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Sullivan’s Crossing Series 2 Episode 10 Finale Recap

Remorse – As the episode opens, Maggie Sullivan (Morgan Kohan) enters the unusually crowded diner where Rob Shandon (Reid Price) and Sydney Shandon (Lindura) are hard at work. Rob apologizes for Glenn Perry (Dean Armstrong) backing out of the partnership with Harry “Sully” Sullivan (Scott Patterson). She says hopefully Sully raises enough money to beat Glenn’s bid. He donates an undisclosed amount of money to help save The Crossing. Finn Shandon (Zayn Maloney) excitedly approaches with a jar of coins from his classmates. Sydney voices concern about never seeing Maggie again if Glenn wins the auction. Maggie promises to stay in touch. They embrace.

Sully is hesitant to take Frank Cranebear’s (Tom Jackson) donation. Frank urges him to not give up yet. At the Outpost, Cal Jones (Chad Michael Murray) tells Maggie that the fire department donations were dropped off at the bank. He says Sedona Jones’s (Mehan Ory) test results should be back today. She admits to being concerned if Sully loses The Crossing. He offers to go with her to the auction. She accepts the offer. Edna Cranebear (Andrea Menard) informs Maggie that the crowdfunding campaign did great but they only raised half of what they had hoped.

Phoebe Sullivan's Crossing CTV CW

Connie Boyle (Lauren Hammersley) informs Alysa Mackenzie (Michelle Nolden) that she is considering taking a job at Otter Lake. She claims to like Alysa a lot but needs time before getting into another relationship. Alysa admits to being disappointed but understands her position. She promises to be there when she figures it all out. They kiss.

Mary Bailey praises Sully for his help when Bert Bailey lost his job. She says Bert died six years ago and he would want her to help him save The Crossing. Lola Gunderson (Amalia Williamson) and Sully anxiously wait while Mary finds photos of them at The Crossing. At the auction, Maggie tells Glenn that he should be ashamed of himself for trying to take advantage of Sully. He suggests she leave because they will never raise enough money to beat his bid. Elsewhere, Mary returns with two photo albums. Lola tells her that the auction is getting ready to start any minute. At the auction, Maggie speaks about the true value of Sullivan’s Crossing. She says Sully has put the needs of his community before his own. Mr. Bernier says Sully helped him when he found himself in a difficult situation. He gives Maggie an envelope with cash. Mrs. Harrison says Sully took her mother to the hospital and gives Maggie a donation. Mrs. MacDonald says Sully built her son a wheelchair ramp and gives Maggie her donation.

Mary gives Sully a $20k donation. He tries to return the money but she insists he take it. They embrace. At the auction, the opening bid is set at $50k. The bid is down to Maggie and Glenn. Glenn sends George (Lewis Hodgson) to withdraw money from his bank account to cover the deposit. Glenn wins the auction at $200k as Sully and Lola arrive. Glenn sarcastically says it is a shame Sully missed all the fun. The Sheriff (Andrew Bigelow) says he has 30 minutes to make the deposit. Maggie calls Frank and Edna to ask them to go to the bank. At the auction, Sully tells Cal when his father asked him to take over The Crossing, he and Phoebe didn’t want it.

Cal and Maggie Sullivan's Crossing CVT CW

Frank and Edna are in line at the bank when George enters. Glenn has 15 minutes to pay the deposit. At the bank, Frank sets the change jar on the counter and whispers something to the bank teller (Alexis Milligan). She says anything for Sully before pouring the change out on the counter. Frank smirks at George. At the auction, the Sheriff says times up. Glenn pleads for an extra five minutes. Sully wins the bid at $160k. While Sully, Maggie, Lola, and Cal celebrate, George arrives with Glenn’s cash. Relieved, Sully says they are still in business. A short time later, Sully makes Frank and Edna his new partners.

Finn works on a banner to celebrate Sully’s winning bid. Sydney asks Rob if Jane (Cindy Sampson) is invited to the party. He says they have agreed to take it slow. She warns him against making the same mistake as she did with Rafe Vadas (Dakota Taylor). He suggests it isn’t too late for him and Rafe. Elsewhere, Sully assures Maggie that she will be a great mother. She says her baby’s legacy is The Crossing which is why she has decided to stay there. They embrace.

Sydney tells Rafe that David ruined her career and her self-esteem. He claims to have thought she never wanted to be with him. He holds her. During a phone call, Sedona informs Maggie and Cal that she has a tumor on her ovary. Maggie suggests it is a teratoma and after surgery, she should make a full recovery. Sedona thanks her because she thought she had schizophrenia. After the call ends, Maggie tells Cal that she belongs at The Crossing with him. She professes to be in love with him. He claims to have loved her since they first met. Sully barges in as they are kissing.

s02e09 sullivan's crossing maggie

Shannon’s Diner – Finn goes to the back to get more decorations for Sully’s celebration. A fire breaks out in the kitchen. A short time later, Cal and Maggie arrive to find Clover (Jamsyn Blake) hysterical outside the diner. Cal and Sully race into the burning building to look for Finn. Maggie calls Rob as the fire department arrives. Cal emerges carrying Finn. Sully is still inside the diner. Finn is alert. Rob frantically apologizes to Finn. Maggie assures him and Sydney that Finn is going to be okay. While dressing a burn on Cal’s arm, she demands he never scare her like that again. Rafe emerges from the diner without Sully. Something inside the diner explodes. Cal holds a hysterical Maggie.


Sullivan’s Crossing Review

The community donates $200k for Sully and The Crossing. Unfortunately, it isn’t enough to earn Sully the winning big. Glenn wins the auction and with 30 minutes to come up with the cash deposit, he sends George to the bank. Frank and Edna beat George to the bank with a jar of coins from Finn’s school. The delay results in Sully winning the auction.

Maggie has decided not to return to Boston. She tells Cal that she is in love with him. Rob plans a party to celebrate The Crossing. A fire breaks out in the kitchen. Cal and Sully go in for Finn. Cal comes out with Finn. Rafe cannot find Sully. The fire erupts into an explosion. Maggie is devastated.


The story is cliché and bleak but still one of the better Canadian drama series on TV. As expected, the finale ends on a cliffhanger with Sully trapped inside the burning diner.

Sullivan’s Crossing has been commissioned by CTV for a third series. The episode deserves a 6.2. out of 10. Get more Sullivan’s Crossing recaps here. Support Reel Mockery by donating. Learn how advertising with us can help build brand awareness. Join our newly established forum to discuss the latest TV shows and movies.

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