Wreck Season 1 Episode 1 Recap

Ship Of Dreams – The episode begins with Pippa Walsh (Jodie Tyack) going for a swim. While staring in the mirror, she scolds Danny Jones (Jack Rowan) for sneaking up on her. He tells her that they should talk. She suggests they move on so he can be unhappy. He assures her that he wants to support her while she’s having a difficult time. She says, of course, you do before blowing her hairdryer in his face.

Pippa ignores several texts from Danny demanding she call him. When the elevator goes dark, she sends a text agreeing to meet him. He sends a text that reads, “I hope it ducking hurts.” She walks down the hall after exiting the elevator when it stops again on the same floor. After turning to look, she takes off running toward a set of double doors. Scrambling to utilize her keycard, she makes it to safety before looking through a window at a large duck in a yellow raincoat. The duck holds up a keycard causing her to flee once again. She discretely watches the duck draw a knife while appearing to walk away. Exiting her hiding place, she encounters the duck.

The Bingo Caller (Ryan J. Brown) pulls another number while Pippa climbs over the boat railing to escape the yellow duck but instead falls backward into the water. The duck takes a quick look for fleeing the area.

Three Months Later – Jamie Walsh (Oscar Kennedy) attaches a name tag to his Velorum uniform shirt before heading to Registration. He identifies himself as “Cormac” to Officer Sam Rhodes (Louis Boyer). After handing him a document to sign, Sam snaps his photo.

Jamie, along with a group of new hires, watches a Velorum commercial. Officer Karen McIntyre (Harriet Webb) identifies herself, Sam, and Officer T. Beaker (Warren James Dunning). She warns the new hires that they will obey every request or reap the consequences. During a tour of the ship, Lauren Thompson (Amber Grappy) greets Jamie. Karen informs them of the “two-strike rule” for bad behavior.

Karen introduces the new hires to The Sacramentum Oyster Bar only for the officers and staff with a Velorum gold card. Jerome Dupont (Diego Andres) reminds her of the video. Lauren asks what about in their free time. After informing them of their “back-of-house roles,” Karen says those who impress are granted temporary access to some areas. They are introduced to the cruise director, Henry Allan (Donald Sage Mackay). Karen assures them that each of them will disappoint her before sending them to their bunks.

Jerome informs Lauren that he was lucky to get his own room. Lauren says her fiancé is back home while staring at her ring. Jenny Taylor (Louis Parker) asks if it’s a mood ring. Lauren tells her that it belonged to her fiancé’s mother. Jenny asks Jamie if there is someone special back home. He admits to being single.

After greeting Sir Russel Pleasence (Nick Dunning) and his wife, Allan offers to escort them to their suite.

Jamie imagines seeing Pippa standing in the dark. He hurriedly flips on the light switch to see his room empty. Cormac Kelly (Peter Claffey) greets Jamie as he emerges from the bathroom. Jamie demands to know what he’s doing there. Cormac sarcastically says he fancied some sun. Jamie orders him to get off the boat because he’s taking his place. Cormac informs him that he and his girlfriend, Rosie Preston (Miya Ocego) were to take the trip together until she bailed. Jamie asks if it couldn’t wait three months to try to win her back. When Jamie asks if he plans to spy on Rosie, Cormac reminds him of who stole his identity. Jamie tells him that he paid to utilize his identity while he stayed home. Cormac assures him that he can still investigate Pippa’s disappearance.

Jamie warns Cormac that if his true identity is found out, it will be over for him. Cormac promises to keep a low profile as an announcement is made that all the guests are boarded. Jamie pleads with him to stay put while he spies on Rosie for him. Shocked, Cormac asks if he would do it for him before showing her some photos of them together.

Jamie asks a kitchen worker if she knew Pippa. After claiming to know Danny, she refers to him and the other entertainers as “bloodsuckers.” A waiter (Sohaib Syed) tells him that the entertainers take drugs. A female waiter suggests they come from a mafia. The male waiter refers to Pippa as the “Mary Celeste” because she’s missing and a lot of sailors went down on her.

Jamie screams in frustration when Olly Reyes (Anthony Rickman) suggests he leave or never escape. Olly warns him that he doesn’t want to be a “blue noob, bottom of the ladder.” Jamie assures him that he’ll be okay.

Vivian Lim (Thaddea Graham) asks a Kitchen Porter (Ramiro Danza) if he needs to stand so close to her because he has “sh** breath.” He admits to never being with an Asian girl before. When he touches her back, she sprays him with water before threatening to drown him if he does it again. An officer asks them what is going on. Jamie assures him that everything is good. Vivian tells him that Pippa may have the right idea. Jamie says Pippa didn’t jump.

Lauren is in the supply room when the lights go out. The door shuts before she can get out. Frantic, she pleads to be let out when Vivian and Jamie open the door. Some workers laugh at Lauren. Vivian describes them as “ar**holes” before suggesting dead bodies are stored there when the mortuary is full. He asks why she joined the Velorum staff. She says to build her professional skills in a world-class environment. He admits to his father being unaware of his being there. She asks about his mum. He tells her that she died when he was 10. They secretively watch Danny and another worker trade something for drugs.

Jamie waits until Danny exits his cabin to enter. He discovers a cellphone when someone turns the doorknob. He rushes into the bathroom as Danny enters the cabin. Sophia Leigh (Alice Nokes) visits to inform him that Bethany-May Denbrough (Ali Hardiman) wants to leave. He describes her as “dead weight” before asking if she trusts her. She suggests never trusting a girl with two names before telling him to speak with her.

Jamie looks up from the cellphone to be face-to-face with a yellow duck. The duck joins two children wearing duck masks.

Sophia asks Bethany-May where she’s going. After warning her that they’re over their heads, Bethany-May says after Pippa’s disappearance, it isn’t fun anymore. She opens the door to find Danny standing there.

Jamie asks Vivian if she ever feels like someone is watching her. He describes the boat as a “floating prison.” She tells him that it gives her more freedom than she’s had in ages.

Jamie is watching a video of Pippa and other workers when the Wi-Fi goes out. Cormac admits to seeing a story Rosie posted but didn’t text her, watched “Fast and Furious” instead. He complains that it felt like he was gone forever. Jamie reminds him that it’s only been nine hours. Cormac says his body feels like it’s shutting down due to solitary confinement. Jamie claims Rosie was mopping the decks. Cormac tells him that Rosie’s a Cher Tribute, not a cleaner before heading to the door. Jamie jumps on his back. After a brief struggle, Cormac opens the door to find Vivian standing there when Jamie pounces on him.

Jamie informs Vivian that Pippa was missing for two days before it was reported. He says the police in Panama must investigate because the boat’s registered there. She asks what Velorum turned up. He tells her that they claimed she jump, which he doesn’t believe. She sarcastically says a cover-up by a multi-million corporation would never happen. After telling her that Pippa practically raised him after their mom died, he says everyone is a suspect. She offers to help him before coming clean about not telling her parents she’s there. He asks if they’re searching for her. She claims they’re too embarrassed by her.

A knock at the door draws their attention. Jamie looks through the peephole to see three people wearing duck masks. They bust through the door and abduct Vivian.

Jamie is being held in a dark room by the three people in duck masks. They splash water in his face. Jamie promises to not tell anyone if they let him go. When Danny removes his mask, Jamie demands to know where Pippa is. Escorting Jamie into a room, Danny informs him that it’s a rite of passage. Jamie briefly joins Vivian before Danny pulls him away. Danny asks if they have met. Jamie identifies himself as Cormac Kelly before apologizing for what happened to Pippa. Danny claims he had to pie Pippa off because she was too clingy. Danny describes what happened to her as “tragic.” Jamie images seeing her standing among the people dancing.

Bethany-May tells Sophia that she’s sorry for losing it. Sophia tells her that she must promise to keep it together. Bethany-May says the others call her a “cheap Pippa substitute” but she thinks she’s cool. Sophia angrily tosses her cigarette overboard when Sam approaches. He threatens to write her up. She holds out her arms.

Jenny and Danny go to his room.

Olly and Jamie are talking when Rose passes. She asks if she’s supposed to know him. He says, “No” but he likes her feathers.

Sam and Sophia have sex in the supply room.

Danny tells Jenny that she can stay. She accuses him of calling her, Pippa. When she asks who is she, he reminds her that she was leaving. He emerges from the bathroom to find a duck in a yellow raincoat in his cabin. He tells Hamish a joke while Jamie meets up with Vivian. The duck hits Danny with a dumbbell. Danny flees into the hallway with the duck in tow. The duck stabs him multiple times as the crew continues to party. An injured Danny is dragged down the hall and into what appears to be a hidden room as the episode comes to an end.


Wreck Review

Pippa finds herself in an unpredictable position when she is challenged by someone wearing a duck costume. Refusing to succumb to the duck, she voluntarily falls into the water.

Jamie joined the Velorum crew to find out what happened to Pippa. He paid Cormac to utilize his identity only to discover he didn’t stay home after his girlfriend, Rosie bailed. Jamie quickly made friends with Vivian who offered to help him investigate Pippa’s disappearance.

Sophia had to convince Bethany-May to keep her cool after she heard the Pippa rumors.

Jenny confronted him about calling her Pippa while they had sex. She left after he refused to talk about Pippa. Someone in a duck costume stood in the dark when he emerged from the bathroom. He referred to the individual as Hamish while telling a joke. The duck clocked him with a dumbbell before he stumbled into the hallway. He is stabbed and dragged into what appeared to be a hidden room.

My biggest complaint is the poor lighting. Some scenes are too dark to see what’s happening. The interaction between Danny and another worker in the supply room is just one example. Danny swaps something for drugs.

Character development is nearly nonexistent. I honestly believe the cast is oversaturated which may be part of the problem. Too many characters and too little air time to develop even the main characters.

Why so many ducks? If the killer is wearing a duck costume, why have more than one? There were ducks in every scene, probably to confuse viewers. If they were trying to achieve a frightening experience, they failed miserably.

The unnecessary distractions took away from what really happened to Pippa.

The episode deserves a 6.5. Get more Wreck recaps here. Support Reel Mockery by clicking the link.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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