Pip A Good Girl's Guide to Murder BBC

A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder Series 1 Episode 6 Finale Recap

The finale begins with Isla Jordan (Georgia Lock) telling Pip/Pippa Fitz-Amobi how Elliot Ward (Mathew Baynton) found her living near the old station. After mistaking her for Andie Bell (India Lillie Davies), he invited her home with promises that he would help her find proper living arrangements the following morning. That very first night, Isla apparently woke in the middle of the night and found Elliot drunk on the couch. In his drunken state, Elliot eventually confessed to killing Salil/Sal Singh (Rahul Pattni). In the following days, Isla would try to escape but was unable to do so. Shortly after this, the cops show up and arrest Elliot.

Anna Maxwell Martin A Good Girl's Guide to Murder BBC

Pip disassembles her murder wall before meeting Ravi Singh (Zain Iqbal), who thanks her and unveils his plans to leave town. She reminds him that she didn’t do it alone and expresses a desire for him to stay but he claims he needs to go. Pip begins to feel worse as the talk around town spreads and she sees the way it impacts Cara Ward (Asha Banks). Leanne Fitz-Amobi (Anna Maxwell Martin) does what she can to make Pip feel better but piques her curiosity when she says she wishes that Elliot would have at least had the decency to admit to killing Andie. The statement inspires Pip to reassemble her murder wall and after doing so, she discovers that Elliot was out of town the day Barney was killed.

With the assistance of Dan De Silva (Jackson Bews) Pip gets a brief interview with Elliot. He apologizes for everything that happened but she clearly only wants to discuss the night Barney was murdered. He admits to being out of town but says after everything, no one is going to believe he didn’t have a hand in it. Their conversation eventually leads to Pip learning that Andie was afraid of her father, Jason Bell (Matthew Chambers). This is why she wanted money from Elliot. Elliot further reveals that he knows for a fact Jason lied about his alibi on the night Andie disappeared because he saw him driving around in a blue van. As their discussion continues, Elliot reveals why he murdered Sal and poses an interesting theory about everyone having a dark seed deep inside them. Under the right conditions that seed will grow to the point where it emerges. Pip simply tells him that he had a choice and she expected better. Dan arrives at about this time to tell Pip her time is up.

Pip races over to Ravi’s house to share her discovery with him but he is in the process of packing. She pleads with him to stay and tells him what she learned, but he doesn’t appear at all interested in changing in him. He simply tells her it’s over and she leaves. After leaving Ravi, Pip finds herself at Jason’s salvage yard. It doesn’t take her very long to find the van and although it is covered, she soon learns from Jesse Walker (Oliver Walker) that her theory is all wrong. As it turns out, the office alarm went off the night Andie went missing and that’s why Jason wasn’t at the dinner as he said. Much to Pip’s surprise, Jesse also tells her that Jason was strict but it was the girl’s own good because they were wild. Jesses also tells her about the time that Becca Bell (Carla Woodcock) was sexually assaulted at one of the Calamity parties.

Pip’s new discovery causes her to remember Andie’s drug list and the initials TT. She soon deduces that TT stands for Tango Tits and calls and accuses Max Hastings (Henry Ashton) of raping Becca. He claims they did sleep together but it was consensual. Pip tells him that it’s hard to say no when you can’t speak and hangs up on him. As Pip realizes that it was Becca who was driving the car that Max collided with on the night of the hit-and-run, Ravi is briefly shown traveling on a bus. Once he puts his headset away, he discovers a leftover marsh mellow from his and Pip’s stakeouts. This inspires him to tell the bus driver to stop.

Becca A Good Girl's Guide to Murder BBC

At nearly the same time, Pip is in the middle of questioning Becca about the hit and run and the rape. This is where Pip finally uncovers the truth. Becca became angry when Andie refused to take her to the police station after being raped by Max because she was the one who sold him the drugs to rape her. This along with Andie’s announcement that she was leaving home the following morning, inspired Becca to lash out. Becca didn’t know that Andie already had a head wound from her earlier encounter with Elliot. After revealing the truth, Becca asks Pip if she wants to see Andie’s burial site. When Pip says yes, Becca tells her to drink up.

Just as Pip and Becca are pulling away in Becca’s VW bug, Ravi is walking back into town. He immediately recognizes Pip’s car but after not receiving a response at the door, he finds himself at Cara Ward’s house. Once Ravi tells her about the events that led to him being there, Cara reveals that she can track Pip’s phone.

By this time, Pip and Becca have arrived at what appears to be an elaborate underground cave. Pip clearly becomes concerned but Becca tells her they are nearly there. Seconds later, they are at the entrance of what now appears to be an underground well with a ladder, leading even further into the ground. Becca ominously tells Pip this is where she put her sister and now she unfortunately has to put her in there as well. At nearly the same time, Pip begins to experience the side effects of the Rohypnol Becca slipped in her tea. Despite being in a bit of a drug stupor, Pip manages to elude Becca at least for the moment. Becca eventually catches up to her but so do Ravi and Cara, along with the police.

Cara A Good Girl's Guide to Murder BBC

When Pip sees Ravi, it completes the memory that has been plaguing her. After Younger Pip (Kitty Anderson) tells Sal where Andie is, it is revealed that the two of them were planning on running away together. The money Andie wanted was for bus tickets.

After the memory is complete, it appears that some time has passed. Pip’s ensuing conversation with Leanne reveals that she changed her EPQ back to Andie’s murder, this time with Leanne’s approval. They two then have a short discussion about Pip’s real father and her feeling like attending Cambridge is her parent’s dream, not hers. Much to Pip’s surprise, Leanne encourages her to do whatever she wants.  Pip visits Andie’s memorial later that day where she has a brief conversation with Max. The discussion isn’t exactly pleasant as Pip vows to ensure that every single person he’s hurt gets justice.

The finale concludes with Pip meeting Ravi in the woods where they discuss trying a new pizza place and make out.


A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder Finale Review

I can’t say the finale was horrible, although I felt it was overly complicated. I think this had a lot to do with trying to keep the viewer doubting and guessing right up until the very end but it came out in kind of a convoluted mess. It was nice to see things end on a happy note while also leaving things up in the air with Max and Pip’s confrontation. I can always appreciate and welcome any ending that keeps viewers thinking.

I haven’t done any research and know nothing of the books, but I simply don’t see a season 2 in the works. That said, I do feel the finale would have been much more impactful with better acting. I didn’t feel that Emma did a horrible job but she’s clearly not adept enough to convey real attitude. Her confrontations are always simply loud, fast, direct, and straight to the point. I don’t feel that she can convey real anger. I was pleasantly surprised by Ravi at times though, but a mime probably could have played his part. For a finale, I’d have to give it a 5.6 out of 10.

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