Emily Bader My Lady Jane Amazon Prime

My Lady Jane Season 1 Episode 6 Recap

I Feel Free – The episode opens with Lady Jane Grey (Emily Bader) announcing Princess Mary’s (Kate O’Flynn) escape from arrest. She orders the Nobility to dispatch their armies to search the Kingdom. She is unaware of the monarch not having an army.  The Duke of Norfolk (Will Keen) asks if she still wants to abolish the Division Law. She vows to abolish it and demands 10k soldiers from each nobleman. A woman approaches the throne, yells, “Long live Queen Mary,” and fires her crossbow at Jane. Archer (Michael Workeye) throws himself on Jane. The arrow lands in her thrown. Kingsland guards kill the woman. Lord Dudley (Rob Brydon) says the assassin was sent by the traitor, Mary. He tells her to stand up and keep smiling before dismissing the crowd.

Granny (Barbara Marten) is trying painful techniques to find King Edward’s (Jordan Peters) Ethianism trigger. Having enough, he assures her that he is not an Ethian and orders her to free him. While she tells a story about a squid, Edward makes eye contact with Fitz (Joe Kocek) in the hallway. Granny explains her plan to kill all Verities when Edward, the Ethian King returns to the Kingdom.

King Edward My Lady Jane Amazon Prime

Dr. Butts (Kevin Eldon) treats the abrasion on Jane’s neck with hippopotamus dung. She orders him to clean it off. Lady Frances Grey (Anna Chancellor) suggests vinegar instead. Jane fires him before exiting the room. Dudley informs her that half of the nobles have departed with their soldiers and Norfolk could leave at any minute. Jane announces a weeklong tournament and a feast. Lord Scrope (Jason Forbes) urges Jane to hire an astrologer. She convinces Norfolk to stay for the tournament. Archer describes Jane’s plan as clever because it prevents the nobles from leaving until their armies arrive. She assures him that Mary will arrive soon. A short time later, Jane goes to the stables. Rupert (Stewart Scudamore) tells her that Lord Guildford Dudley (Edward Bluemel) left to search for a cure. She weeps while walking back to the Palace. She tells Dudley that Guildford left. He says Guildford has a right to cure his Ethianism. She accuses him of making Guildford feel defective.

While walking through the woods, Owen (Will Merrick) assures Guildford that he will have his cure very soon. After escaping his locked room, Edward walks toward the exit when Fitz grabs him. A struggle ensues and ends when Fitz gains control of Edward’s knife. Fitz agrees to return Edward safely to the Kingdom in exchange for pay. Edward agrees. At the Palace, Lady Margaret Grey (Robyn Betteridge) delivers William Seymour (Brandon Grace) a love note from Lady Katherine Grey (Isabella Brownson). Holding a love note, Lord Stan Dudley (Henry Ashton) watches Frances makes an advance toward Scrope who covers his privates. He recites a poem by Wyatt. Frances invites him to her chamber. Stan gives Margaret the love note to deliver to Frances. Stan weeps when Frances burns his love note. After reading the love note, William rises from his seat and approaches Katherine before walking away. Margaret suggests he hates Katherine.

Dudley My Lady Jane Amazon Prime

Fitz leaves Edward alone while he goes to retrieve a key. A short time later, Sister Forbearance (Annabelle Mandeng) captures Fitz, the cat, in a sack and threatens to kill him if Edward refuses to return to his room. He agrees but shoves her across a table. A duel breaks out and ends with Fitz clonking Forbearance on the head. Edward and Fitz acknowledge they saved each other. At the Palace, Jane is heartbroken by Guildford’s absence. The tournament is put on canceled due to a rainstorm. Refusing to fail, she hosts a bowling tournament. Stan trips Scrope as he prepares to bowl. Frances insists on taking care of him in her chamber. Stan asks why she is ignoring him. She says the Dudley family is tainted. Jane challenges Archer and Norfolk to a game of bowling but they refuse to play together. Norfolk agrees to play against Archer and if he wins, Division Law will remain. Archer accepts the challenge and if he wins, Division Law will be abolished. Jane intervenes but the men are determined. Katherine encounters William in the hallway. He claims to have never courted anyone before. She tells him about her brief marriage. Frances catches them kissing. Once alone, she tells Katherine that William is the son of Lord Seymour who wants them dead.

Archer and Norfolk’s bowling game begins. During the game, Norfolk questions where Archer learned to bowl. Archer claims Baron Hunsdon is his father. Stunned, Norfolk loses control of the ball. When Archer wins the game, Norfolk calls a “grouse” which gives each of them one shot at the win. Norfolk’s shot is remarkable but Archer’s is better. Jane calls a meeting in the Great Hall tomorrow to abolish Division Law. Irate, Norfolk throws his bowling ball, hitting Stan in the nose. A short time later, Jane wipes the blood from Stan’s face. She says Guildford left without telling her goodbye. He tells her that the Dudleys mean well but they sometimes do dumb stuff. He assures her that Guildford cares for her but needs to forgive himself. Refusing to speak further, he leaves. Scrope proposes to Jane. She reminds him that she is married. He claims Frances said Guildford left her for good. In the woods, Owen knocks Guildford out with a piece of wood.

Susannah Balder My Lady Jane Amazon Prime Video

Jane scolds Frances for telling Scrope that Guildford is gone for good. Frances tells her that Scrope has one of the largest armies in the Kingdom. She claims Dudley told her that Guildford left to find an Ethian cure. Jane assures her that Dudley is too ashamed to tell anyone. Frances suggests Jane thank her for taking care of Guildford because it ensured their safety. Stan hears everything. In the woods, Guildford finds himself restrained in chains. Owen warns him of the Beast Trader. At the Palace, Jane is preparing her horse to go search for Guildford. Rupert tells her that Guildford witnessed his mother being killed by Ethians. He promises to bring him home. In the woods, Guildford pleads with Owen to free him. Owen asks why. Guildford professes to love Jane. Owen assures him that it won’t be long before the Beast Trader arrives. Guildford attacks him while he is getting a drink of water. He unlocks the chain. Owen grabs him from behind. Guildford knocks him down and draws his dagger. Owen tosses the key into the woods. As dawn approaches, Guildford runs until he encounters a woodsman (Gary Oliver). He explains his situation. The woodsman hits the chain with his axe, freeing Guildford. He morphs into a horse and races toward the Palace.

Dudley informs Jane that Scrope and Norfolk left in the night and Mary and 10k men are on London Road. Jane asks Archer to help her fight against the Nobility. He refuses to put the Ethians in more danger. She is sure people will join her effort but he doubts it. Stan passes Frances in the hallway without speaking to her. She asks why he is ignoring her. He calls her a murderess for sending Guildford to die before walking away. Jane abolishes Division Laws. Norfolk returns with his army. Lord Seymour (Dominic Cooper) orders the Greys to be taken into custody. Jane races toward the exit. Frances is apprehended. Jane emerges from the Palace to find herself face-to-face with Mary and an army. The episode ends.


My Lady Jane Review

Jane fails to convince the noblemen to raise their armies to search for Mary and Seymour. Archer and Norton bowl and the winner decides the fate of Division Law. Archer wins but Norfolk reneges on their agreement. Frances hires Owen to lure Guildford to his death with the promise of an Ethian cure. She manipulates a powerful nobleman, Scrope, into proposing to Jane. Jane rejects his offer.

Restrained in chains, Guildford is within minutes of changing and having his neck broken when a woodsman comes to his rescue. Mary and Seymour arrive at the Palace with Norfolk’s army. Frances is apprehended. Jane tries to escape but finds herself trapped by 10,000 soldiers.

Granny puts Edward through rigorous processes to force his Ethian change. When all fails, he tries to escape with Fitz’s help. The episode deserves a 6.2 out of 10.

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