Pippa A Good Girl's Guide to Murder BBC

A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder Series 1 Episode 2 Recap

Episode 2 begins with Pippa Fitz-Amobi/Pip (Emma Myers) questioning Andie Bell’s (India Lillie Davies) best friend since primary school, Emma Hutton (Georgia Arron). Pip’s official third interrogation doesn’t get far once she accuses Emma of lying about Andie and Sal Singh (Rahul Pattni) never fighting.

Pip’s murder wall is nearly completely covered and although Leanne Fitz-Amobi (Anna Maxwell Martin) is worried about the obsessiveness, she promises not to interfere as long as Pip’s other obligations don’t suffer. It doesn’t look like this will be a problem after Pip lays out her extensive spreadsheet of all the Cambridge Colleges their acceptance rates, qualifications, and recent alumni. Once Leanne is gone, Pip makes arrangements to meet with Ravi Singh (Zain Iqbal).

When Pip does meet with Ravi, he immediately makes it known that he isn’t happy about being left out of the Emma Hutton interrogation. She assures him that he didn’t miss much and all she really learned was that Emma claimed Sal and Andie never argued. According to Ravi, Andie’s dad didn’t approve her of dating Sal so he doubts that. When Andie’s other friend, Nat Da Silva (Jessica Webber), comes up during their talk, Ravi refers to her as Nudegate Nate and shares the story about someone leaking her nude photos.

Pip A Good Girl's Guide to Murder BBC

Cara Ward (Asha Banks) and Pip begin to put their fight behind them when Cara explains why she got so upset about Pip involving, Naomi Ward (Yasmin Al-Khudhairi) in her investigation. According to Cara, Naomi has had a hard time dealing with the loss of their mother, and Sal’s subsequent death only heightened things. It isn’t until Pip brings up Nat’s leaked nudes that Naomi speaks up for the living room. She basically says it’s a good thing that Nat doesn’t know who leaked the photos because she can be fierce. Pip also learns that Cara has an upcoming tennis match with Nat before Elliot Ward’s (Mathew Baynton) arrival ends the discussion.

Before Pip questions Nat at the tennis match, Lauren Gordon (Yali Topal Margalith) tells her about finding Anthony/Ant Hastings with Stella Chapman (Mitu Panicucci) during what was supposed to be their first date. Since Pip has to question Nat in the locker room while she’s dressing, the interrogation begins on an awkward note. Despite this, Nat claims that Andie was an incredible person but had a knack for attracting the wrong men. That’s as far as Nat is willing to go at the moment and warns Pip to be careful. Things become even more awkward for Pip when Dan Da Silva (Jackson Bews) arrives to pick up Nat.

Pip briefly returns home where Victor (Gary Beadle), Josh (Kamari Loyd), and Leanne Amobi help her pack for Cara’s birthday camping trip. Before the trip, Pip also meets with Ravi where she replays Nat’s interrogation for him. Much to Pip’s surprise, he poses at Nat and texts Emma which eventually provides the discovery that Andie was dating some ‘secret older guy.’

When Pip takes Ravi back into town and simultaneously picks up Cara, their meeting is awkward at best. Shortly after this, the rest of Pip’s gang arrives and they are soon loaded and off on their way to the woods. They spend the day swimming and lounging in the summer sun before retiring around the campfire with scary stories and alcoholic beverages. This eventually segues into them playing ‘Charlie, Charlie,’ an Ouija-style game that ends up scaring the pants off them. The game is practically useless but it does reveal that Andie’s body is still yet to be recovered.

Becca A Good Girl's Guide to Murder BBC

Much later that night, Lauren wakes with an urgency to use the bathroom and instills both Cara and Pip in the task. There is a bit of brief joking about Cara’s crush, Ruby Foxcroft (Orla Hill), but the discussion is soon sidelined by a sudden light in the distance. Pip goes after the light but only ultimately ends up running back into the girls, which scares them all further. Returning back to camp, Connor Reynolds (Jude Morgan-Collie) makes the offer for him and Zach Chen (Raiko Gohara) to keep watch for the rest of the night, which certainly does not put the girl’s minds at ease. When Pip does finally get back to bed, she discovers a threatening note under her pillow, with the printed words, ‘STOP DIGGING PIPPA.’

Early the following morning, the gang packs up and heads back into town. Pip drops Cara off last and their discussion reveals that summer break is nearly over. Pip is also slightly hurt that Cara told Lauren about her crush on Ruby. Cara initially claims that Lauren guessed but then says that Pip isn’t into those kinds of conversations. As Cara assures her that their relationship will not change and leaves, Pip happens to notice Naomi and Max Hastings (Henry Ashton) arguing in a parked car.

When Pip returns home and adds Nat to her list of suspects, she also just happens to notice that Adam is a member of the Little KIlton Police Force. It is not long after this that Pip invites Ravi over to view her murder wall. This turns out to be a wise move because when he puts Andie’s photos in chronological order, it reveals that two weeks before her disappearance, Nat was no longer in those photos. This leads to the assumption that Andie leaked the news.

Pip uses Ravi’s phone once again to arrange a meeting with Nat. She isn’t at all happy when she realizes she’s been misled and laughs at the prospect that it was Andie who leaked her photos. She is in the process of leaving when Ravi convinces her to stay by unveiling that he had a fight with Sal before he killed himself and still feels awful about it. This inspires Nat to tell them that Andie changed and started hanging out with Max before she disappeared. Nat apparently tried to tell her that Max was a nasty piece of work but Andie didn’t want to hear it.

Anna Maxwell Martin A Good Girl's Guide to Murder BBC

After saying goodbye to Ravi, Pip finds herself at Max’s house where she briefly meets Rosie (Annabel Mullion) and Toby (Adam Astill) before being led to Max’s room. Max appears to be in the shower at the moment and Pip takes full advantage by snooping. Just as she finds a compromising photo of Andie in lingerie, Max interrupts her. He claims he found the photo and decided to hang on to it for inspiration.

The episode ends with Pip learning that Sal and Andie were arguing about her selling drugs. Max claims he was one of her customers and doesn’t know Andie’s dealer, although he knows that she meets him at something known as Calamity Parties.


A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder Review

I can’t say the episode was horrible, but the 2 minutes or so somehow made the episode feel much more drug out. I know 2 minutes doesn’t seem like a lot but it can be an eternity in a series like this. I did like the camping theme and although completely useless, it somehow added some nostalgia to the episode for me.

I do appreciate the way the series appears to be shaping up with the drug angle. For me, this adds a much-needed adult feel. The one thing, I do not appreciate is the constant racial blurbs. I’d give this episode a 5.5 out of 10.

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