Avoidance Season 1 Episode 1 Recap

The show begins with Claire (Jessica Knappett) explaining to Jonathan Sawyer (Romesh Ranganathan) that she is calling quits on their relationship. She demands that Spencer Sawyer (Kieran Logendra) be informed of their decision today. After agreeing with her, Jonathan suggests discussing it after a break. She assures him that it isn’t a little relationship break. After asking why today, he says couples end their relationships after explosive arguments. She admits loving the idea of an explosive argument, but he doesn’t raise his voice. He convinces her to delay their talk with Spencer until he gets out of school. She stresses once again that their relationship is over. When he suggests they reassess their relationship once the dust has settled, she grabs her bag and walks away.

Amanda Avoidance BBC

As Courtney (Lisa McGrillis) approaches with a breakfast tray, Danielle (Mandeep Dhillon) questions what is going on. Courtney informs her that she has decided to take some time off after finishing the contract. Danielle asks if a “sexy French potato” was her last control. She says they are booked at the Aston Lodge Spa tonight. Danielle shows her appreciation with a kiss. Courtney questions why she hasn’t tried her frittata. After reluctantly taking a bite, Danielle describes it “flavorsome.” Courtney is off for croissants after a taste of her own homemade frittata.

Food Avoidance BBC

Spencer suggests Jonathan tell the waitress that his order is wrong.  assures him it is okay as he picks at his food. Spencer reminds him that his order is always wrong. He warns complaining now would risk them knowing he never said anything before. Clair sends a text to remind him that their relationship is over. When he offers Spencer a milkshake, he gets a candid response about it only being 8am. They work on Spencer’s spelling words before discussing what they might do during a robot apocalypse. The waitress (Tianna Heffenden) asks if everything was okay. Johnathan describes it as “delightful” when another text from Claire pops up on his phone. She reminds him that they are to speak with Spencer about their breakup. He lies about the call being from his mum.

Gerald Avoidance BBC

Jonathan encounters Amanda (Jessica Fostekew) while he drops Spencer off at school. She claims Claire told her everything. He asks what Claire had to say. She says their relationship is over. He suggests she has it all wrong. She tells him that Claire utilized the phrase “definitely over.” When he asks her to not tell anyone, she assumes Darren (Tommy Finnegan) may have been listening.

Spencer refuses to believe Darren when he repeats what Claire told Amanda. Darren assures him that it is true before calling Jonathan a “loser.” As he begins to chant “loser,” the other students join in.

Jonathan rushes into the office to pick up Spencer. Gerald (Colin Farrell) sends Emma (Miai Leonie Phillip) to retrieve Spencer from Mrs. Greenwich’s class. As she unhurriedly walks toward Spencer’s classroom, Jonathan asks if she would care to speed it up a bit. Gerald informs him that the school’s family liaison officer is an expert at such things. Agitated, Jonathan assures him there is no news. Gerald continues to pressure until he asks to speak with Darren instead. Gerald asks if he is Darren’s father. A very frustrated Jonathan walks outside and repeatedly utters “fu**” under his breath.

Danielle Avoidance BBC

Danielle (Mandeep Dhillon) contacts Jonathan to talk about Claire leaving him. He questions if she heard the news from Claire. She admits Claire informed her during a phone conversation this morning. He assures her it is nothing more than a “blip.” She says living with him is nearly impossible. He tells her that he is positive she will come back home. She asks if he had ever heard Claire says it was over before. He says, “No.” She promises they will be there when he finally accepts it. He questions who is “they.” When Courtney hears Danielle say her name, she admits not supporting Jonathan.

Johnathan shows his frustration by kicking a shoe across the floor. He replaces the shoe back in its original position before taking a seat on the sofa where he watched the clock. A text from Claire alerts him that she will be home by 5pm.

Jonathan picks Spencer up at school. They discuss why he came to school this morning. Spencer informs him that Darren was weird when he for no reason gave him a cake from his lunch. Jonathan asks if he said anything. When Spencer suggests it may be “problems at home,” Jonathan tells him that rumors claim Darren’s mum is a heavy drinker.

While Spencer plays a video game, Claire sends another text that reads, “I know it’s going to be hard, but we have to tell him.” In a second text, she promises to be home in an hour. Jonathan informs Spencer that they are going to visit Danielle and the beach tomorrow. Spencer reminds him that he has school. He promises to have taken care of it during his visit to the school before rushing him up to pack.

Courtney Avoidance BBC

Jonathan checks on Spencer to see how he is doing with his packing to discover a single toy in his suitcase. With their suitcases in the car, they head out to Danielle’s.

Danielle suggests to Courtney that they delay their trip to the Aston Lodge Spa. Courtney asks if it has to do with the “fu**wit.” She informs her that Jonathan is bringing Spencer over today because he needs support during his divorce. Courtney reminds her that Jonathan never asked Claire to marry him.

Spencer questions if Claire plans to go to the beach with them. Danielle calls to see if they are still coming to her house. He says they should be there in about 10 minutes. She assures them that she and Courtney are looking forward to their visit.

Courtney informs Jonathan and Spencer that Danielle’s client has a smoking addiction. Danielle asks Courtney to give Spencer a tour of her office while she talks to Jonathan. Courtney reluctantly agrees. Danielle asks if Claire knows he is there. He explains how they believe space would help their relationship. She repeats her question and gets the same answer.

Claire Avoidance BBC

Courtney and Spencer sit quietly across from each other until she asks if he likes bikes.

Dannielle receives a call from a frantic Claire who claims to have no idea where Jonathan and Spencer are at. Jonathan tells an irate Claire that he panicked. When Claire suggests she join them at Danielle’s house, he says Spencer is asleep. Rushing into the room, Courtney informs them that she is no longer babysitting.

After accusing him of “kidnapping a minor,” Danielle says she and Courtney are his accomplices. He sarcastically refers to them as “sh**” accomplices who gave up his location. She scolds him for joking. He suggests Claire may change her mind if she sees them happy tomorrow. When Danielle picks up Courtney’s plate, she gets an earful. They bicker back and forth about washing dishes. Jonathan asks if he is supposed to trust them for relationship advice. Danielle describes her relationship with Courtney as “normal.”

Jonathan and Spencer head out to the beach. After a fun-filled day of riding bumper cars and goofing around while eating popcorn, they receive a text message from an angry Claire. Spencer admits lying about passing his spelling test. Jonathan assures him it is no problem. He says it was time for him to own up to what he did. After inhaling deeply, Jonathan informs him that Claire is at Danielle’s. They walk side-by-side toward the exit as the episode comes to an end.


Avoidance Review

After watching the first episode, it is obvious what the writer was trying to achieve. It’s unfortunate, that the execution failed miserably.

Johnathan, played by Romesh Ranganathan, portrays an unambitious father of sweet, innocent Spencer (Kieran Logendra). The show jumps right into Claire and Jonathan’s failed relationship. Viewers are left guessing what led up to Claire’s adamancy to split with Jonathan. No explanation, no flashbacks, nothing. It would’ve been more effective to provide viewers with a background on their relationship.

The cinematography is great. The lighting, shots, angles, framing, and camera focus are on par.

The script was not lazy, so much, but definitely lackluster. It seems as if the writer was stuck on Claire leaving Jonathan. It was repeated over and over in every scene. I don’t know why the writer felt it necessary to continuously humiliate a vulnerable and vulnerable man.

The strained relationship between Jonathan and Courtney is a mystery. While there is still plenty of time to provide viewers with the missing pieces, it would’ve been more effective to incorporate them into the pilot episode.

The acting is a hit-and-miss, which may partially be contributed to the corny jokes.

Young Kieran and Romesh connected well onscreen. Their visit to the beach was heartfelt and sweet.

The show deserves a 6. Get more Avoidance recaps here. Support Reel Mockery by clicking on the link.

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