s02e09 sullivan's crossing maggie

Sullivan’s Crossing Series 2 Episode 9 Recap

Remorse – As this episode of Sullivan’s Crossing begins, Sully (Scott Patterson) tries to call Lola (Amalia Williamson). He leaves a message asking Lola to call him. Maggie (Morgan Kohan) enters and checks on her father. Sully insists he’s fine. He’s going to call Frank to see if he wants to go for a walk. Edna (Andrea Menard) asks Frank (Tom Jackson) to get the phone. Once he does, Frank says he’s going over to Sully’s because he needs to talk. He reminds Edna that he’s Frank’s sponsor. She doesn’t know how he can be so patient with Sully but not his own cousin. Frank learns that Sully told Lola. Sully worries she’ll never trust him again, but Frank just thinks it needs time.

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Sully admits he hasn’t told Maggie because he doesn’t think it’s a good time. He wishes there was something he could do. Sully knows it’s time for him to face the storm. Lola keeps reliving the accident. Maggie visits Cal (Chad Michael Murray) to see if he heard anything from Sedona. He says she has an appointment with one of the specialists Maggie recommended. Maggie joins him for breakfast and mentions being pregnant. They talk about the investor for the Crossing. Maggie says it’s the owner of the golf course across the lake. She knows she needs to start getting her life in order. When Cal mentions Andrew, Maggie says things aren’t working out between them. They’ve decided to go separate ways. As for Cal, he’s going to volunteer for the Search and Rescue team until he decides what to do full time.

Maggie says they’ll be lucky to have him before leaving. Jane (Cindy Sampson) says hello to Rob (Reid Price) at the restaurant. They briefly talk about Rob’s wife. Jane says she had a tough time after her divorce. The more she kept it to herself the harder it became to connect with people. It got easier when she stopped trying to hide how she was feeling. Jane says she’s always there if he ever wants to talk about Sarah. Maggie speaks to Phoebe (Lynda Boyd) who suggests interviewing nannies. Maggie would prefer to talk about something else. Phoebe mentions that Walter is heartbroken. They’re going to let him keep his license so he can make restitution. Maggie ends the call. Cal speaks to Connie (Lauren Hammersley) about volunteering for the search and rescue. He explains his residency came through so he can finally move forward with his life.

Connie always thought it’d be nice to go somewhere and start new where no one knows you. Cal argues there’s nothing holding her back. Maggie checks on Sully when he returns home. He tells her that she deserves to hear the truth. After he hit Lola, he couldn’t live with him. Frank found him and put him in rehab. By that point, the accident had been labeled a hit-and-run. Sully thought he could help Lola more from there than being behind bars. He needs to know she’s okay. Maggie offers to go check on Lola. She says getting behind the wheel was wrong, but she was just as desperate to get back to him that day. Frank and Edna talk about Sully. He needs to tell her something about Sully. Jackson (T. Thomason) surprises Connie when he returns. He asks for the house key. Once he leaves, Connie talks about raising kids and kicking them out when they get old.

Sully Sullivan's Crossing CTV

She admits she’s glad Tom convinced her to have kids. Maggie visits Lola to make sure she’s okay. She tries to convince Lola that Sully wouldn’t intentionally hurt her. Lola thinks she should be happy because she never wanted her to be a part of Sully’s life. Maggie is asked to leave. Edna learns about Sully hitting Lola. Frank explains why he didn’t tell her initially. She isn’t happy about it. Maggie tells Sully what happened and says he just needs to give her some space. Sully gives her his mortgage files, his bank account information, and the deed to the Crossing because she’s going to need them when she’s negotiating Glenn’s officer with the Crossing. Sully wants to turn himself into the police. Maggie wants to call Frank. Then, she asks to call Cal since he’s a defense attorney. Lola takes pills.

In a flashback, Sedona (Meghan Ory) asks her if she’s been back to the place where it happened. Lola decides to go back there to see if it’ll help. Edna returns to Frank and reminds him how supportive she’s been. She’s tired of being taken for granted. Edna explains she’s tired of always coming in second. Frank tells her he’ll be back to pick her up before leaving. Cal tells Maggie that Sully’s future depends on whether Lola wants to press charges. Cal admits it’s possible for Sully to go to prison. He thinks it matters that Sully is doing the right thing now. Cal wants to walk him through what to expect. Lola returns to the scene of the accident. Maggie tries to call Lola who is out of her car at the time. Maggie leaves her a message telling her what’s going on. Lola remembers pieces of the accident before realizing it wasn’t Sully at all.

Sully gets ready to turn himself in at the police station until Lola arrives and stops him. She thinks it was another car that hit her. Sydney enters the restaurant where Rob greets her. She says it went well, but she’s not going back because she doesn’t fit in that world anymore. She thinks she needed to face David and put that behind her. Sydney is ready to move forward with Rafe. Connie calls Noah to see if they still have the position at Otter Lake. Maggie and Sully talk about the recent revelation. Cal says the police believe crosschecking the description of the vehicle with speeding tickets might help. Sully leaves. Maggie thanks Cal for being there. She admits she’s really going to miss him. Cal leaves a short time later. Lola calls Maggie to apologize for being rude earlier. She invites her over so she can talk to her about something.

Cal Sullivan's Crossing CTV

Sydney visits Rafe (Dakota Taylor) to say she’s decided not to return to modeling. She’s finally ready to do this with him. Rafe isn’t sure they can just pick up where they left off. He doesn’t think she’s ready to be in a real relationship. Sydney leaves. At home, Frank admits to Edna that he hasn’t been fair to her. He let his friendship with Sully get in the way of their relationship. Frank gives her his mother’s regalia. He called his cousin who got it back for him. Frank insists there will never be anyone else for him. Lola tells Maggie she spent years blaming the person who hit her for everything that went wrong in her life. She realizes Sully lied because he was afraid of losing her. Lola gives her the letter that Cal left in his cabin. She admits she kept it because she was jealous.

Maggie gets why she did it because she’s been jealous of Lola too. She reads the letter. Cal wrote that he needs to put his past behind him so he can move forward. Lola reminds Maggie that he came back to Sullivan’s Crossing for her. Cal remembers Sedona telling him that he’s in love with Maggie. Lola visits Sully so they can talk. She understands why he lied. Sully says he never lied about loving her. Glenn calls Sully to say he’s changed his mind. He thinks the profit split needs to be 70-30. Sully reminds him this is his life they’re talking about. Glenn threatens that his place could fall into the wrong hands at the auction. He looks forward to bidding against Sully at the auction. After the call, Sully admits Frank was right about Glenn and he should’ve never trusted him. Sully says they’re not taking it away from them without a fight.

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Sullivan’s Crossing Review

This episode of Sullivan’s Crossing was strong in some ways although the writing could be a little better. The best thing about Sullivan’s Crossing is the general moodiness of the series. It always does a good job of being moody and gloomy. It combines the scenery, the actions, and the music to create a depressing situation exceptionally well.

This episode was a little unique because it had some uplifting moments. Those tend to be rare in Sullivan’s Crossing. There were still plenty of conflicts such as Rafe not getting back together with Sydney so easily. The biggest issue that stood out in this episode was the cliché way Lola learned the truth about the accident and the timing of it.

It was hard not to roll my eyes at that. These silly moments have been scattered throughout the season so viewers have likely accepted them by this point. Otherwise, the episode did a good job moving past one obstacle and setting up another that should be resolved in the finale. Overall, this was another decent episode of Sullivan’s Crossing despite an eye-rolling moment here and there.

The episode scores a 6 out of 10. Recaps of Sullivan’s Crossing can be found on Reel Mockery here. Find out how to support our independent site at this link. Learn more about advertising with us here. Discuss this show and others at the Reel Mockery Forum.

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