Phillips My Lady Jane Amazon Prime

My Lady Jane Season 1 Episode 3 Recap

With A Girl Like You – The episode opens with Lady Jane Grey (Emily Bader) spending her honeymoon looking for a cure for Lord Guildford Dudley’s (Edward Bluemel) Ethianism. Guildford barges in to find her deep in her research. After nine failed cure attempts, she is beginning to believe their approach is wrong and suggests searching for a way to control it, not cure it. He insists on a cure or the alternative, death. At the break of dawn, Jane casts a spell to drive the Ethian devil from Guildford’s soul to no avail. A short time later, she finds a ransom note hanging on the door.

In the London Tower, Lord Dudley (Rob Brydon) a guard, George (Harry Trevaldwyn), that he never poisoned King Edward (Jordan Peters) who he believes is in grave danger. George says Dudley’s boiling is scheduled for Friday in Smithfield and claims people are saying Edward is dead. Dudley requests to see Lord Stan Dudley (Henry Ashton). Elsewhere, Jane asks Bertie (Denise Black) for 50 pounds. Bertie declines her request and offers her a kitten or peach instead.

A Kingsland guard (David Webber) tells Princess Bess (Abbie Hern) that Edward’s condition is dire and he isn’t taking visitors. Princess Mary (Kate O’Flynn) thrusts her hand up Lord Seymour’s (Dominic Cooper) sphincter ani. He yells, “The King is dead” when Bess arrives with Petunia (Tallulah Greive) the dog and asks to see Edward. He denies her request before assuming his position bent over the bed. Mary warns him that Bess is onto them and urges him to announce Edward’s death. He says it is a lengthy process and Edward’s body must be recovered. Mary asks if it is necessary since Dudley is charged with poisoning Edward. He claims to have Edward’s will naming her as his successor to the throne. She reluctantly agrees to wait. A short time later, Phillips (James Corrigan) tells Seymour that the will is not at the Chancery. Seymour orders Jane and Guildford’s deaths but insists it looks like an accident. Phillips asks if a new Kingsland guard (Robert Cawsey) can go to assist him. Seymour demands they do it tonight.

Duke of Leicester My Lady Jane Amazon Prime Video

Stan tells Dudley that the Chancery’s office was broken into, and Edward’s will is gone. Dudley asks Stan to find him an alibi. Stan suggests claiming they were on a best-mates trip to the coast. Dudley says it needs to be believable and insists on getting Lady Frances Grey (Anna Chancellor) involved. A short time later, Stan arrives at the Greys in time for the Duke of Leicester (Jim Broadbent) and Lady Katherine Grey’s (Isabella Brownson) wedding.

Bertie shoves Jane out of the way, so she can finish setting the table. Guildford the man arrives and immediately sets down to eat. Jane convinces him to dismiss Bertie before handing him the ransom note. The Pack orders them to pay 50 quid or Susannah’s (Mairead Tyers) throat will be slit. She tells him that Susannah is her Ethian friend. He says there isn’t any money to pay the Pack because Dudley is in serious debt. She starts gathering Dudley’s silver ornaments to cover the ransom. Guildford assures her that the Ethians won’t hurt each other but they will kill her. Refusing to back down, she leaves with an armful of silver ornaments.

Mary informs the Privy Council of Edward’s dire condition. She says before the delirium set in, he appointed her as his successor. She claims he insists she enforces the Division Laws. Taking the floor, old Wessex (Howard Saddler) refutes her claim about Edward’s death. She offers him Skipton Castle for his grandfather’s service in the battle of Towton. Smiling, he admits to always wanting the castle for his own. Bess requests to see Edward. Mary tells her that he died last night.

Jane and Guildford My Lady Jane Amazon Prime Video

Jane is trekking through the woods when she hears a crackling noise. Seeking refuge behind a tree, she arms herself with a rock when Guildford appears. He convinces her to let him escort her to the Ethian camp and offers her a dagger. She reveals her slightly bigger dagger.

During his wedding speech, the Duke of Leicester assures his guests that Edward is alive and urges them to not stress over a female ruler. Frances urges Katherine to smile. He toasts his bride, Katherine. Lady Margaret Grey (Robyn Betteridge) is downcast about the marriage. Elsewhere, Spindly (Tom Gaskin) copies Edward’s will to make Mary his successor. It needs the Royal Seal to validate authenticity. Spindly changes into a grasshopper. Seymour crushes him with his shoe.

Hodgkins (Tom Morley) and Phillips threaten to kill Bertie if she doesn’t tell them where Guildford and Jane went. In the woods, Guildford tells Jane that she is holding her dagger incorrectly. She boasts of her training and says she can take his dagger in 15 seconds. Doubtful, he asks her to put a wager on it. She says he must answer her question truthfully. During the duel, she puts her lips close to his before taking his dagger. She asks what happened during his first Ethian transformation. He refuses to answer her. At the wedding ceremony, Margaret is disgusted at the thought of Katherine and Leicester having sex. Frances assures her that he will fall asleep quickly and the servants will lubricate him well. When Margaret continues to pry, Frances sends her to bed. Stan bribes Frances into helping Dudley by showing her his erection.

In the woods, Jane tells Guildford that her father’s death left them destitute. She claims no one cared about her except Susannah. When they reach the Ethian camp, they see Susannah telling Gentry (Calvin Prince Kalinga) that Jane will come. Jane confronts Susannah for setting her up. Susannah says they don’t need the money, the Ethians will not survive the winter without it. Guildford calls them violent criminals. Susannah denies the allegation and says they steal to survive. She accuses Jane of never caring enough to ask about her family. Jane pleads with her to tell her everything. Susannah claims the Pack took her in after her parents severely beat her for being an Ethian. She blames Jane for her current situation when they hear screaming. They rush outside just in time to witness Phillips and Hodgkins killing a man. Jane and Guildford try to flee but are soon caught. Guildford grabs Hodgkins’ sword and a fight breaks out. After clonking Phillips on the head with a rock, Jane awes them with her superb swordsmanship. Injured, Hodgkins frantically runs away. Guildford and Jane urgently kiss.

Dudley My Lady Jane Amazon Prime

Back at home, Jane and Guildford are about to have sex when she recalls he promised her a divorce. He goes to his chamber. Elsewhere, Katherine is relieved when Leicester passes out drunk. She tells Margaret that she thought Jane’s marriage protected her from Leicester. Katherine warns that Frances will do the same thing to her. Elsewhere, Guildford tells Jane that the men who attacked them in the woods were Kingsland guards. He claims to have first changed on the day of his mother’s murder. He vows to never lie to her again.

Margaret approaches a sleeping Leicester, shoves a pear into his mouth, and squeezes his nose. He struggles to breathe until he gives up. She turns to see Katherine staring at her. Katherine caps a hand over her mouth before smiling. Frances enters the room and asks if they have seen Leicester. She follows their eyes to the unconscious Leicester on the floor. She dislodges the pear from his mouth and takes a bite.

The palace crier announces Edward’s death. Bess removes the original will from a hiding place in her chamber. She stole the will from the Chancery. She voices concern about her future if Jane is Edward’s successor. Petunia grabs the will and runs out of the room. Seymour hands Mary the copied will that doesn’t bear the Royal Seal. At a whisper, he assures her that it will be okay. Petunia drops the real will at Charles’ (Christian Patterson) feet. As Seymour prepares to break the fake seal, Charles reveals the real will bearing Edward’s seal.

A messenger from the palace informs Jane that Edward is dead. Jane is devastated by the news. Bertie says Edward named her his heir to the crown.


My Lady Jane Review

A ransom note demanding 50 pounds for Susannah’s life puts Jane on edge. Guildford informs her that Dudley broke. Determined to save her friend, Jane steals Dudley’s silver and starts out alone. Fearing for her safety, Guildford escorts her to the Ethian camp where they overhear Susannah assuring an Ethian that Jane will come. Jane confronts her about the ransom scheme. Susannah believes the Dudleys have no need for the money. The Pack won’t survive the winter without it.

Seymour and Mary order Phillips and Hodgkins to kill Guildford and Jane. Phillips captures them but they manage to get away. Jane refuses to allow herself to get close to Guildford.

Seymour has Edward’s will copied to make Mary an heir to the throne. Their plan is thwarted by Bess who has the official will. Jane is shocked to learn she is the Queen.

Frances goes back on her promise to not marry Katherine to Leicester. Terribly disappointed and concerned about Katherine, Margaret suffocates Leicester while he is inebriated. Katherine watches her in the act. The episode deserves a 5.8 out of 10.


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