Young Cherokee The Longest Night Netflix

The Longest Night Season 1 Episode 3 Recap

The show begins with Macarena Montes (Sabela Aran) suggesting warning the police that they are headed toward danger. Prison Warden Hugo Roca (Alberto Ammann) says they will prevent them from leaving if they discover what’s happening.

Young Cherokee The Longest Night Netflix

Simon Lago (Luis Callegjo) disassembles a pair of scissors discovered in an office desk drawer. A noise grabs his attention. Nuria (Lucia Diez) is walking down a hallway when she unknowingly passes Simon who sees her.

After coming through, Alicia “Ali” Roca (Zoe Arnao) calls for Guillermo Roca (Ivan Renedo).

During a flashback, Cherokee (Daniel Albaladejo) says no one would hire his drug-addicted father. His father removes a gun from his dashboard before getting out of his vehicle while young Cherokee watches from the passenger seat. After turning to look at a crying baby in a bassinet, he also gets out of the vehicle. Cherokee’s father fires shots inside a camper. Cherokee says when he was a boy, he viewed his father as “the best” and wanted to be just like him when he got older. When he turned 14, he got into trouble for robbing a senior couple’s home. He claims to have killed a boy at 16.

Back to the present – Cherokee watches Rubio (Roman Rymar) grab Manuela Monoz (Cecilia Freire) as she climbs up a library ladder.

Carmelo (Jose Alias) tells Cherokee that Cardenal (Santiago Molero) is forcing Manuela to work off a debt by smuggling contraband through the conjugal room. Cherokee orders Simon to leave Manuela out of his business deals. When Rubio calls him “peg leg,” he starts beating him. Several prison guards stop the altercation. Cherokee shows Hugo and Dr. Elisa Montero (Barbara Goenaga) his shank as guards escort him out of the yard.

Carmela The Longest Night Netflix

Carmelo asks Cherokee if they should say anything to the other inmates about their prisonbreak. Cherokee reminds him that no one stepped up to help.

Inner Yard 9:03pm – Cherokee and Carmelo complain about smelling smoke. Carmelo tries the door to find it locked. Cherokee sarcastically suggests he talk to Jesus about getting them out of there. Carmelo warns him to not “blaspheme.”

As the firemen approaches, Lennon (Jose Luis Garcia Perez) tells his men to not make a move without his say-so. He informs the fireman that the landline was down. The fireman asks what happened. Ruso (Roberto Alamo) explains how they put a fire out in the garage. When the fireman asks where the Civil Guard is, Lennon orders Richi (Fran Berenguer) to shoot.  After firing in their direction, Montes and Hugo take off in the opposite direction.

Admissions 9:07pm – Hugo suggests they make their way to Green Block.

Cherokee The Longest Night Netflix

Lennon utilizes the firetruck radio to alert the fire department of a breakdown that will delay their return. The dispatcher offers to send help, but he assures him it isn’t necessary. Lennon orders Ruso to finish one of the firemen who saw their faces. When Ruso refuses, Lennon does it.

Hugo and Montes continue toward Green Block when they hear Sara Oliver Gomez (Laia Manzanares) telling Team One that the generator is backup.  Pointing the gun at her back, Montes orders her to end the transmission. Hugo demands to know what they did with Ali and Guillermo. Sara denies knowing anything about his children. Irate, he warns her of what will happen if he finds out she is lying. She assures him that their intention was to swap the kids for Simon. Montes asks why all the men are dead. Sara claims it was to keep Simon from testifying.

Hugo questions what Simon would have to say to the judge. When Richi approaches a shootout ensues. Hugo asks Sara who is responsible for hiring her. She says they forced her to do it as Hugo and Montes take off running.

Guillermo The Longest Night Netflix

Nuria warns the others that the cameras do not pick up Simon. Pointing at the sparks underneath the door, Said (Said Chatiby) assures them that the men are going to make it inside. Nuria says they need to find Simon or die. Said suggests they check the prison cells. Nuria tells them that she will monitor their cameras while they search the cells. When Javi (David Solans) assumes they are supposed to follow her orders now, she asks if he wants to go back to Bastos (Xabier Deive). They do as she says.

Cherokee is thrilled when an inmate hands him a sledgehammer. Jeringa (Javier Bodalo) informs him of the children who traveled through the passageway. Carmela assumes they were Hugo’s children. Jeringa says Cardenal (Santiago Molero) took them. Cherokee asks if he allowed the children to be taken by a pedophile before suggesting they need to do something. After promising to have his back, Carmela suggests it would be beneficial to them to save the children.

Capping his hand over Ali’s mouth, Rey (Pablo Alama) promises to help her before holding up his wrench. They follow Guillermo’s muffles to a room, where Cardenal is holding him. Cardenal tells Rey that he “only wanted to look at him.” Ali comforts Guillermo while Cardenal swears he didn’t harm him. Rey pulls back his wrench when a weepy Cardenal swears he did nothing wrong. As he backs out of the room, Cardenal promises to offer him protection for keeping his mouth shut.

Elisa opens the door for Hugo and Montes before telling them that Spike and Willy (Cesar Mateo) have returned.

Javi tells Said that they should have followed the guards’ orders instead of getting involved with a “nutcase.” He pulls back the slider on a cell door to expose a sleeping inmate. When he realizes Said is gone, he arms himself with Nuria’s handmade shank. He walks upon Simon cutting Said’s throat.

Hugo The Longest Night Netflix

Lara Roca (Maria Caballero) gradually comes through. She looks over at an unconscious Rosa (Elisa Matilla) before crawling out of the overturned vehicle. As she walks away from the crash, Rosa moves her fingers.

Hugo scolds Lisa for failing to initiate a search for Simon. She suggests Simon should’ve stayed put when Nuria gets their attention. Willy says she was in the security room. Hugo asks her where Said and Javi are at. Montes warns them that the door that Lennon is trying to access will not last long. They head to the security room, leaving a handcuffed Nuria with Spike.

Willy assesses the security cameras in search of Ali and Guillermo. He informs them that the cameras in Admissions are down. Elisa assures Hugo that his children are okay. Hugo suggests they need to locate Simon and the inmates.

Nuria pleads with Spike to free her when a shaken Javi approaches.

Cherokee sings a song over the intercom. Ali smiles at Guillermo. Diego (Jean Cruz) looks around at the inmates. When Carmelo orders him to stop, he issues an alert to inform the inmates that they are free. Rubio asks if he can utilize his “fancy legs” to run. Cardenal warns Cherokee that he is making trouble for all the inmates. Cherokee suggests he round up the guards before repeating what Rey said about him having Hugo’s children. Cardenal claims he was taking the kids to their father. After knocking him out, Cherokee beats him to death with his sledgehammer. He orders the inmates to locate Hugo’s children for negotiation with the cops.

Javi The Longest Night Netflix

Rubio is ordered to dispose of Cardenal’s body.

Javi claims he cannot remember what happened to Said. Elisa asks him what he last remembers. He says a bloody wall and a female inmate spitting on him. Hugo orders Willy to transport the inmates to the canteen while he and Elisa go after Simon. Willy informs them that Cherokee is leading a revolt in Red Block.

Sara and Lennon discuss the prison blueprint. He asks for her opinion on where Simon is being held. She suggests it would be the canteen. Simon disagrees with her opinion.

Simon watches Said’s blood off his hands.

Red Block 9:39pm – Guillermo assumes Hugo is concerned about their well-being. Ali thanks Rey for helping them. Rey pulls back his wrench when Cherokee breaks through the door. After taking a seat beside the children, Cherokee asks about Guillermo’s costume. He tells him that it was for church.

Cherokee orders Diego to unlock the door but he refuses. When the children are brought forward, Diego starts to unlock the door, but Dr. Emilio Espada (Adolfo Fernandez) stops him. As Guillermo recites his part in the church play, Cherokee stands behind him, preparing to hit him with his sledgehammer.  When Diego unlocks the door, the inmates beat him. Cherokee demands to know where the gym key is key. Diego claims Bastos (Xabier Deive) keeps it.

Lennon prepares his team before they enter the prison.

Lennon The Longest Night Netflix

Hugo and Elisa approach Simon as he stands at the sink. Simon asks if Elisa is aware of what happened to Lara. Hugo assures him it is best she doesn’t know. Simon warns him that he must contact the kidnappers by 1am or Lara dies. Hugo says the landline is down. Lennon contacts Hugo to give him another opportunity to release Simon or they will enter Green Block in 10 minutes. Simon asks where the safe room is located. Hugo tells him it is in the High Security Cell Block in Red Block.

Lara stops a motorist to ask for help. Andres (Angel Pardo) tells her to get in his vehicle. As she screams at him to go, Rosa injects her with a sedative. In a flashback, she appears to experience chest pain after jumping into the pool.

Cherokee and Carmelo are in the security room as two inmates arrive with Rey as their hostage. He orders Carmelo to put Rey in with the children. Ali and Guillermo are watching Hugo, Simon, and Elisa on the surveillance camera when Rey and Carmelo enter. Hugo orders Cherokee to open the Red Block door. Cherokee informs him that he has his children. When Elisa pleads with him to help them, he refuses. She gets his attention by telling him that Manuela is in Green Block. Hugo contacts Green Block with no response. Elisa volunteers to go check it out.

Officer The Longest Night Netflix

As Elisa runs through Green Block, Lennon’s crew opens the door. Bastos, Montes, and Willy have their guns raised. Lennon takes out several surveillance cameras before he and his men remove their masks as the episode comes to an end.


The Longest Night Review

A riveting episode that kept me on the edge of my seat from start to finish. Hugo and his staff fight against all odds as they face the toughest challenges of their lives. As Cherokee leads a revolt in Red Block, Lennon initiates a prisonbreak in Green Block. In the meantime, Simon wreaks havoc inside the prison, Lara’s fate is in the hands of her abductors, and the inmates are in danger of each other.

As usual, the acting and directing are superb. My biggest qualm is probably the cinematography. The lighting was much improved from the previous episode.

The episode deserves a 6.8. Get more The Longest Night recaps. Support Reel Mockery by clicking on the link.

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