Wentworth Series 5 Episode 2 Recap

will wentworth s5 e2 recap

At the beginning of the 2nd episode, Franky (Nicole da Silva) is transported back to Wentworth. She goes through the regular admission protocol, before spotting Allie (Kate Jenkinson) in the prison hospital. Then, Franky speaks with Will (Robbie Magasiva). She offered Bea’s old cell. However, Franky quickly turns it down. Seconds later, Bridget (Libby Tanner) spots Franky. Vera (Kate Atkinson) catches Bridget and Franky sharing glances. She quickly reprimands Bridget and warns her of the consequences. Moments later, Boomer (Katrina Milosevic) gets excited when they see the return of Franky. They quickly form the opinion that Franky will attempt to go to war with Joan (Pamela Rabe) and try to secure her old spot as top dog.

In the cellblock, Franky catches up with her old friends. Maxine (Socratis Otto) agrees to give Franky his cell, since he will be heading to Barnhurst soon. Will speaks with Jake (Bernard Curry), who admits his return is well welcomed. Franky gets a visit from Kaz (Tammy Macintosh). Kaz is worried about Franky trying to move on her position. Franky makes it clear she has no intention of doing that. When Kaz returns to her cell, she speaks with Allie. They wind up arguing with Allie accusing Kaz of protecting Ferguson. Then, Allie speaks with Franky. Allie’s attack on Ferguson is praised by Franky, despite it going so terribly wrong. Seconds later, the girl harass Will. Kaz asks Will about Jake stealing his job. He says nothing. Franky is confrtoned by Bridget. She is forced to admit to seeing Mike more than once.

She also learns about the harassment from Mike. Franky speaks with her attorney and two detectives. She maintains her innocence and insists Mike must’ve shot himself. Franky is told that Mike’s phone records had no phone calls to her. She also learns that the cops found the gun. It happens to be the one she took away from Shayne Butler (Hunter Page-Lochard) in the previous season. Meanwhile, Liz (Celia Ireland) gets prettied up for her visit with Don (Steve Bastoni). During the visit, Liz is given answers and told to memorize them for her testimony. Back in the yard, Franky speaks with Allie and tells her about the gun. She admits it will create major problems for her. Will speaks with Bridget. Will admits he feels he failed Bea. Franky meets with Shayne during her visitation. He denies having anything to do with the gun. Franky quickly places the blame on Ferguson.

Franky confronts Ferguson in the cafeteria and threatens her. Ferguson seems thrilled that Franky is back to her old ways. Then, Franky expresses her concerns to Vera. After Franky leaves, Vera admits she believes Ferguson is working with someone on the outside. Jake says nothing. Jake meets with Ferguson and confirms Doyle is looking for Jesper’s murderer. Ferguson doesn’t seem concerned at all. Jake heads outside, screams and places a call to Turk. He orders another batch of drugs. Once he exits his vehicle, he runs into Bridget, who talks him into letting her see Franky. During this time, Doyle finds Boomer preparing her room with dirty pictures of women. Franky freaks out and forces Boomer to leave. Sonia (Sigrid Thornton) speaks with Liz and Doreen (Shareena Clanton). She tells them about the new witness.

Franky meets with Bridget. Bridget asks Doyle about her confrontation with Ferguson. She tries to convince her from doing anything insane. At this time, Bridget learns about the gun. After the conversation, Franky sits down with the detectives again. They confirm DNA belonging to Doyle was found on the weapon. Franky remains adamant that she had nothing to do with Mike’s death. The detectives agree to wait outside, while Doyle speaks with her attorney in private. Franky fights with her attorney, because he wants her to change her plea. She fires him immediately. Vera speaks with Jake and confirms the board bought her story about Murphy. She also admits she is now in the clear. Jake mentions Bridget’s earlier request. Vera is fine with Jake taking charge, but she seems concerned about Bridget’s relationship with Franky.

Franky wrecks her cell. Allie arrives seconds later and tries to comfort her. Franky admits she needs Ferguson alive, since she is the only one that can clear her. Jake transfers the drugs to the prison kitchen. In the morning, Kim Chang (Ra Chapman) and her girls get the drugs and begin peddling them to the other inmates. Max makes her departure. Back in their cell, Doreen learns about Liz being a rat. She admits Liz would be in big trouble, if the news got out. Sonia interrupts them seconds later. Next, Franky visits Boomer and apologizes. Vera warns Bridget about her relationship with Franky once again. Bridget learns about the DNA. She leaves and confronts Franky. Bridget learns that the gun belongings to Ferguson. Nevertheless, she admits that alibi will never work.

Vera delivers a box to Ferguson. They argue briefly. Franky returns to her cell and finally puts on the green jumpsuit. Meanwhile, Ferguson imagines herself putting on the governor uniform. She speaks to herself about Vera and her games. Ferguson makes it clear she intends to punish Vera. In the yard, Vera promises to avenge Bea.


Wentworth Review

Sorry if it feels like this recap was rushed. Have been busy and had to get it done as quickly as possible. Nevertheless, the second episode of Wentworth’s 5th season was decent. It is kind of disappointing to see the writers try to return Franky to prison, in order to fill the void left behind by Bea. This episode shaped the future of the season and that is a good thing. It is clear Franky and Allie will attempt to unite to clear Franky’s name, while simultaneously avenging Bea.

Doreen is aimless at this point and should’ve already been dropped. Liz is on the verge of ruining her life. And finally, Vera and Ferguson will likely butt heads very soon. The episode was good, but not yet great. A 7 out of 10 is deserved. Catch up with previous recaps of Wentworth now!

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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