Lawrence The Night Caller Channel 5

The Night Caller Series 1 Episode 2 Recap

The episode opens with what appears to be Tony Conroy (Robert Glenister) washing his taxi. Lawrence Brightway (Sean Pertwee) ends his “Night Talk” radio show with an alert about a hit-and-run on West Derby Road. While cleaning the taxi with front-end damage, Tony listens to a voicemail from Jimmy who desperately needs the taxi. Rosa (Suzanne Packer) leaves him a voicemail claiming to have turned her phone off because Steven Murray wouldn’t quit calling her. A short time later, Tony returns Jimmy’s call. He tells him that the taxi needs a new cam belt and promises to have it back in operation in two days. A news update on the hit-and-run identifies the 48-year-old victim as Steven Murray. Tony appears shocked when he learns Steven is still alive. DS Marshall (Grainne Keenan) asks for the public’s help in finding the driver.

Tony listens to the Night Talk host, Lawrence explain Murray’s extensive criminal record. He urges his viewing audience to never take the law into their own hands. Eddie calls into the show to defame Murray and his family. Another caller, Sue (Fiona Mulvaney) says Murray is no victim. Lawrence reminds her of Murray’s critical condition. She assures him that he would feel differently if Murray harmed someone close to him. The next caller, Sam argues that Murray is no better than a terrorist. Lawrence rules to dismiss Murray’s hit-and-run case. Tony appears relieved by his ruling. He stops at a diner to check on Rosa. Believing Tony hit Murray, Rob (Stephen Walters) recalls warning him against getting involved. Tony pretends to know nothing about the hit-and-run. Rob asks about his taxi. Tony claims the cam belt needs replacing. Rob refutes his claim. Tony pleads for help in repairing the damaged taxi. Rob says Paddy’s at Regents Street can help but leave him out of it. Rosa says Murray didn’t deserve to be hit and left on the road. She thanks him for being nice to her. Outside, Rob calls Paddy to tell him that the driver involved in the hit-and-run will be there soon. Paddy calls them even.

Paddy’s Auto Center – Tony tells the mechanic (Philip Shaun McGuinness) that he hit a dog. The mechanic charges him 800. While boarding a commuter bus, Tony calls Rosa but she doesn’t answer her phone. He watches as two girls take their seats. He recalls Lawrence questioning his version of why school officials fired him. He periodically looks back at the girls. Upon exiting the bus, one of the girls makes eye contact with him. He quietly says, “I’m sorry.” Her eyes fill with tears.

night caller episode 1 rob and tony

Tony goes for a swim. He listens to Lawrence talk about his novel, “Listen” which he dedicates to his audience. He announces his book signing at Mersey Art Centre scheduled for Thursday. Rosa extends a dinner invitation via text. Later, Marshall and DC Gardner confront him about CCTV footage that puts him in proximity to the West Derby Road incident. He claims to have cut his shift short due to a migraine and denies knowing Murray, other than what callers were saying about him on Night Talk. He offers to let them look at the taxi when Jimmy returns it.

Bovinity – Tony tells Rosa that he was a science teacher and head of pastoral care. She says kids have a lot of pressure on them. After a brief flashback of Joe Hall (James Keating) struggling in a swimming pool, Tony abruptly excuses himself. He recalls Lawrence warning him against bottling his emotions. He rejoins Rosa at the table. She urges him to tell the police that he gave Steven a ride on the night of his hit-and-run. He claims to have picked Steven up on Wavertree High Street but refuses to speak further.

A man climbs into Rob’s taxi and tells him that Pat said they are good. He rewards him with free drugs. Rob asks about their plans. The man says don’t worry about it before exiting the cab.

Tony and Rosa are walking when he spots a man staring at them. He hurriedly changes directions. A short time later, they are at Tony’s house. She finds a St. Kevin’s album with photos of Tony, Joe, and a female student. He invites her to watch a movie with him. Elsewhere, Rob takes some drugs. Tony looks over to see Rosa asleep. He covers her with a blanket and retrieves the St. Kevin’s album. He calls into the Night Talk radio show. Lawrence suggests they meet tomorrow.

the night caller episode 1 recap tony

Paddy’s Autos increases the repair cost from 800 to 1200. At the garage, Tony inspects the taxi before reminding the mechanic of his initial price. The mechanic attributes it to a longer turnaround. Tony gives him the money. The mechanic watches as he drives away. He attends Lawrence’s signing. Lawrence explains the title of his novel, “Listen.” Reading from his book on September 10th,  he says Julie, his chemotherapy nurse, loves to talk about her family. She urges him to rest for a few days but he insists on keeping Night Talk on the air and spending time with his audience. He receives a round of applause. A fan embraces him. Lawrence tells them about the bond that he shares with his listeners. Tony looks invigorated. He is waiting to have his book signed when the bookstore manager, (Catriona Loughlin) abruptly ends the event. He sees Lawrence and Sue walking away together. A short time later, Tony is pulled out of his taxi and beaten by two men. One of the men says it is for Steve. A cab driver (Steve Hartland) intervenes and calls for an ambulance. A beaten and battered Tony lies on the ground as the episode ends.


The Night Caller Review

The script is cryptic, revealing only bits and pieces about Tony’s past. The protagonist is an overly stressed unorthodox isolationist who viewers can empathize with. The dreary setting is ideal for the story.

The subpar cinematography leaves a lot to be desired. The lack of establishing shots creates confusion in some scenes and keeps important details in the shadows.

The script needs more detail without giving away too much. A missed opportunity to show the real experiences and encounters of everyday cab drivers. The episode deserves a 5 out of 10.


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