rob and tony the night caller episode 3

The Night Caller Series 1 Episode 3 Recap

As the third episode of The Night Caller begins, Tony (Robert Glenister) is evaluated and treated at an area hospital. He notices a poster for Crime Blockers in front of him. Meena Xing (Sophie Mensah) visits him in the hospital. Tony remembers her and explains he got jumped. They talk about how he left the school and is no longer teaching. Meena asks if there’s anyone she can call. It doesn’t appear Tony has anyone. Meena can’t wait to tell Lucy that she saw him. She tells Tony that he was a “boss” teacher. She gives him credit for her being a nurse. Tony gets emotional. Meena insists he’s a good man regardless of what happened. Tony decides he should call Rosa.

Robert Glenister episode 1 the night caller

Tony panics when he sees DS Marshall (Grainne Keenan) nearby. She confronts him and wonders if there’s a link between the recent events. Tony claims they were trying to rob him and they demanded money. He didn’t have anything to give. Tony says he’s feeling sick so he is helped to the bathroom. Marshall tells Meena she wants Tony to call her as soon as he’s out. Tony keeps thinking about what Lawrence said about taking the law into his own hands. Meena checks on him seconds later. Once Meena leaves, Tony begins thinking about Lawrence (Sean Pertwee) again. Tony walks around the hospital until he finds Stephen. Lawrence talks about the attack on Tony on the radio. Tony talks to Rosa (Suzanne Packer) who offers to stay around.

He ends up convincing her to leave. Lawrence argues that they need to help the cabbie. He learns it’s the ex-teacher who he calls a good mate. Tony isn’t thrilled to hear that people are offering to donate money to him. Lawrence pledges his first hour’s earnings. He announces they’ll be taking the night off on Friday because Lawrence is going to be out and about. Tony sits down with Rob (Stephen Walters) after everyone claps for him. Rob tells him he needs to get away from there. He believes Tony is lying and up to his neck in it. Rob says these sorts are ruthless. Tony heard that some of the drivers keep something under their seats just in case. He wants to get ahold of one of those. Rob believes he’s just digging a big hole for himself. He urges him to leave before someone else ends up dead.

Tony goes to a store and believes he sees the man again. He ends up taking a hammer for protection. Rob speaks to a man about Tony. He’s told that they need his address. Rob doesn’t want to give them that. The man uses drugs as leverage to try to force Rob to get Tony’s address. Tony returns to St. Kevins and looks at the memorial outside the school. He has an envelope with “Joe” written on the front. Tony thinks about Joe in his vehicle. Later, Rosa and Tony talk about science-fiction books. Rosa wanted to be a teacher until her mom got sick. Tony believes she has what it takes to be a teacher. He tells her that Stephen got into his cab that night and he drove him into town. Tony admits he hit him and Stephen’s friends beat him up as a result.

the night caller episode 1 recap tony

Rosa isn’t happy. Rob calls Jimmy to get Tony’s address. When Tony calls Lawrence, he learns the callers have pledged nearly two grand to help him get back on his feet. Tony doesn’t want to take their money although Lawrence says he deserves it. Tony says he is back working because he can’t afford to sit around and dwell on things. He suggests giving the money to a food bank or something. Lawrence calls Tony a hero. He is insanely proud to call Tony a friend. Tony says the same. Lawrence wants him to find some time for himself tonight so he can think about how many people are rooting for him. Tony makes it home and finds his door open. He enters the ransacked residence. The police arrive at his door seconds later. Tony flees out of the back with pictures of Joe.

DS Marshall calls Tony because she knows he’s in some kind of trouble. She tells him that Stephen is dead. Later, Tony is shocked when Lawrence jumps into his taxi. Tony listens to Lawrence argue with a restaurant manager about pushing his table. Lawrence threatens to tell his listeners. He gets a complimentary bottle of champagne not to say anything. After the call, Tony introduces himself to Lawrence who doesn’t listen to him. Lawrence takes another call before Tony introduces himself again. Tony tells him he’s lost everything and doesn’t know what he’s going to do. He believes Lawrence is going to help him. Lawrence asks if they can save this for the show on Monday. Tony isn’t sure he’s going to make it that long. Lawrence explains he’s going to hang out with the people he chooses and those people are his real friends.

rob and tony the night caller episode 3

Lawrence tells him not to be so bloody stupid. He tells Tony to get a life before getting out of the cab. Tony watches Lawrence party while thinking about everything he said on the radio. A police vehicle stops so the officer can talk to Tony. He tells Tony he’s on double yellows. Tony claims he’s just waiting on a fare and they’re wrapping up. Lawrence comes out of the restaurant and gets into a different taxi. He arrives at home a short time later. Tony watches him from outside.


The Night Caller Review

The third episode of The Night Caller slowly pushed the story forward as Tony learned the truth about Lawrence. After being released from the hospital, Tony told Rosa the truth about Stephen. Although Tony was doing it to protect her, Rosa was not happy at all. Stephen’s men used Rob’s drug addiction to get Tony’s address before ransacking his home.

Tony randomly picked up Lawrence who was going to celebrate his birthday. Tony expected friendship and camaraderie, but he got exactly the opposite from Lawrence. Now, it appears Tony is eager to get even with Lawrence who lies to his listeners. This episode was watchable although the story is moving at a glacial pace.

Based on the story so far, it easily could’ve been told in two or three episodes. There are long segments where nothing happens and the characters are just sitting around. The story can be hard to swallow at times although some elements are easier to believe. Robert Glenister and Sean Pertwee are good in their respective roles even if there isn’t much room to shine.

Truthfully, the third episode could be described as a throwaway episode considering how little happened. A strong finale could potentially make the whole thing worthwhile though. This episode scores a 5 out of 10. Recaps of The Night Caller can be found on Reel Mockery here. Find out how to support our independent voice at this link.

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