Mike Supacell Netflix

Supacell Season 1 Episode 1 Recap

Michael – The episode begins with several guards (Spencer Normington) pursuing an escaped patient, Kemi Amusan (Nanette Ababio). She becomes trapped in a hallway where she uses some kind of super ability to blast through the door. Her momentary lapse from the glaring sun gives the guards just enough time to catch up and shoot her.

Somewhere in a bustling city, a man, Ray (Eddie Marsan) in a new convertible approaches a woman, Dionne Ofori (Adelayo Adedayo), walking on the sidewalk. The conversation begins as if they have just met, but they are soon revealed the intimate acquainted when he speeds ahead and gets out. Despite the car apparently being an expense they can’t afford, the allure to get behind the wheel is too much for Dionne to resist.

Andre Simpson (Eric Kofi Abrefa) races to a restaurant to meet with his estranged son, AJ Simpson (Ky-Mani Carty), and ex-wife, Aisha (Linda Adey). After AJ is excused from the table by his mother, it doesn’t take Andre long to realize he’s being leveraged to speed time with his son. Despite his initial offer not being enough to satisfy her, he eventually talks her into giving him a few hours with AJ. Immediately after Aisha is gone, Andre gives AJ a new iPhone.

Tazer Amusan (John Tedeku) and The Tower boys aren’t exactly given a red carpet invitation when they show up unexpectedly at Keisha’s (Desire Cook) house party. Just as they settle in, Chucky (Digga D) and the Sixer Boys show up outside, making threats. Tazer quickly learns from Tiny (Akai Coleman) that they are outnumbered but decides to confront Chucky anyway. Tazer’s crew runs before the fighting even begins and Tazer ends up getting stabbed just as the cops arrive.

The story returns to Michael as he makes a delivery to Sharleen (Rayxia Ojo) and Sabrina Clarke (Nadine Mills). Sharleen is practically drooling over him, but he turns down her every offer. She later asks Sabrina if she thinks he is homosexual but Sabrina is much more interested in making it to work early to care for a patient.

Andre is thanking John (Travis Jay) for something he did that helped him get to see AJ when he’s called into Gavin’s (Andrew Ashford) office. It doesn’t take Andre long to read the writing on the wall when Gavin tells him he’s a hard worker but the new owners requested a DBS check. Before he can even finish the sentence, Andre is storming out of the office.

Tazer Supacell Netflix


During one of his deliveries, Michael stops at a restaurant for a quick work with his friend Gabriel (Michael Salami). He tells him about his plans to propose to Dionne and asks for his help with finding a place to do so. Gabriel immediately begins making calls. At the same time, Sabrina is shown meeting with her patient Shirley (Penny Layden) where they discuss everything from Sharleen to Sabrina’s boyfriend.

The Tower Boys visit Tazer in the hospital to apologize for running out on him. He appears to be quick to forgive but assures them there is no taking the Sixers lightly. With Krazy (Ghetts) in prison, they already think they run things. They pass Mike just as he arrives to visit his mother, Tina Brown (Pamla Jikiemi).

Just as Mike tells his mother that some people will be by to speak with her about a Sickle Cell Clinic, Rebecca (Erika Alexander) arrives with a representative, Victoria Kesh (Sian Brooke). Although their conversation is extremely brief, it suggests that Victoria and Rebecca are from a new Sickle Cell Clinic. Their goal appears to be to limit the amount of suffering patients experience without turning them into junkies at the same time. Although Mike isn’t even a candidate for the disease, he appears enthused for his Tina while she is hesitant.

The footage now introduces Rodney (Calvin Demba), who appears to be a struggling weed dealer. Things are so bad for him that one customer (Liam Bull) literally pays him in change. Rodney later discusses this with either a friend or dealer named, Spud (Giacomo Mancini), who promises him things will get better. At nearly the same instance, the footage goes back to the facility from the beginning where a patient, Jasmine Johnson (Mona Wilson) pleads for a phone call.

Grandma Supacell Netflix


Mike arrives in Tower Boy territory to make a delivery just as Tazer learns that Chucky has dropped a diss track. Twosie (Andy Thompson) takes this more lightly than the others and it doesn’t sit well with those who consider it a major offense. It doesn’t matter because attention is soon turned to Mike. Things take an immediate turn for the worse when Mike refuses to pay the Tower Boy’s tax for operating in the area. This ultimately leads to Mike getting stabbed. It appears this ignites his superpower, which transports him back in time to where he is just arriving in the neighborhood. He plays the event much differently this time and walks away with his life intact.

Things only continue to worsen for Rodney when he tries to make a delivery and discovers that his vehicle won’t start. Although he makes a courtesy call to his awaiting customer, James, he is unsympathetic and even jokes about him catching the bus. Rodney arrives at the bus stop to find that it has already pulled out and is on its way. It is this scenario that ignites his superpower and before he knows it, he’s run all the way to Edinburgh, Scotland.

Sabrina spends countless hours preparing for her date with Kevin (Junior Afolabi Salokun) to only learn later that he’s stood her up, once again. Although Sharleen attempts to comfort her, she is also quick to point out that this isn’t the first time Kevin has stood her up. Sharleen suggests tracking him down to find out what he is really up to, but Sabrina claims she isn’t that type of girlfriend. The scene ends by suggesting that she may have changed her mind.

After learning that he’s yet to be paid at the ATM, Andre’s superpowers kick in. He becomes angry and punches the machine, which cracks the entire building and causes the machine to spit money. A shot of a nearby camera suggests that the entire episode is caught on tape.

Gabriel Supacell Netflix


While Tazer’s Grandmother (Golda John) confronts him about discovering his bloodied shirt, Sharleen and Sabrina have arrived outside Kevin’s house. Given that the lights are out, it appears that no one is home. Just as Sabrina is about to pull out, a food delivery driver pulls in. This ultimately leads to Sabrina meeting Kerry (Kristy Bloom), Kevin’s other girlfriend. Kevin’s sudden appearance is what causes Sabrina’s superpowers to kick it. He’s chasing her down the street as she’s walking away and without even laying a finger on him, he catapults in through the front door.

Although it’s obvious that Mike’s mind is clearly elsewhere during his dinner with Dionne, he goes through with the marriage proposal. This is cleverly done with the Waiter (David Abecassis) delivering a chocolate cake with, ‘Will You Marry Me?’ spelled out on the plate. She initially thinks the incident is some kind of mix-up but after learning the truth, accepts his proposal. When they return home and get intimate, his eyes light up yellow, which causes him to teleport to the middle of a city, where he sees others with superpowers preparing for what appears to be an upcoming battle. He soon realizes there is also another version. This other version tells him that he’s in the future and takes him to a gravesite where Dionne has been laid to rest. The future Mike tells him that he can save her.


Supacell Review

I wouldn’t feel as if I was doing my due diligence if I judged this episode too harshly. Despite it being nearly an hour long, it was only the first episode, so there is still time for improvement. What I can honestly say is, that Supacell is much different than superhero stories of the past. Today, most superhero fans are focused on morally corrupt, mentally depraved heroes. Supacell has a much older school feel to it, almost like Heroes or 4400.

That said, I am interested in learning what makes Dionne so special. Why would a team of superheroes be brought together to save the love of one man’s girlfriend? It did appear that there was a hint about an upcoming battle, but what role does Dionne play in that? All in all, a fascinating yet very unoriginal and poorly executed tale. I’d have to give this premiere a 4.8 out of 10.

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