Angela Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin HBO

Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin Season 1 Episode 1 Recap

Chapter One: Spirit Week

Millwood Pennsylvania, December 31st – The show begins with Angela Waters (Gabriella Pizzolo) pleading with partygoers to help her. She begs teen Sidney Hayworthe (Kristen Maxwell) to help her. When Sidney suggests helping her, Davie (Carly Pope) reminds her of their talk. As the DJ (Blake Zelensnikar) counts down, climbs a ladder. A girl spots her standing on a rafter. After the DJ stops the music, Angela asks if they see her before falling to the ground. Frantic, the partygoers scatter except for several girls who stare horrified at her body.

Angela Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin HBO

22 Years Later – Davie and Imogen Adams (Bailee Madison) discuss getting even with someone by turning her photos into a bonfire. Imogen scolds Davie for calling someone a “crazy bitch” before telling her to get help if someone screams. When Karen (Mallory Bechtel) stops by to pick up her things, she finds an envelope addressed to Davie on the front door. Davie opens the envelope to find a “Party Like It’s 1999” flier, containing a written message, “Gone but not forgotten. You can’t ignore the past forever. The countdown is on.” She has a brief flashback of being at the 1999 party.

After Imogen swears Greg (Elias Kacavas) kissed her, she suggests forgetting it. Karen tells her that she can keep everything. They gradually walk down the hallway to the bathroom, where they discover Davie in a tub of bloody water.

Smithee Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin HBO

One Month Later, Monday, September 28th – Sidney assumes her daughter, Tabitha “Tabby” Hayworthe (Chandler Kinney) is working overtime to limit her time at home. Tabby assures her it is nothing more than her giving Imogen after Davie died.

Imogen looks through a photo album.

Sidney asks Tabby to place Imogen’s spare house key under the doormat for the cleaners. Imogen informs them of her decision to return to school. Sidney questions if she is ready. Imogen assures her it is best. Sidney has a flashback of her at the 1999 party while saying she and Davie would’ve done anything for each other.  When Tabby mentions the spare key, Sidney says she will take care of it. Imogen assures her it’s okay.

Tabby tells Imogen she is brave returning to Millwood High. Imogen assumes the experience will be no different than when rumors of her pregnancy surfaced. Imogen has a flashback of how she found her mother in the bathtub as they prepare to enter the home. Tabby puts the key under the doormat. A shadow of someone appears in the window as they walk away.

Simmons Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin HBO

Standing in from of Millwood High, Imogen says she’s surprised it is Spirit Week. Tabby tells her that she can still walk away. Karen asks Imogen how she is doing. Tabby says if she wasn’t a “narcist,” she would already know. After reminding her that she was with Imogen when Davie was found, Karen describes the experience as “traumatizing.” During a hug, Karen whispers in Imogen’s ear that she isn’t wanted there. Tabby tells Imogen that she owns no one nothing.

Karen is surprised when Faran (Zaria Simone) ignores her.

Minnie “Mouse” Monrada (Malia Pyles) stares at a poster inviting students to attend Millwood High’s “Coming Out Day.” Karen addresses her as a “rodent” during a snide remark about her sexuality. Mouse says her name before calling her “dick” before bumping into Noa Olivar (Maia Reficco) who wears an ankle monitor.

Sidney Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin HBO

Simmons (Cristala Carter) asks Noa about her mother.  Noa greets Kelly (Alex O’Shea) before assuring Simmons that her mother is doing good. Shawn (Alex Aiono) asks Noa if everything is okay. She complains about how her life is controlled by an ankle monitor. He reminds her that it will be taken off in a couple of weeks. She admits being into him. He suggests they hang out at her place while her mom is at work before kissing. She receives a text message that reads, “Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.” When she asks who sent the text, a second text says, “Your conscious.”

Mr. Smithee (Jeffrey Bean) informs the students of their next assignment, a short film. Tabby points out that known of the films the students are to choose from have a black director. He tells her the school board members to choose the curriculum, not him. She receives a text message that reads, “What’s your favorite scary movie?” When she asks who sent the text, she receives a second text that reads, “Peeping Tom.”

Beasley Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin HBO

Imogen receives a text, requesting she look out the window. She looks out the window at someone who appears to be wearing coveralls. After the teacher gets her attention, she looks back to see no one there.

Mouse works on a school computer when she receives a text message that reads, “Can Minnie Mouse come out to play? Xoxo Mickey.” She looks down the hallway to see nothing out of the ordinary.

Madame Giry (Kate Jennings Grant) tells the students what role they will play. Faran (Zaria Simone) is chosen for the Black Swan. Karen tells Faran that she was chosen as the Black Swan because she is the only black dancer. Faran receives a text message that reads, “You’re gonna stay as the Black Swan.” When she asks who sent the text, a second text reads, “Your No. 1 fan.”

Poster Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin HBO

Pittsburg – Faran informs her mom that she got the part. Her mom celebrates Faran’s achievement. A janitor, Jason (Jared Blake DiCroce) stares at her as he passes. When Faran invites her to the play, she has a flashback of her being at the 1999 party before accepting the offer. Faran takes off skipping down the hallway.

Sandy tells Imogen that she is sorry for her mother’s death before asking what will become of the baby.

Imogen tells Mrs. Gibbons (Victoire Charles) that she wants an abortion. Gibbons says it is too late for her to get an abortion. Imogen admits she is feeling overwhelmed when she has a flashback of her mom in the bathtub. Gibbons recommends adoption after the baby is born.

Jason Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin HBO

Karen asks Noa to vote for her for Spirit Queen. Noa blatantly admits she won’t be casting a vote for her. Karen sarcastically asks if she has community service with a bunch of “thugs.”

Sheriff Beasley (Eric Johnson) tells the community service Noa and the other participants to meet back there at 6pm after cleaning up.

Tabby takes what appears to be a camera from the school. She greets Chip (Carson Rowland) at work.

Someone watches Noa pick up trash for community service. She looks up to see someone wearing coveralls. Frantic, she takes off. When she walks over to Beasley’s police cruiser, she finds a young boy in his vehicle. She talks off running.

Davie and Imogen Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin HBO

Tabby and Chip discuss filmmakers, including De Palma and horror films. She asks if it would be okay to host “Get Out” and “Us” at the theater Thursday. He gives his approval before offering her a ride home.

Imogen enters her home. While looking at her fetal ultrasound image, she has a flashback of Davie holding her hand. She discovers the “Party Like It’s 1999” flier in her mom’s bedroom.

Noa returns home from community service. Her mom, Marjorie Olivar (Elena Goode) suggests she stay away from the children at community service. Noa assures her the children aren’t an issue. A flashback of teen Marjorie Olivar (Sarah-Anne Martinez) at the 1999 party pops up on the screen.

Spirit Queen Poster Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin HBO

Chip drives out to a remote location. They discuss her knowledge of filmmaking. She sees someone in coveralls when he reaches over to kiss her. He starts to get out of the car, but she tells him not to do it. He drives away.

After speaking to her mom, Tabby rushes up to her bedroom to view a video of football players in the locker. Some of the players are nude and others are wrapped in towels.

Tuesday – Madame Giry watches Faran and Henry (Ben Cook). When the recital ends, Henry apologizes for getting sweat on her. She assures him it is nothing more than an “occupational hazard” when Giry asks to speak with her in private.

Faran Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin HBO

Giry and Faran discuss her missing last night’s practice. Faran tells her that she had to work. Giry assures her that being a “dilettante” won’t help her get to Alvin Ailey. Faran questions if her being black is why she thinks Alvin Ailey is her goal. When she says her goal is ABT, Giry suggests her medical condition may make ABT out of reach. In a flashback, young Faran (Mia Sophia Selby) is being warned that scoliosis may prevent her from getting into ABT. Back to the present, Giry promises to not tell anyone about her condition. Faran thanks her before walking away.

Ash (Jordan Gonzalez) invites Mouse to the “Coming Out Day.” She admits to not being into extracurricular activities. He asks if she would like to have lunch with him. She says, “Sure.”

Imogen meets with Principal Marshall Clanton (Robert Stanton) to discuss her mom’s death. Clanton voices concern about Millwood High may not be able o facilitate her needs. She assures him it was nothing but a bad day. He informs her of her classmates being perturbed by her presence. She asks if he can tell her who.

Clanton Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin HBO

Imogen confronts Karen and Greg about their meeting with Clanton. Karen sarcastically asks if she can handle the school environment. Imogen tells Greg to tell the truth. Karen tells her that she doesn’t belong at Millwood High. Imogen tells all the students that she will be running for Spirit Queen like her mother. Tabby says she will be voting for Imogen.

Karen complains to her mother, Martha Beasley (Jennifer Ferrin) about Imogen. When she tells them about Giry’s decision to give the lead role in Swan Lake to a girl, Sheriff Beasley says because she is better than her. Karen asks what he is trying to say. He bluntly asks if the girl is the better dancer. She tells him that she doesn’t think the girl is better than her. He suggests if she wants Giry to pick her for the lead role be the best like he is the best sheriff.

Noa Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin HBO

Mouse and Ash chat online when Marjorie enters her room. Marjorie tells her that she isn’t thrilled with her spending so much time online. Marjorie has a flashback of the 1999 party.

Karen suggests a suit will help secure her the Spirit Queen title. He reminds her of his new sports coat before taking a bite of food. She says he will need another sports coat if he continues to eat. He tells her to not take her “messed-up family dinners” out on him. She swears that she will never be like her mother. When she claims to be much better than Faran, he says no one cares because it’s only ballet. After kicking him, she angrily reminds him of how she supports him when he plays football. He pays for their dinner before walking away.

Mouse Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin HBO

Faran is dancing when she turns around to see someone in coveralls standing at the door. Frantic, she walks out into the hallway when Giry asks why she isn’t practicing. She tells her that she is on break.

Tabby and Imogen discuss her decision to run for Spirit Queen. Imogen informs her that she spoke to Nurse Simmons about an abortion following a panic attack. After showing her the “Party Like It’s 1999” flier, she says her mom received it before she died.

Jason is working in the school hallway when he spots someone wearing coveralls. He enters a room to find a table covered with various items, including a live rat in a cage. When he threatens to contact the police, the individual slashes his throat.

Killer Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin HBO

Wednesday – Imogen enters the school to find her Spirit Week poster vandalized, which she blames on Karen. Clanton orders Tabby and Imogen to his office.

Karen trips out when she pulls a dead rat out of her bag.

Mr. Gardner (Anthony Ordonez) tells Noa to go to the principal’s office. He asks if she is responsible for the dead rat in Karen’s bag. She has a flashback of Nurse Simmons saying she tested positive for cannabis. Noa suggests there was a mix-up at the lab. Simmons gives her after-school detention for a week and drug tests until school lets out for summer.

Tabby Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin HBO

Faran and Henry are dancing when Karen begins to complain about her foot. Giry removes her ballet slipper to expose a bloody foot= and razor blade. Karen asks Faran why she did it. When Faran denies the allegations, Giry orders her to go to her office.

Mrs. Murray (Barbara Tirrell) informs the students that they are to remain in detention for an hour. After she leaves, Faran asks if they vandalized Karen’s Spirit Queen posters. Imogen claims Karen did it to get them in trouble. Faran asks why Karen would do it. Imogen tells her that Karen believes she kissed Greg. Faran informs them of how Karen got her kicked out of Swan Lake. Mouse asks why she didn’t deny doing it. Faran describes Giry as an “adult version of Karen.” Noa tells them that she believes Karen’s sister switched her drug test. After Imogen finds out that Noa is dating Shawn, she assures her that Karen despises her. Mouse says Karen accused her of putting a dead rat in her bag. Noa tells the others that Karen is why they are in detention.

Imogen suggests they get even with Karen before asking who wants to join her. Faran, Mouse, Noa, and Tabby all agree to do it. Imogen recommends killing her as the episode comes to an end.


Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin Review

The show fails to complement the original series. The unnecessary filler alters the flow and slows the pace to a crawl. The cast is oversaturated, and several characters look so similar, it’s nearly impossible to differentiate between them.

The writing isn’t even close to being creative. It focuses more on wokeness than the storyline. The script has an amateurish feel that couldn’t hold my attention for more than a few minutes at a time.

When executed properly, flashbacks can provide viewers with relevant information. In this case, the flashbacks are ineffective as they show nothing more than a horrified expression.

The cinematography is laughable. The poor camera angle, range, color, and lighting hindered the visibility of props. It was impossible to make out the killer’s wardrobe, which I think is a man’s coverall.

They obviously lifted pieces from “Scream” and “I Know What You Did Last Summer.” While it wasn’t terrible, you must wonder when enough is enough.

Wash the scene in which Noa finds Beasley in the car with a kid necessary? It had not relevancy on the show. Plus, it was cringeworthy.

The episode deserves a 5.5. Get More Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin recaps here. Support Reel Mockery by clicking on the link to learn more.

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