fraser cobra s01e06 recap

Cobra Season 1 Finale Recap

As the episode begins, we see that people have set up a memorial for the slain journalist. Protesters take to the street to telling the prime minister to resign immediately. Prime Minister Sutherland (Robert Carlyle) listens to the news of the camera woman’s death from home. Harry Rowntree (Con O’Neill) speaks out against the prime minister on television. He says that they should throw out the incompetent government by any means necessary. Archie Glover-Morgan (David Haig) holds a press conference and announces his intention to resign as home secretary. Robert and Anna (Victoria Hamilton) show up in the COBRA room and Robert confirms that the home secretary will not be joining them.

actress victoria hamilton cobra

They learn that the soldier burned by the bomb has died. Eleanor goes on to say that certain people infiltrated People’s Justice and caused the problems so Anna wants to throw the book at them. Fraser Walker (Richard Dormer) gives everyone an update regarding the generator. The Prime Minister is confident that they’ll be able to start rebuilding once they get the generator installed. Robert says the opposition is going to put up a vote of no confidence and he might be forced to resign. However, he intends to fulfill his promise and get the lights back on for the people at the hospital. He is not going to resign. Fraser receives a text message warning him that something has gone wrong with the generator.

actor david haig cobra s01e06

After that, Anna tells Robert about public sentiment regarding the current situation. Constable Collier (Steven Cree) returns to the command station and begins cleaning up. Francine (Marsha Thomason) checks on Anna seconds later. They chat about the death of the camerawoman and it turns into an argument. Francine knew they had different values and suspects Anna believes her world view is out of the question. She doesn’t think Anna thinks about her privilege either. When the conversation ends, Francine realizes she is going to have to quit her new job so she leaves in a hurry. Archie confronts the Prime Minister and offers to compromise him. He offers Robert his support in the confidence vote.

cobra fraser finale recap

Archie doesn’t believe it is a good time to change leadership. Archie wants something in return so he can feel appreciated. He tells Robert about Francine resigning. He wants to put Dominick back in that spot. Fraser learns that the engineers will not give approval for the truck to carry the generator over a small bridge. He arrives and learns that the bridge could collapse and the drive isn’t going to take that risk. He calls Robert and speaks with him briefly. Stephen Lodge (Ellie Kendrick) takes the phone and tells Robert and Anna what is happening. Fraser climbs into the truck with the intention of driving it himself. As the truck crosses over the bridge, it begins breaking apart. At one point, Fraser stops and panics.

archie cobra s01e06

However, he pulls himself together and continues onward. He eventually makes it across. After that, Anna speaks with Eleanor in private. Eleanor says they were using the flat to set up a drug deal. The heroin was going to be exchanged for a hit. Anna doesn’t want to believe that Edin (Alexandra Willaume) is Nico. Eleanor wants Edin to tell everything he knows about Toni and they’ll give him a new identity in return. After that, Stuart speaks with Fraser about getting other generators. After that, Anna speaks with her daughter Tess (Grace Hogg-Robinson). Anna asks why her daughter went to the fault. She responds that she thought she could convince her mother to return home.

protesters cobra s01e06 recap

Sam (Mark Bazeley) enters and says he knows about the vote of confidence. They admit that everything is going to depend on Archie. Next, Archie sits down with a colleague and says he doesn’t have the support for a leadership change and it isn’t a good time for one anyway. He believes they should get rid of Anna. Robert is told that he should sack Anna to stay in power but he doesn’t want to do that. Rachel reminds him that he is fighting for his life so he shouldn’t worry about that way people see it. Eleanor and Anna walk the street and Anna is told to get clear of Robert or she’ll find herself on a sinking ship. She learns about Archie demanding Robert sack her in exchange for his confidence vote.

edin cobra s01e06

Anna doesn’t believe Robert will do it. Next, Archie meets with Peter Mott (Edward Bennett). After a bit of back and forth, Peter says he never told Ellie to lie to the police. Rachel did and the Prime Minister knew about it. Peter says Rachel said that posh white girls shouldn’t go to prison. The story will be run right before the confidence vote so that will give Peter time to draft his resignation letter. Anna is adamant that Robert will not turn on her. She meets up with Edin moments later. Anna asks him what happened to him. He says it was the war. After that, we speak about Edin saving Tess’s life. He says he couldn’t stand by and watch them hurt her daughter. Eleanor listens to the conversation using a wiretap. Edin says he didn’t lie about anything else.

anna tess cobra finale

Anna wants him to take the offer but Edin doesn’t want to. He says he’ll go to the house and wait for Anna to come. He goes on to say that he loves her and always has. Archie calls Robert and tells him that it won’t be long until the confidence vote. He wants to know if Robert is going to follow through with those personnel changes before the vote. Anna receives a call from Sam. Ellie Sutherland (Marisa Abela) tells Rachel (Lucy Cohu) that her comment is all over the Internet. Ellie wishes she hadn’t listened to her mother and Peter. Rachel wishes her daughter hasn’t served class A drugs so she wouldn’t be facing prison time. Rachel apologizes for that comment and says it won’t come to that. She claims Peter only wants to save his own skin. Robert enters.

eleanor anna cobra finale

He says they’ll get through it. Peter sits down with law enforcement while Ellie watches videos of herself and Georgia. She also finds comments running her through the mud. She drinks and grabs some pills to cope with her problems. Robert catches her pouring the pills into her hand. He knocks them away and tries to comfort her. He reminds her that they’re there for her. Rachel falls asleep with her daughter while Robert remains awake. Later, Robert meets with Archie and Dominick. Dominick is reminded that his return has to do with Archie supporting the PM in the confidence vote. Coffee arrives and Robert prepares it. Archie says Robert brought them there to tell them to go screw themselves. Robert tells Archie that he might bring him down but he’ll never replace him.

robert and archie cobra

Dominick and Archie leave moments later. Fraser works diligently to get the generator up and running while Anna meets with Robert in the COBRA room. She asks Robert if he is going to sack her and he denies it. Power to the Red Zone is restored so the Prime Minister kept his promise. Eleanor tells Archie that the PM’s numbers are steadily climbing now but Archie wants to see what happens when it is proved the PM lied to parliament. Eleanor says Archie’s plan to get rid of Anna didn’t work out but he has a plan B too. He wants to know why Eleanor always protects her. Archie is confident they’ll be choosing a new prime minister soon enough. Robert tells Anna he will give them an election if they want one.

ellie sutherland cobra s01e06

She explains he can’t rely on the way he handled the crisis. He needs to offer them something new and something positive. She encourages him to make a break from the past and announce a wealth tax. She wants the PM to support diversity so he can win the election. Robert and Anna return to the COBRA room moments later. He thanks everyone for their efforts. He says he is going to call a general election so there won’t be a confidence vote. He wants to find out who the people trust to lead them through the difficult time ahead. Fraser says there is still some voltage instability in the red zone but the other zones are fully operational and the episode ends.

fraser cobra s01e06 recap


Cobra Season 1 Episode 6 Review

I was hoping for a bit more from the finale. I would’ve like to have seen a few twists and turns. Maybe a surprise or two? We didn’t get anything unexpected. It was easy to see that Robert was going to keep Anna by his side and refuse to cooperate with Archie. Most knew that Fraser was going to get the generator across the bridge and restore power to the red zone. The finale wrapped everything up a bit too conveniently and easily.

I would’ve liked to have seen a little more struggle and uncertainty. I am not sure they’ll be a point in watching the second season of Cobra. We already know that Robert Sutherland is going to win the vote and remain Prime Minister. If there was a quarter of a chance that the writers were going to flip the script, it would be far more interesting. I don’t know. The finale was just too easy for the Prime Minister and his colleagues. It scores a 6.5 out of 10. Previous recaps of Cobra are available on Reel Mockery.

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  1. James says:

    I finally got around to finishing this show. Although the last episode was somewhat rushed, somewhat anti-climatic , and left a lot of unanswered questions, overall the series was exciting enough and it held my interest at least 90% of the time getting pretty tense in several spots. It’s another quality production from Sky Atlantic. I just love Richard Dormer. He was great in this show but also on Fortitude, which is another Sky Atlantic production.

    • ReelMockery says:

      I’ll say that it was better than a lot of other stuff I am watching right now. I’d watch a second season. If I recall correctly, I think I watched a few episodes of Fortitude and got off track somewhere and never went back. Need to check it out and watch more episodes. Thanks for the comment.

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