Glenn Harry Wild Acorn TV

Harry Wild Series 3 Episode 2 Recap

Too Many Harrys Spoil The Murder – The episode opens with Chef Daryl Creed (Michael David McKernan) and his team, Gail Breslin (Maria Branagan) and Lenny Barnicott (Sodiq Ajibola Abiola) preparing a pig recipe. Maria Pavlena (Jade O’Connor) rushes Gail to the dining room where Ian Croft (Don Wycherley) is telling a blonde joke. She orders a round of shots for Ian and his colleagues before leaving. While preparing the drinks, Harry Benedict (Lochiann O’Mearain) sees Ian pursue Maria. Back in the kitchen, Creed asks Tamsin Healy (Suzie Seweify) to bring him Maria. Tamsin sees something disturbing in the supply closet. She recollects herself before returning to the kitchen and telling Creed that she couldn’t find Maria. Ian has returned to his seat when Creed enters to serve the guests. Creed lifts the lid to reveal Maria’s head with an apple in her mouth.

Creed tells Harry Wild (Jane Seymour) and Fergus Reid (Rohan Nedd) that his former partner, Jeff Thompson (Barry John Kinsella) murdered Maria. He says Jeff and Maria were dating when they established “Original,” now known as “AI Vesuvio.” When he and Maria developed feelings for each other, Jeff sold him his share in Original and acquired a nearby restaurant which he renamed “The New Original.” Creed claims the police have witnesses putting Jeff in his restaurant at the time of Maria’s death.

Fergus confirms that Harry will accompany him to meet with his attorney. Harry asks if they could resolve the issue more amicably. He reminds her that Paula Kenny (Samantha Mumba) is trying to get custody of Liberty Reid (Rosa Willow Lee) and vows to protect his family. She says Paula is his mother. Creed demands to know why they are searching the wine storage when Maria wasn’t killed there. Harry finds a political novel, “The Undergrounders,” in Maria’s desk drawer. A short time later, Harry and Fergus interview Creed’s staff. A long-term employee, Gail says it was wrong what Maria and Creed did to Jeff. Lenny claims Maria talked Creed out of hiring more staff for the restaurant. Tasmin says when she went to look for Maria, she encountered Ian who made her feel uncomfortable. Harry and Fergus believe the killer was already there and Maria’s body is still in the restaurant. Vincent “Dutch” Holland (Steve Wall) watches as they cross the road to Jeff’s restaurant.

Lola Harry Wild Acorn TV

Jeff expresses anger when talking about Maria and Creed. He blurts out that he is thrilled she is dead but wishes it was him who decapitated her. He claims to have been in the kitchen except for when he went to the storeroom for supplies. A short time later, Harry and Fergus see Jeff give Benedict an envelope full of money. Benedict catches them following him but refuses to say why Jeff paid him. He follows them to their office and confesses to being a private investigator hired by Jeff to find something that would ruin AI Vesuvio. He claims Jeff believes Creed killed Maria and suggests they share their information. When Harry refuses, he sneakily places a bug under her desk before leaving. While eavesdropping, Harry questions why Ian booked the entire restaurant when under normal circumstances, it would have been more congested and easier to get away with murder.

Lola Wild (Rose O’Neill) tells Fergus that Liberty wants to go with Paula to the U.S. Stunned, he says Liberty has no idea what she is saying. Lola assures him that Liberty knows enough and wants a relationship with Paula. He questions if he should go with her. Lola says Liberty wants to go alone. Hearing much of what was said, Liberty pushes open the door. A short time later, Fergus and Harry arrive at Ian’s office to find Benedict beat them to it. Ian claims to have utilized the luncheon at AI Vesuvio to impress potential investors. He says Maria was an intelligent businesswoman and assures them whoever killed her would have been covered in blood. Fergus says there is always protective clothing. Harry suggests Maria rejected his advances. Ian denies seeing Maria when he went to the toilet and suggests speaking to Tamsin who followed him.

Jane Seymour Harry Wild Acorn TV

Benedict is talking to Tasmin when Harry and Fergus approach. He asks if they would like to work together to solve Maria’s murder. Harry says no. They decline his offer without hesitation. A short time later, Benedict is eavesdropping when an armed Dutch tells Harry that Maria stole a valuable painting that he wants back. She suggests it was sold. He rejects the idea before asking if the restaurant has a safe. She says Maria’s past is a secret to everyone she knows. He threatens to shoot her when Benedict bursts in apologizing for being late. Dutch leaves his business card before leaving. To protect his cover, Benedict pretends to be attracted to Harry. She is speechless.

Fergus informs Creed that Jeff hired Benedict to dig up dirt on him and Maria. Harry tells him about Dutch when she recalls “The Undergrounders” novel. Opening the book, she finds a marked page about smugglers’ tunnels. She races to the storeroom where she finds a trapdoor. Once the trapdoor is opened, Fergus and Harry access the tunnel where they find Maria’s decapitated body. She notifies Charlie Wild (Kevin Ryan) of their discovery. Charlie orders them to not touch anything. Fergus is holding a bag. Harry finds an excuse to investigate further. Inside is a copy of Thomas Hardy’s novel, “Far From The Madding Crowd,” which contains a photo of a woman and a child. The novel is marked by several church stamps.

Benedict eavesdrops on Harry’s phone call with Father Michael. She tells him about the novel with his church stamp. By accident, she discovers the bug on her desk. She abruptly ends the call and shows Fergus the bug. Outside the office, Harry suggests Benedict put the bug there. She says Father Michael identified the book and photos as belonging to Kelly Childs whose child died. She believes Kelly was attracted to Fanny Robin, a “Far From The Madding Crowd” character with a similar situation. Father Michael claims Kelly went to The Majestic Hotel in Dunleary. They concoct a story about a red box that will lead to Ian as the killer for Benedict’s ears only.

Charlie Harry Wild Acorn

The Majestic Hotel – Harry pays a worker for Kelly’s room number. Maria sees them and flees. A pursuit ensues and ends when Dutch stops her. He identifies her as Tina O’Connell of Cork before helping her up. Harry voices concern for Tina’s welfare. Dutch promises to not kill her before tossing her into the back of his van.

Benedict barges into Ian’s office, tells him it is over, and retrieves the red box on a nearby table. A struggle for the red box scatters Ian’s mother’s ashes everywhere. Frantic, Ian apologizes to his “mummy” while trying to gather up the ashes.

Harry informs Jeff and Creed that Maria was Tina O’Connell who stole a valuable painting from her then-boyfriend. While waiting for the right moment to sell the painting, she encounters Jeff and Creed. Maria chose Creed because he had more money than Jeff. Fearing her cover was blown when her ex sees her at the restaurant, she puts her plan into action. Fergus says Maria killed Kelly Childs to stage her own murder. Charlie and Vicky Boyle (Danielle Ryan) find Tina restrained to a rail outside the police station.

Benedict confronts Harry and Fergus about setting him up. He admits to being wrong about them and swears to never make the same mistake twice. He reminds Harry that she owes him dinner before walking away.

Paula Harry Wild Acorn

Paula apologizes to Fergus for walking out on him and Liberty. Fergus agrees to put his feelings aside to let Liberty go live with Paula. He lists all of Liberty’s favorites. She tells him that she sold the company and will return to Ireland, so they can see her whenever they like. Paula and Fergus embrace. Malky Reid (Shane Lynch) bear hugs them.

Glenn Talbot (Paul Tylak) sums enough courage to pop the big question. Believing she is a no-show, he hurriedly pours Harry and Fergus a drink. Seconds later, Petra O’Rourke (Caoimhe O’Malley) arrives. Getting down on one knee, Glenn asks her to be his wife. Ecstatic, she accepts his offer and gives him a sloppy kiss. She asks for money to pay the taxi driver. When he pulls out his money, she snatches it up and orders a round of champagne for everyone.


Harry Wild Review

While investigating a murder, Harry and Fergus meet their most determined competition who is also Harry. Harry Benedict is hired by the victim’s ex-boyfriend, Jeff while Harry and Fergus are working for the current boyfriend, Creed. Benedict suggests they work on the case together but Harry refuses, so he plants a bug in her office. Utilizing their intel, Benedict stays one step ahead of them. When Harry discovers the bug, she and Fergus create this elaborate tale that will end up blundering Benedict’s investigation.

Tina O’Connell leaves her boyfriend, taking a valuable painting with her. She meets Jeff and forms a relationship with him. When Creed, who has more money, becomes attracted to her, she leaves Jeff and bides her time until the painting can be safely sold. Maria is working in Creed’s restaurant when she sees her ex-boyfriend. Knowing he saw her as well, she stages her death as a gruesome murder. She befriends a homeless woman, Kelly Childs, and decapitates her. She poses the head as her own and places it on a serving dish before fleeing through an underground tunnel.


An interesting murder plot poorly executed. Harry and Fergus’ pursuit of Jeff was surely obvious. It’s doubtful there would have enough time for Maria to pose Kelly’s head on a platter and flee before being caught. Lowering Harry down into the tunnel must have been quite a feat. If anything, it looked awkward. There are far too many implausible moments to mention them all.

The episode deserves a 5.5 out of 10. Get more Harry Wild recaps here. Support Reel Mockery by donating. Learn how our advertising builds brand awareness by clicking the link. Join our newly established forum to discuss new and classic films and TV shows.

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