Wentworth Season 8 Episode 8 Recap

series 8 episode 8 lou kelly kate box

At the beginning of the episode, Joan Ferguson (Pamela Rabe) has a nightmare and imagines seeing a young girl standing in her cell. Meanwhile, the other prisoners try to come to grips with the current lockdown. Lou Kelly (Kate Box), Reb Keane (Zoe Terakes), and Marie Winter (Susie Porter) wait in the cell block nearby. When Joan leaves her cell, Marie gives her something to drink and tells her that things are out of control due to the lockdown. Jake (Bernard Curry) enters another cell block to tell Allie (Kate Jenkinson) that the governor wants to see her. On their way out, Ruby Mitchell (Rarriwuy Hick) asks Jake about Ann but she doesn’t get an answer about her health. Once they’re gone, Ruby suggests they should’ve told the truth but Judy (Vivienne Awosoga) says it is too late for that.

She doesn’t think it is a good idea to tell Allie either because that would put her in a position to choose between them and the other women. Judy believes it is best to stay quiet and strong for Allie’s sake so the women do not blame her. Vera (Kate Atkinson) and Will (Robbie Magasiva) discuss strategy about finding Ann’s attacker before Allie arrives and interrupts. Will and Vera want Allie to find out who was responsible. Will agrees to let the women out to work and eat so Allie might find out who the attacker was. Allie and the others head to the cafeteria before Allie tells Judy and the others about her meeting with the governor. Ann is going to be fine but Ruby will not be able to use the phones to call her father because they’ve lost those privileges due to the attack. Joan arrives with bread for the inmates but they’re aren’t satisfied with that and decide to harass her.

After that, Ferguson meets with Greg Miller (David de Lautour) and pays close attention to his goldfish. She sits down and the doctor tells her about goldfish and their memory. Ferguson tells Greg that she wants to spot her sessions but he says that isn’t possible because he has to write reports about their meetings. She is adamant that she is Kath Maxwell but the court has other opinions. She says Joan Ferguson is pure evil. Greg takes Ferguson to the maternity ward so she can see the babies. She takes a particular interest in Vera’s baby until Jake comes in and gets angry. Jake complains to Greg in private but he promises that he meant no harm by it. Meanwhile, Reb and Marie watch the news and see something about a person of interest being questioned in the True Path deaths. Marie watches as Lou and Reb pay close attention to the news report.

Reb gets upset when the television shows a picture of a psychiatrist who used unproven techniques on his clients. Jake returns Ferguson to her cell and warns her to stay away from his baby. She seems surprised that the baby belongs to Jake. Vera learns about that and discusses it with Jake moments later. Greg enters and apologizes to Vera. He promises that he would never put Grace in danger and Vera is willing to accept his apology but Jake isn’t satisfied. Jake leaves and Vera learns that Greg got a message about Reb’s top surgery. Ferguson hides the goldfish she stole before Vera enters and tells her to stay away from her baby. Then, Vera tells Reb that his top surgery has been granted. They need Greg’s signature on the application so Reb will have to meet and speak with him. Lou learns and finds out that Reb isn’t happy about the meeting with Greg.

He doesn’t want to get a shrink’s approval to do what he wants to do with his body. Before too long, Reb visits Greg and begins answering his questions. During the session, Reb has flashbacks of the guy who harassed him and tried to convince him that he had body dysmorphia. Eventually, Reb tries to run out of the room and ends up hitting Greg on the way out. Linda Miles (Jacqueline Brennan) takes Reb back to his cell and threatens to have him slotted. Marie and Lou find out what happened before Lou tries to comfort Reb. Lou learns that Reb felt like he was back with the old shrink. Reb believes he has screwed up his chance at getting the surgery but Lou thinks she can fix it. Lou confronts Greg and tries to get him to sign the paperwork without any arguments. Greg isn’t willing to budge though.

When Greg leaves, Lou tells Ferguson that they have a rat so they need to do something about it. We jump over to the call center in time for Ruby to try to call her sister but it doesn’t work and Linda scolds her. Then, Boomer (Katrina Milosevic) calls the guy she has been talking to before Will enters and pulls Allie aside. Will wants to know what Allie has found out but she hasn’t learned anything. Ruby listens as Will explains that things are going to get worse for her because she might be losing respect with the women. Boomer asks her friend a revealing question and he explains that he cares about honesty above anything else. She decides to tell him the truth about being in prison and he doesn’t seem to mind. Marie talks to Reb about the meeting with Greg before Reb admits it wasn’t all Greg’s fault.

Reb changes the conversation to the True Path deaths and reveals it was the cult Reb was talking about. He goes on to say that the shrink tried to get into his head and fix him. In the end, things got pretty crazy. Lou and Reb were the only ones to make it out alive. Ferguson works in the kitchen and steals a box of rat poison and another cup. Then, she sees bloody footprints on the ground and follows them. She sees the little girl again before coming to her senses when a guard interrupts. Next, Allie seems to be having a hard time of things. Ruby warns Judy that Lou is giving out acid and stirring things up so they need to do something to help Allie. Judy tells Allie that Lou bashed Ann Reynolds. Meanwhile, Lou creates a poison that she intends to use to kill Greg while Ferguson transfers her goldfish to a bigger bottle.

Lou enters, gives the poison to Ferguson, and tells her to put it in Greg’s drink during their next meeting but Ferguson doesn’t want to cooperate. Kath says she is not that person anymore but Lou isn’t willing to take no for an answer. We jump to the cafeteria and Linda scolds Lou for hounding one of the other inmates. Lou uses that to joke about Allie being top dog. Allie stands up and calls out the one who bashed Ann. She demands they turn themselves in since she believes Lou was responsible for it. Nobody takes the bait. Jake goes to Ferguson and warns her against seeing Dr. Miller because he killed Liz. Vera confronts Ferguson and asks her about refusing to meet with Dr. Miller. Ferguson says she heard that Miller killed Liz and Vera immediately confronts and blames Jake. He admits he is only trying to help Grace and that they cannot let Miller treat Joan.

Lou goes to Ferguson and tries to get her to poison Greg Miller again but Kath says Joan Ferguson is dead. Marie interrupts and says Lou cannot expect Kath to murder for her. Lou says they’re only still breathing because she is working as their babysitter. She tells Ferguson that she will poison Greg Miller or she’ll let the women have her. We jump over to the laundry where Ruby believes something is up. Ferguson or Kath meets with Dr. Miller. Lou’s girls decide to protest the lockdown. They ransack the prison Lou sends one of the other women to cause more chaos while Ferguson looks for an opportunity to poison and kill Greg Miller. Will has Allie sent to his office so he can demand to know who attacked Ann. Linda goes to the maternity section and confronts three inmates before having a flashback of the siege.

Vera interrupts alongside Jake and stops Linda from being attacked. Allie tells Will that Lou Kelly attacked Reynolds so he won’t call in the riot squad. Will agrees to lift the lockdown if the inmates return to their cells for a count and they do. Ferguson finally gets her chance to poison Greg. Vera finds Linda sitting in a corner and she is not in good condition. Greg drinks his tea once Ferguson leaves the room. Lou denies the allegation as she is led away by two guards and Allie watches. Ruby calls Rita (Leah Purcell) and finds out that she has gone somewhere warm. Vera checks on Greg only to find him asleep in his chair. She tells him that he should check on Linda because she had a meltdown during the incident and it might have something to do with the siege. Greg checks his goldfish tank and notices that something is wrong.

Ruby comforts Allie but Allie can’t understand how Lou creates the entire mess and still got the girls to riot. Allie speaks about Bea and the last thing she did as top dog. Ferguson sees the little girl with blood on her hands. Marie enters just in time to stop Ferguson from drinking the poison and killing herself. Marie tells Ferguson that it doesn’t matter who she was. It only matters who she is now. Then, she takes the poison and Reb joins her. Marie and Reb hold hands before Marie learns that the cult committed suicide by poisoning so Marie decides to hang onto the poison.


Wentworth Review

While nowhere near perfect, this was likely one of the best episodes of Wentworth this season. I could do without Boomer finding a boyfriend, the Rita and Ruby saga, and some of the other necessities. It is still tough to believe that we’re so close to the finale since so little has happened this season. I think it has more to do with the show not having any clear storylines or objectives. It feels like Allie is in a battle for top dog against herself because Lou doesn’t want that.

I really can’t force myself to get interested in Rita, Ruby, Judy, or even Ferguson for that matter. I am mostly just watching the show for the Reb, Lou, and Marie story arc and it seems nothing else matters. If it wasn’t for those few moments, I wouldn’t really care and I am not too thrilled with the writers adding another inmate to the mix next episode either.

This episode was better but still laughable at times. Previous recaps of Wentworth can be found on Reel Mockery.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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