cheryl episode 6 davey jonesies locker

Davey & Jonesie’s Locker Series 1 Episode 6 Recap

Orange Is The New Snack – As the sixth episode begins, Davey (Veronika Slowikowska) and Jonesie (Jaelynn Thora Brooks) exit their locker and talk about the spider apocalypse they’ve created. They question what they’re going to encounter in this universe. Soon, they realize that everything appears normal. Emile (Nikko Angelo Hinayo) says hello and asks if they should go to science. They find it odd that Emile is eating an orange when he usually says they’re too sticky. Once they reach science class, they notice that everyone is eating oranges. Mr. Schneider (Dan Beirne) says they’re going to make a working battery from their only known source of food and sustenance, oranges. Davey and Jonesie are just glad that this world is boring.

Cheryl Davey & Jonesie's Locker Hulu

Schneider tells them to see him after class. Once they’re alone, he asks if they realize how much trouble they caused in their previous universe. Schneider doesn’t understand why they keep meddling in the rules of every universe they enter. He says they’ve been looking out for them or they could have their memories erased by a deranged psychopath. The portal should be up in an hour. They’re told to go to third period and come straight back. They step into the hallway and agree Schneider is hiding something. They’re also going to lunch even though he told them not to. Andy (James Hartnett) sits near Cheryl (Emily Piggford) and begins eating loudly. The bimonthly meeting starts. Andy says he broke his own record last week by closing 41 cases. As for Cheryl, she is still working on case file 6689. They’re not happy with her report.

Davey and Jonesie go to the lunchroom where they get an orange apiece. The orange begins speaking and pleading with Jonesie not to eat it. Orange Julius (Brandon Hackett) says all oranges have the power to telepathically communicate with humans or they used to. At one time, oranges and people lived in harmony. Once people figured out the benefits of Vitamin C,  they started eating oranges. Davey and Jonesie see what happens to people who eat oranges before realizing many oranges are locked up nearby. Orange Julius asks them to help them overthrow their human overlords. Davey and Jonesie discuss whether they should meddle this time. Once they agree to help, they take Orange Julius to the lab. Schneider realizes immediately that they went to lunch.

He admits he has tuned out the oranges because he’s been there for so long. Schneider urges them not to do anything because they’ll only make things worse. Orange Julius speaks up before Schneider is called a coward. He pleads with them to help. Jonesie and Davey go to the bathroom where they talk about Schneider. The girls use the vent system to reach the cafeteria where a woman is killing oranges. Julius tries to create a distraction for them but it doesn’t work. As Schneider messes with the locker, he is approached by Sierra, Emile, and others. They want to know where Davey and Jonesie are. Schneider goes to the cafeteria where he finds Davey trying to distract everyone while Jonesie saves the oranges. He sings with Davey. Joyce finds Jonesie who tells her about the oranges talking to them. Jonesie asks for Joyce’s help getting the oranges out.

Schneider Davey & Jonesie's Locker Hulu

She worries they’ve already caused an anomaly. Sierra takes them to the back and tries to force them to eat Julius. Jonesie and Davey tell them that the oranges are going to take a stand. Before long, they have to flee from Abbott and the others.  Cheryl confronts Jonesie and Davey who try to pretend they’re from this universe. They ramble and try to avoid eating Julius who urges them to do what they must. Eventually, the other students come. Joyce interrupts and tells everyone how Davey and Jonesie can hear the oranges. Schneider eventually comes over to tell them that Davey and Jonesie aren’t from around there and haven’t consumed any oranges. He frees the oranges causing everyone to fall. Schneider tells the girls to enter the portal.

cheryl episode 6 davey jonesies locker

Cheryl grabs him from behind. He eventually gets away and the girls enter the portal. Julius locks the kids in a cage and puts their faces on a food pyramid.


Davey & Jonesie’s Locker Review

The sixth episode of Davey & Jonesie’s Locker could possibly be the dumbest episode of television I’ve watched in several years. Dumb could be good if the series was humorous enough and the characters were charming. Unfortunately, that hasn’t been the case through six episodes. Instead, the characters remain unlikable and annoying. The comedy is nonexistent unless you’re stoned on LSD which has completely wiped out the functionality of your brain.

When the series isn’t being stupid and annoying, it’s boring. The performances aren’t particularly strong with a few standing out as being very bad. Ten episodes are clearly too much of this. The episode scores a 3 out of 10. Recaps of Davey & Jonesie’s Locker can be found on Reel Mockery here. Find out how to support our independent site at this link. Learn more about advertising on Reel Mockery here. Discuss this show and others at the Reel Mockery Forum.

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