calls Tony from a swimming pool. Tony is grading papers at school when the call comes in. He ignores it. When Joe calls again, he waits to return his call but he doesn’t answer. Tony races down the hall. While holding an unresponsive Joe, Tony apologizes and yells for help. In the present, Sarah denies hearing Tony’s call for help and says Joe thought the world of him. She assures him that he never failed anyone. Tony picks up the knife and puts it under his chin. The police respond.

Lawrence is hailed a hero for surviving a home terror. Live on air, his first caller is a depressed Wendy. He says to imagine they are in her happy place. At a mental health ward, Tony listens to Night Talk. Rosa arrives for a visit. They listen to Lawrence explain his happy place as the episode ends.


The Night Caller Finale Review

As head of pastoral counseling, it was his responsibility to provide emotional and social support to troubled students. When Tony intentionally ignores mentally disturbed Joe’s calls, Joe takes his own life. It is difficult to believe this alone would constitute a termination.

The story doesn’t thoroughly explain the specifics of Tony being remanded to a mental hospital. What happened to Rob? It leaves more questions than answers.

The highlight of the series is Sarah and Tony’s phone call. Rosa’s visit with Tony in the mental ward is also heartwarming. The finale deserves a 5.6 out of 10.

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