Drusus Domina MGM+

Domina Series 2 Finale Recap

Domina Series 2 Episode 8 Recap

Control – The episode opens two years earlier or 9 BC at the Roman Army Headquarters in Western Germany. Antonina (Isabelle Connolly) says Vistillius (Ethan Moorhouse) claims Drusus (Ewan Horrocks) declined Augustus’ recall to Rome. Drusus tells her that he delayed the recall to negotiate a treat with the Cherusci. He boasts of an entirely new Roman province from the Rhine to the Elbe. She asks if Livia Drusilla (Kasia Smutniak) of his strategy. He refuses to let “jealous, undeserving” Augustus Gaius (Matthew McNulty) steal his honor. She warns that what he is doing is “treason.”

Drusus Domina MGM+

Livia finds Julia’s (Liah O’Prey) children running wild while Julia and a man lay in bed. Holding up a baby, Livia says he belongs to her. Julia sarcastically describes them as looking the same. Discovering Tiberius (Benjamin Isaac) in bed with Vipsania (Joelle), Livia accuses him of shaming his family. He assures her that he tries when Augustus approaches. Augustus asks if Tiberius would object to him adopting Tiberillus. She reminds him that he already adopted Lucius and Gaius. He points out that Tiberillus is their only real grandson.

Livia orders Tiberius to retrieve Drusus from Germany.       He questions if Drusus declined the recall. She tells him that Augustus knows but he is okay for now. He warns that it challenges Augustus’s authority. He threatens to never forgive her if something happens to Drusus. He reminds her of how he and Antonina pleaded with her to recall Drusus but she refused. He accuses her of only caring about Drusus winning. She points out that Drusus wanted to stay in Germany. Tiberius tells her that he was a child who needed a mother. Augustus tells Livia that Gallus claims Tiberius and Vipsania are seeing each other. He claims to have assured him that Tiberius would never shame his family. Refuting the Cherusci treaty, he says Drusus refused his recall. She assures him that Drusus is just trying to please him. He expresses the importance of his being about to trust Drusus.

As Livia prepares to leave, Augustus asks if Piso (Darrell D’Silva) has ever mentioned restoring the Republic. She calls the idea a “joke.” Once alone, she becomes frantic when Marcella (Alias Lawson) approaches to tell her about her pregnancy. Livia asks who is the baby’s father. Marcella assures her that it does not belong to Iullus (Joseph Ollman). Livia suggests leaving Rome to have the baby and put it in slavery. Marcella admits to wanting the baby because she is attached to the father. Livia reminds her that the baby does not belong to Iullus. Marcella demands she convince Iullus to accept the baby like she did Tiberius when Julia got pregnant with Tiberillus during an affair. She reminds her of how Augustus feels about Tiberillus.

Domitius Domina MGM+

As Drusus prepares to meet the Cherusci, Antonina urges him to get a proper escort but he refuses. He kisses the children before leaving with Ballomar.

Livia warns Piso that he has been betrayed. Piso assures her if Augustus knew about their plan to restore the Republic, they would all be dead. He says Augustus cannot be permitted to adopt Tiberillus.

Drusus and Ballomar see a young girl in the woods. Drusus approaches the girl and gives her a doll that his daughter gave him. She warns that his time has come when they come under attack. Livia wakes up in a start to see Aelina holding a candle. Aelina confirms the arrangements have been made. Two men approach Julia and a man while they are sleeping. Julia is carried outside to a carriage. Julia’s children – Julilla, Agrippina, Castor, and Gaius – are taken to Livia’s house where they meet their tutor. Livia tells Antonia (Hannah Chinn) that Domitius (David Avery) is in line to be the African governor. She adds that she will remain in Rome while he is there for several years. Antonia reluctantly thanks her. Livia asks her to tell Iullus that Julia has been taken to a family estate to dry out. He agrees. She informs him of Marcella’s pregnancy and her desire to keep the baby. He refuses to pretend to be the father.

Domitius blames Livia for sending him to Africa. She accuses him of convincing Musca (Nathan Welsh) to kill her. She offers to keep his secrets in exchange for owning him.

Piso expresses his anger regarding Domitius’ new status, Governor of Africa. Livia informs him of Marcella’s pregnancy and Iullus’ refusal to pretend to be the father.

Marcella Domina MGM+

Tiberius and Tycho arrive in Germany to find Drusus injured. Drusus warns of his death. Tiberius assures him that he will not die. Drusus confesses to being happy to be dying to avoid Livia’s fury. Vistillius informs Tycho of Drusus being ambushed by a German war band. He adds that a spear went into his leg. Tiberius tries to comfort Drusus who is in pain. Drusus asks him to not be sad because he did everything. He asks Tiberius to take his place at Livilla’s wedding. He pleads with him to restore the Republic. Tiberius reluctantly vows to do it. Drusus asks him to end his life.

Augustus describes Domitius as a “good man” and Iullus as trustworthy. Livia assures him that Drusus is not interested in politics and Tiberius lacks ambition. He tells her that sometimes he feels like restoring the Republic. She curses him and the Republic before threatening to divorce him if it is brought up again.

Tiberius and Tycho slice Drusus’ wrists. Drusus asks Antonina to no remarry as he bleeds out. He says, “Mother” before dying.

Livia warns Piso that Augustus is aware of the Republic. Piso urges her to find the informer.

Tiberius thanks Ballomar for bringing Drusus back to their camp. Ballomar claims Vistillius ordered them to wait. Tiberius assures him that Vistillius loved Drusus. Ballomar assures him that it was not just Drusus he loved. Vistillius asks Antonina to consider him for her next husband. He suggests Augustus will not object to their marriage.

Livia sends Marcella to the family estate to discuss the conditions of her pregnancy with Iullus. Marcella thanks her before leaving. Iullus and Julia vow to keep a secret. Marcella finds them near the water putting on their clothes. He confesses to having always loved Julia. She asks if it is a condition for her to keep their secret. He assures her that she would never keep their secret. When she tries to flee, they grab her, carry her to the water, and hold her down until she stops moving. Julia urges him to walk away from her before she destroys him. He says it is better than the alternative. They suggest telling everyone that Marcella committed suicide because she was distraught over the pregnancy.

Augustus informs Livia of Drusus’ death. Antonia tells Piso that Augustus is declaring the cause of death, a fall from a horse. Julia suggests he fears how it would look if they knew Germans killed him. Livia says their plan to restore the Republic is over. Piso asks if she will let Drusus’ death be for not. He says she put Augustus on the throne only to watch his tyranny be handed down to his relative, not her. He demands she end Augustus’ tyranny.

Tiberius Domina MGM+

Drusus’ body is carried through the streets of Rome. Antonina gives Livia a letter from Drusus. It reads, “I’m sorry Mother. Don’t be too disappointed in me. I tried my best but Tiberius will help you finish what we started. I made him promise.”

Tiberius and Antonina inform Livia that someone betrayed Drusus. Antonina says Vistillius asked her to marry him the day after Drusus died. Tiberius says Augustus’ niece would be a good match for Vistillius. Antonina claims he assured her that Augustus would support their marriage. He tells her that Vistillius was the courier for Drusus’ letter to him about restoring the Republic. Livia suggests Vistillus told Augustus everything. Antonina assures her that is why Augustus kept Drusus at war. Tiberius believes she refuses to take revenge, because without Augustus, she would have no power. Otherwise, she will spend the rest of her life with Drusus’ killer. When Drusus died, so did the Republic. Livia tells him that he should have killed her when he had the opportunity. He agrees. Antonina asks which was it, revenge or power. Livia assures her that she will have both. Antonina demands she kills Vistillius without delay.

Vistillius stabs himself with a dagger. Augustus tells Livia that Drusus should have been recalled years ago. Later, Livia agrees with everything Piso previously said. She says Tiberius will take the throne after Augustus. He urges her to bury Augustus’ legacy. She vows to do it. Tiberius suffocates Tiberillus with a pillow as the episode ends.


Domina Review

Drusus refuses to comply with Augustus’ recall in an effort to form a peace treaty with the Cherusci. Augustus doesn’t support the peace treaty. Drusus is attacked on his way to meet the Cherusci. Ballomer tells Tiberius that Vistillius ordered them to wait. Drusus asks Tiberius and Tycho to kill him and forces Tiberius to vow to restore the Republic. One day later, Vistillius proposes to Antonina.

Tiberius and Antonina tell Livia that Vistillius betrayed Drusus. He tells Livia that she refuses to kill Augustus for fear of losing her power. He will not help her restore the Republic. Livia and Piso discuss putting Tiberius on the throne after Augustus.

Believing Tiberillus is his and Livia’s only true grandson, he wants to adopt him. Tiberillus is the child of an affair. Livia forced Tiberius to accept the child as his own. Marcella is impregnated by Domitius. She asks Livia to convince Iullus to raise the child as his own but he refuses. She threatens to tell Augustus about Tiberillus if Iullus refuses. Livia lures Marcella to the family estate where Iullus and Julia drown her. They agree to tell everyone that she committed suicide.

Vistillius later kills himself. Tiberius kills Tiberillus.

One of the best finales I have seen in a while. The episode touched on nearly every aspect of the season. It played out beautifully which was to be expected. The finale deserves a 7.8. Get more Domina recaps here. Support Reel Mockery by donating to our site. Our onsite advertising builds brand awareness, click the link to learn more.

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  1. David Fox says:

    9 BC is two years later than 11 BC, not two years earlier.

    • ReelMockery says:

      At the beginning of the episode, it says 2 years later. Then, it says 9 years before the Birth of Christ. That is somewhat confusing, but I think it is only 9 BC and has nothing to do with 11 BC unless I am missing something. I add an “or” to clear things up. Thanks!

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