zombies zeros s01e07 resident evil

Resident Evil Season 1 Episode 7 Recap

Parasite – As this episode of Resident Evil begins, we see vehicles traveling through the Arklay Mountains in 2005. Albert Wesker (Lance Reddick) complains about Bert putting a shrimp curry burrito in the microwave. One Albert tells him that he can’t hear him. He throws something at him to get him to remove his earbuds before telling him again. When Alby offers to do it, Albert argues that Bert needs to learn. An Albert wearing all black comes down to order them to fix the glitching mind-machine interface. He asks another about the chest mount prototype. He is told they’ll have it today. He bullies the Albert listening to music and makes him promise it won’t happen again. Umbrella soldiers enter asking for Albert Wesker while claiming this is unauthorized use of Umbrella property.

episode 7 netflix resident evil albert

Albert quickly kills the men before targeting the others. He wants to destroy the evidence. Once Wesker escapes, Albert checks on Bert who is okay. Evelyn Marcus (Paola Nunez) enters the room and asks what they are. In the present, Albert screams for Evelyn from his cell. He tells Bert it has been 17 years. Albert thought it was dead, but Bert thinks he is locked up for his own good. He says mom can’t kill him because she needs him. Albert doesn’t like him calling her that. He tells Bert how he made a life for himself out there and wishes he could’ve taken him with him. Albert tells Bert about the girls and admits he is going to need his help. Bert watches as two guards enter and pull Albert from his cell. Jade Wesker (Ella Balinska) finds herself locked in the lab on the ship.

She pulls the head out of the fridge and cracks its head open. She pulls out a tracking device similar to the one Billie (Adeline Rudolph) pulled out of her arm. Arjun (Ahad Raza Mir) visits her to confirm Bea is okay. He asks Jade what she was thinking, but he doesn’t know. Jade confesses he was right and she should’ve never let him. She learns that Umbrella wants to have a meeting with Saquim Salam (George Jackos). Jade is convinced they’ll have to press the button even though Arjun doesn’t think they’re there yet. She is worried when she learns that Evelyn wants the meeting. Saquim heads to the meeting. He tells Evelyn that they had met before when she spoke in Riyadh in 2019. She feels like she is meeting a celebrity and admits it is smart for the University to hide on a ship.

albert evelyn s01e07 resident evil

Evelyn wants Jade Wesker. He asks if she is valued enough to put the lives of the other people in danger. He warns her that the people here have weapons of their own. They’re also in possession of a hard drive taken from an Umbrella facility in Bali in 2022. He knows Umbrella doesn’t want the contents of the hard drive exposed. Evelyn doesn’t care. She says Umbrella is going to board the ship. Unless she gets what she wants, she is going to turn their boat into the Titanic. When Albert wakes up, he finds himself restrained to a chair. Evelyn approaches him to chat. Albert argues this isn’t the way for her to get what she wants. They know Albert gave the reporter a lethal dose of Joy. Evelyn reminds him that she let him have a life and create life so she doesn’t know why he is making life so difficult. He asks what kind of deal she made with Bert and whether he is changing Joy’s formula.

He reminds her that Bert is unstable. Bert kills a guard and shaves his beard. He kills another man and takes his keys. At the school, Jade (Tamara Smart) and Billie (Siena Agudong) talk about ignoring Simon. They haven’t heard from their father so Jade wonders when they should start worrying. Billie thinks they should start worrying now. Evelyn convinced herself that Albert was different. It would be interesting to see if a clone could acclimate to the real world. Al can’t believe she only cares about increasing the stop price with Joy when people have died. Evelyn argues that they could save a lot of people though. She asks if he wants to change the world with her, but Al doesn’t think she cares. Evelyn says she cares because she bet everything on this. She is going to make him help her even if he doesn’t care. Bea (Ella Zieglmeier) checks on her mother.

episode 7 resident evil jade wesker

Jade instructs her to retrieve the green duffel bag from her bedroom because it has everything they need to get off the ship. Jade says they’re bad people on the ship so they have to go. If Arjun won’t go with her, Jade wants Bea to leave on her own. She claims she will be right behind her. Jade apologizes and says she just wanted Bea to be safe and happy. Bea promises to do what her mother asks. Billie and Jade try to find out what they should do about their father. Simon (Connor Gosatti) approaches them. When Bert arrives to pick up the girls, they ignore Simon and leave. They ask Bert questions, but he only says they’ll talk about it. Simon watches as the Jeep speeds away from the school. Albert asks Roth (Anthony Oseyemi) if he ever gets tired of taking orders from her.

He doesn’t because he is a masochist. When Evelyn returns, she tells Albert that she can get his medication for him. She believes the pain will become unbearable and he’ll give him, but Al says she doesn’t know him. She says the Weskers are all about self-preservations. After all, she doesn’t see the purpose of cloning yourself unless you want to live forever. The symptoms begin as Al starts suffering. They abandoned the cloning program years ago for this reason. After a certain point, the maintenance is too high. Al struggles as Evelyn warns him that his cells are breaking down. Bert takes the girls out to dinner. They’re worried about Umbrella bugging the car while Bert says this is the best day. They notice that something is wrong with his finger before going to the bathroom to talk about it. Simon tells Diana (Emily Child) he is worried about his friends who are ghosting him.

season 1 episode 7 netflix evelyn

Diana tells him not to get mad or give up on his friends. When they need his help, they’ll ask for it. Even if they don’t, he should offer it. Evelyn comes home with a bottle of wine. Simon tells her that they seem so different and she was so mad when she was gone. Simon urges Evelyn to stop working so much, but she says she can’t right now. Evelyn crushes a pill and puts it into the wine that she gives to Diana. Simon finds the bottle of pills seconds later. He gets one of the pills. When Evelyn learns he didn’t come home, she asks Simon to text Jade and find out where she is because she could be in trouble. After Simon texts them, Jade tells him they’re at Olive Garden and asks if he can come get them. Bert gets mad and causes a scene when they won’t give him more breadsticks.

The girls demand to know what is going on so Bert eventually admits he is their uncle. He says they’re clones. There was a third one named Alby who was killed by the original Albert Wesker. Bert admits Albert was a monster who liked hurting people. They threaten to scream unless he stays away from them. Once they see Umbrella police outside, they try to run outside. They make it outside where Roth arrives and confronts Bert. Roth watches as Bert beats up the other members of Umbrella. As Bert approaches Roth, he is quickly handcuffed to the car. Roth tells the girls to come with him and it really isn’t a no situation. Jade gets a visit from Saquim while Bea gets the duffel bag. As Jade walks with Salam, she tells him to fire up the engine and press the button after he hands her over.

season 1 episode 7 resident evil billie jade umbrella

Arjun stops them and says they’re not taking Jade anywhere. However, she says she needs to do this. In the past, the girls are taken to Evelyn. They ask if he is a clone because that is crazy. Evelyn admits they do crazy things here. She talks about barely knowing her father before offering to take them to see their dad. They find him on the ground shaking before Jade’s blood is taken. Evelyn tells them that their father is a clone although his biggest problem is rapid aging. Albert was an impatient man who created an army of clone geniuses. Albert went from being born to 20 years old in less than six months. Accelerating the cells like that leads to all sorts of nasty things. Albert engineered her blood to fix his problem. Albert manages to inject Jade’s blood into his neck. Billie gets mad and complains that everything Albert says is a lie.

She tells him she hopes he dies. They storm out. Albert warns Evelyn not to hurt them. She reminds him he said he would do anything. In the present, Jade goes with Umbrella. Evelyn dances and sings. Billie comes out and says this thing controls the electrodes in her pain and pumps her full of 87 different drugs. Jade knows she set her up the moment she saw that tracker. Billie is running Umbrella. She keeps Evelyn around because she made a few enemies over the years. She asks Billie if she is actually sick or lying. Billie says her blood is bad, but Jade’s is good. It fixed her just like it did for their father. Billie reminds her that she decided to leave. Jade asks her to let everyone else go, but Billie admits she wants everything. It is a problem that the University decided to preserve the past because bad things happened in the past.

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Billie doesn’t like her memories which is why she is trying to make the world a better place. Billie makes Evelyn yell for Office Molloy and order her to take the ship. Jade pulls a vial from her pocket and throws it to the ground. The liquid splatters onto the ground. Soldiers outside begin shooting zombies that come over the hill. The zombies ignore Saquim and Serene as they walk back to the ship. Arjun begins worrying about Jade. The people on the boat rush to depart. Something is pulled under the water. Jade and Billie walk outside to watch the chaos before Billie asks her to stop this. While the zombies approach them, a flashback shows Jade and Billie watching a Joy commercial at Umbrella. The girls hold hands as the episode ends.


Resident Evil Review

While Resident Evil certainly has some interesting ideas, whether they have worked is debatable. If I am being totally honest, I just don’t care about any of the characters or anything going on. There is a disconnect between the viewer and the characters. Lance Reddick did well with the clone scenes even though they were silly more than anything.

The writing wasn’t good enough so this was likely going to be mediocre no matter who was playing the roles. The series is just going through the motions without enough glue to keep the pieces together. There is light at the end of the tunnel since a large army of zombies is about to eat everyone and put this monstrosity out of its misery.

The episode scores a 4 out of 10. Recaps of Resident Evil can be found on Reel Mockery here. Want to support our work? Learn how to do so here.

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