Vikings: Valhalla Season 3 Episode 1 Recap

s03e01 vikings Valhalla recap Frida Gustavsson

Seven Years Later – As the third season of Vikings: Valhalla begins, Harald Haraldsson (Luke Harmon) gives a sword to Freydis Eriksdotter (Frida Gustavsson). Aki (Eoghain Francis Kiernan) returns home on a boat and confirms he got everything for the wedding. Freydis comes over to ask Aki about his journey to Kattegat. She asks if there is any news about her brother or Harald. Aki says some people claim to have seen them in distant lands such as Africa or Greece. There are rumors that they’ve been fighting for the Emperor of Constantinople. In Sicily at the Saracen Fortress of Syracuse six months into the Byzantine Army’s siege, General Maniakes and Harald fight in battle.

The Emir is told that the Emperor has joined the battle. Emperor Romanos (Nikolai Kinski) fights alongside his men. Riders approach as Harald and the others try to protect Romanos. Later, Romanos says they brought him to witness victory yet he barely escaped with his life. General Maniakes insists the siege is working. Romanos worries because the center of his empire, Constantinople, is undefended. General Maniakes argues that leaving Sicily now will only embolden the Emir. He says they will consolidate their holdings and threaten Constantinople and even Jerusalem. Romanos wants to return home in the morning. Harald tells Romanos that General Maniakes is not incorrect. He thinks there is another solution. He thinks Romanos should let his warriors deliver Syracuse.

Meanwhile, Dorn (Eleanor McLynn) seems to struggle with the sight of blood. She approaches Leif Eriksson (Sam Corlett). She notices a drawing and asks if that’s what he’s looking for inside the castle. Leif explains it’s a library and it contains writings from ancient Greece and Egypt. Harald arrives and tells Leif that they’re going to take the fortress tomorrow night. Leif says it’ll happen at dawn. They walk through the tunnel together. They’re under the wall. When the time comes, they want to make it loud. Leif shows Harald the second tunnel and talks to a man about the treasure inside. They discuss how they’re going to light it and get out safely. Stigg (Leander Vyvey) talks through the woods. Hamundr approaches and learns Stigg is looking for Jomsborg. Stigg finds himself surrounded by Freydis and others.

Stigg ends up fighting with several men. Freydis stops Hamundr (Ciaran McMahon) from shooting him with an arrow. Hamundr tells Freydis that Stigg has evil in his bag. Stigg denies that and offers to show her. She learns he’s a healer among other things. Stigg says he’s not a Pagan or a Christian, but he’s not there to harm them either. Freydis forces him to show her how he fights. She agrees to let him stay in Jomsborg. At the Residence of the Pope, there are discussions about England being given to Denmark. In return, the Pope will be allowed to build 200 churches. King Canute speaks to Earl Godwin about the arrangements. The King approaches the Pope (Paul Ward). After kissing the Pope’s ring, King Canute speaks to the Cardinal (Cosimo Fusco).

Canute learns that the Pope has increased his request to 300 churches. Canute is also asked to provide them with the name of his successor. He hasn’t picked one yet. The Cardinal calls that is not satisfactory. King Canute gets upset. Canute (Bradley Freegard) attempts to speak to The Pope face-to-face. The Pope leaves because he feels offended. Later, Edwin tries to smooth things over with the Cardinal. He gives him money to try to win him over. Stigg begins tending to wounds. Freydis approaches to speak to him. He says he was a farmer until his wife and daughter were killed by raiders. Stigg explains why he came to Jomsborg. Freydis asks Stigg to teach her son Harald. Harald and Leif talk about Leif’s desire for more knowledge.

Harald says he promised he’d return to Norway and take back what is his. Their victory will guarantee he has enough treasures to do that. Leif wonders if that’ll be enough for him. General Maniakes tells Romanos he has put too much faith in Harald. Romanos believes Maniakes’s hatred of the Saracen religion has blinded him. He thinks it’s time to let someone else challenge the Emir. Canute speaks to Emma (Laura Berlin) about having to kneel in front of the Pope. She warns him that the Pope could have him excommunicated. Canute argues they all have blood on their hands. Edwin interrupts to say he has come to an understanding with the Cardinal. It’ll cost Canute 300 solidi.

When they’re alone, Emma tells Edwin she saw how the Cardinal treated Canute. She warns him that his bribe will not encourage them to change their perception. She believes they need to try a different tact. The wedding takes place. Haraldsson asks Freydis if she knows what the most powerful weapon in the world is. He claims it is the mind. She speaks to Stigg about her son. Stigg points out that he doesn’t speak about his father. Freydis says he never knew him. She parted ways with his father before he knew she was pregnant. Freydis explains they’re the last holdouts of believers in the old gods. All the lands to the north and south are ruled by Christians. Their Gold commands them to destroy them and their faith. Later, Freydis invites Stigg to rest with her. They end up having sex.

Harald and his men prepare for the upcoming battle. Batu begins using the battering rams. Emri seems to notice the vibration. He’s told the tunnel has reached the wall. With their counter wall finished, they will show Romanos’s men the foolishness of their decision. Batu gives a warning that they’re about to blow up the tunnel. Harald speaks to his men before the attack. Batu tells Kaysan to hurry. They rush out of the tunnel before they light it. Batu makes it out, but Kaysan isn’t behind him. Leif rushes in to check on him. He drags him to safety with the fire raging behind them. The Emir is satisfied with the result until he hears the war horn in the distance. They watch Harald and his men run towards the wall. The tunnel collapses and they run through the rubble.

Emperor Romanos orders his men to go. Leif pulls Kaysan to safety. The Emir is told to get back to the castle where he’ll be safe. The fighting continues until the episode ends.


Vikings: Valhalla Review

The third season of Vikings: Valhalla started with Harald and Leif putting their plan together after gaining Emperor Romanos’s trust. As the episode ended, they stormed the Emir’s castle. As for Freydis, she was busy with a wedding and a newcomer by the name of Stigg. King Canute tried unsuccessfully to negotiate with the Pope, but Edwin managed to smooth things over for him by bribing a Cardinal.

The opening episode wasn’t particularly thrilling with lots of dialogue filling time. The dialogue isn’t strong enough to really carry an episode with very little action. There’s something about the dialogue early in the episode that made it corny although it wasn’t as bad near the end. It certainly didn’t seem natural to say the least.

The action scenes aren’t great either because they’re too herky-jerky to the point of creating motion sickness. The biggest issue with episode one was the fact that it was just boring for the most part. The opening episode scores a 5 out of 10. Recaps of Vikings: Valhalla can be found on Reel Mockery here. Find out how to support our independent voice at this link.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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