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The Outlaws Series 3 Episode 1 Recap

The episode opens six months after the finale of season two. A man (Stephen Aaron-Sipple) asks Rani (Rhianne Barreto) to come back to bed. She declines the offer but agrees to meet again at a later date. When he leaves to retrieve his phone, she grabs a knife and races out the door before he returns. A short time later, she watches Smiler (Rhys Yates) emerge from his vehicle and enter a business. Armed with a knife, she approaches the building.

Bristol City Farm – Diane (Jessica Gunning) gives new Community Service Supervisor, Stan (Harry Trevaldwyn) a few pointers. In a pig sty, Gregory “Greg” Dillard (Stephen Merchant) excitedly says they hate him because he ate a bacon roll for breakfast. A short time later, she introduces Stan as a homosexual and gives him a whistle. He faintly blows the whistles. She says you need a bit of practice, “puff.” John (Darren Boyd) points out that puff is a homophobic slur. She denies calling him a puff. With the introductions out of the way, Diane threatens to increase Ben (Gamba Cole), Greg, Myrna, (Clare Perkins) and John’s community service. Rani waits until Diane leaves to ask them for help in disposing of the Smiler’s body. Ben asks why they should help her. She says it involves them too.

Haines The Outlaws Amazon

As Diane warns Stan to always be on his guard, Greg, Ben, Myrna, and John haphazardly carry Smiler’s body to the supply shed. Diane turns to see them and asks what they are carrying. They claim it is hay. She orders them to get on it before turning back to Stan.

24 hours Earlier, Ben is preparing food at his barbecue stand when Tori (Silvia Presente) approaches. After a bit of back-and-forth, they plan to meet later tonight.

At the border, Myrna leads a protest against illegal deportations. The protestors restrain themselves to the security gate but it does nothing to stop people from crossing the border. A guard utilizes a bolt cutter to cut the chain. Myrna is being toted through the facility by four police officers when she spots Sean (Patrick Robinson). He tells her that he is divorced. She claims to have enjoyed his novel. He invites her for a drink but she declines.

John The Outlaws Amazon

Greg is amid a video consultation when he has to stop to remind Gabby (Grace Calder) and Sarah (Chelsea Edge) of the rules. The silence lasts a few minutes before Sarah and Gabby are back at it. Myrna stops by to ask Greg to take her case pro bono. He tells her that he can’t afford to give out free information. When Gabby emerges from her room, she sees something is off with Myrna. After a quick assessment of Myrna’s hands, Gabby suggests she has met someone. Impressed, Myrna fills her in on Sean. She forces Myrna to call Sean under a false premise. The real Myrna comes through but they set up a date for later tonight.

En route to pick up Derek (Mark Horton), John listens to a mindfulness audio. Derek plans to utilize the downtime to read over some documents. He drowns out John’s rambling with a pair of earbuds. Elsewhere, Gabby helps Myrna get dressed and insists she eats before going to the restaurant. A short time later, Myrna stumbles her way through the restaurant. Sean greets her with a kiss and asks if she is hungry. She claims to have eaten earlier.

Greg and Anne-Marie (Jessica Boyde) cannot hear the TV over Sarah and Gabby’s squealing. Fearing for Anne-Marie’s safety, Greg wants her to get blood typed before handling a knife. Elsewhere, Sean tells Myrna about his children. When he learns she is childless by choice, he asks if she ever regretted her decision. She admits to having many regrets. He proposes a toast to second chances. She gulps down her wine and suggests they get a refill but he has an early appointment.

Diane The Outlaws Amazon

While streaming live, Gabby explains in detail her heavy menstrual bleeding caused by uterine polyps. Greg is no longer hungry. She says the surgery went well but she was prohibited from having sexual intercourse for six weeks. Greg tells Anne-Marie that it was a wonderful time. Gabby compares her horniness to that of a Viking’s hat. At the restaurant, Myrna is regretting her date with Sean. She swaps out her heels for clogs before reuniting with Sean. Upon leaving, they encounter Ruth (Amanda Drew) who asks her to tell John that she hopes he is well. Outside, Sean and Myrna kiss. Elsewhere, An Uber passenger (Brona C. Titley) gives John an earful about his constant yacking. He convinces himself to remain calm.

12 Hours Earlier – The Dean (Claes Bang) demands to know why the key witness, Christian Taylor, in his case is still alive. Smiler claims he is holed up at an undisclosed location. Strickland (Nicholas Rowe) warns against harming the witness and assures them that he can discredit his testimony. Elsewhere, lead prosecutor, Rhona Weaver (Bridgitta Roy informs DCI Monroe (Rufus Wright) and DS Selforth (Kojo Kamara) that The Dean claims Sergeant Lucy Haines (Grace Calder) set him up. Selforth refutes the claim. They have 48 hours before the Counter Corruption Unit is called in. Monroe orders Selforth to snoop on Haines. Later, he discovers deposits totaling 90 grand made to Haines’ Swiss Morrison Bank account by Laycock Logistic Services. A burner phone found in her desk drawer validates contact between her and Christian Taylor. He dials a number and Rani answers. Ben and Tori are on a date when Rani calls. Tori answers his phone.

Myrna and Sean get intimate. Elsewhere, Tori tells Ben that Rani called. She kisses him and invites him in. The next day, Rani asks Ben about Tori. He says they are dating. She demands to know why he never returned her call. Greg accuses her of breaking Ben’s heart when she left. Rani claims to have stolen a car, rented a hotel, and had sex with a stranger. Smiler lures her into a trap. A physical dispute breaks out between her, Smiler, and an unidentified man. Smiler is stabbed with her knife. The two of them flee and he dies a short time later. Diane barges in and demands an explanation. John blames it on the pigs. While standing next to Smiler’s body, she warns them that nothing slips past her. She orders them to pay the hay away before leaving.

Greg The Outlaws Amazon

Ben, Myrna, John, and Greg believe Rani murdered Smiler and is trying to frame it on them. They are planning to take Smiler’s body back to his car when Selforth arrives to speak with Diane. She claims to have reported the drugs at the community center to Haines. She explains how she got stuck inside a portable toilet. Selforth insists on speaking to the offenders. As Greg, John, Myrna, and Ben emerge from the supply shed with Smiler’s body, Gabby approaches. Startled, they drop the body on the ground. Gabby tells them that the doctor said there is a slight chance that her uterine polyps could return. Diane, Selforth, and Stan approach. Stan tells Gabby that he loves her. Selforth asks when they last saw Rani. Ben denies seeing her since she left town six months ago. A pig pulls at the tarp, exposing Smiler’s head. John urges Gabby to talk about her polyps. Greg and the pigs play tug-a-war with the tarp. Gabby questions what type of mother she would be since her own mother committed suicide.

Ben imagines Rani stabbing Smiler. Later, they push the car into the river but it gets stuck. Elsewhere, John and Greg dig a hole for Smiler’s body. Myrna asks if the hands and feet should be removed to conceal his identity. She tells John about her brief encounter with Ruth. Greg calls to check on Anne-Marie. Back at the river, Rani pleads with Ben to let him stay at his place. He reluctantly agrees. One massive shove and the car goes into the river. They watch as it sinks out of sight.


The Outlaws Review

After a six-month hiatus, Ranie returns to Bristol with a dead body. On The Dean’s orders, Smiler tracks Ranie down and tries to kill her but he gets stabbed in the process. He dies a short time later, leaving her to deal with his body. John, Myrna, Greg, and Ben initially believe she has returned to pin the murder on them. Knowing they will go down with her, they agree to help her dispose of the body and his car.

Myrna meets up with her former lover, Sean. She vows to hold strong but ends up having sex with him.

Seforth discovers evidence of Haines receiving 90 grand over a period of months from Laycock Logistic Services. He discovers a burner phone connecting her to Rani and Christian.

Ben’s relationship with Tori is threatened when Rani asks him to let her stay at his place. He reluctantly agrees.


It feels as if the story is at a standstill. The acting remains strong but the story is pretty much the same. The jokes are flat and repetitive. Too much dialogue and not enough action. It gets to the point that it is like watching season two and then the boredom sets in. The episode deserves a 5.2 out of 10.

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