Vienna Blood Series 4 Episode 2 Finale Recap

Oska and Haussmann Vienna Blood BBC

Mephisto Waltz Part 2 – As this episode of Vienna Blood begins, Oskar Rheinhardt (Juergen Maurer), Clara Weiss (Luise von Finckh), and Max’s family arrive at the hospital to check on his condition. Oskar tells Mendel (Conleth Hill) and Rachel (Amelia Bullmore) that Max was shot. The doctor insists they’re doing everything they can to save Max (Matthew Beard). Leah (Charlene McKenna) curses Oskar for coming into Max’s life again. Later, Oskar imagines he’s talking to Max to ask what went on. Oskar admits he believes he’s the one who shot him. In a flashback, Sergeant Haussmann (Josef Eller) shows Oskar the bullet casing and says it came from an automatic. Oskar finds a casing from a rifle bullet nearby.

He says there was only one shot so he doesn’t understand why there are two cases. Oskar visits Helena Rieger (Leonie Benesch) to see if she can help him identify the man in the tunnel. The man escaped through the back tunnels. Oskar asks for a list of the registered members. Helena doesn’t want to disclose their names without their permission since some of them are powerful people. Oskar threatens to come back with a warrant and arrest her if she obstructs the investigation. The doctor tells Oskar that the bullet did a lot of damage, but they were able to drain and suture the lung. The bullet glanced off Max’s ribcage and passed right through him. The doctor suspects he was shot with a rifle. In his imagination, Oskar tells Max he needs to find out who shot him.

He wonders if it could’ve been Mephisto. Oskar and Mendel speak next to Max who is not awake. Mendel tells Oskar about the time Max disappeared when he was very young. Later, Oskar tells Therese that investigating crimes was almost like a game for Max. Oskar blames himself and says he should’ve protected him. At the station, Oskar draws a sketch of the rifle. He tells Lisa Linder (Miriam Hie) that it is a puzzle because the tunnels were totally silent. He questions why he didn’t hear the second bullet fire. Oskar asks her to find out what was on the front of the rifle. He also shows her a cigarette butt he found at the casino. Commissioner von Bulow (Raphael von Bargen) tells Oskar he is sorry to hear about Max. He got a call from someone from the ministry about Helena Rieger.

The Commissioner says she has powerful friends and people are nervous. Oskar reminds him that Max was shot. The Commissioner knows but they should tread carefully. Oskar tells him he doesn’t know what’s been happening. He closes the door and tells the Commissioner about the traitor. Oskar admits he only has the proof that Strasser gave him. He tries to prevent the Commissioner from alerting the new director of security because they cannot trust anyone. Von Bulow agrees not to call. Oskar thinks Mephisto is there in Vienna. He asks for 24 hours to find some proof of existence. Before Oskar leaves, he notices the Commissioner reaches for his phone. The Soldier, General Leopold Straub (Johannes Zeiler), is given paperwork to sign. He is asked if he heard about the shooting at Riegers. The adjutant (Stefan Gorski) believes Straub was there that night.

Straub tells him not to mention that to anyone. The adjutant tells him the fellow who invented the contraption is outside again. Straub says he’ll see him. The actress, Katharina Schratt (Ulrike Beimpold), is told by Herr Friedl (Markus Schramm) that her weekend entertainment has been canceled. His excellency refuses to be burdened by the cost. They argue about whether the household disapproves of the actress. She expects his excellency to indulge in her private passion. Langle (Daniel Keberle) tells Straub that he only needs five minutes. Langle shows him his design for what appears to be a tank. He says they are going to rewrite the rule book. Later, the adjutant asks Straub about the meeting. Straub doesn’t seem interested in the tank.

Lisa shows Oskar a new patent by an inventor named Hiram Maxim. She explains it’s a silencer and prevents the rifle from making any sound. It’s bought from a specialist arms dealer. Oskar believes this is how Franz is connected to the story. Therese tells Oskar she was worried because he was out all night. She needs to get some things from their apartment. Oskar wants to go back first to make sure Wenzel is gone. She makes him promise that there will be no more violence. Oskar checks out the flat. Then, he calls Haussmann to show him Wenzel’s body. The Commissioner and others arrive to investigate. Herr Winter (Patrick Seletzky) points the finger at Oskar and claims he saw him arguing with Wenzel. The doctor says fibers similar to his coat were found under the victim’s fingernails. Oskar admits to being there that day because Wenzel assaulted one of his friends.

The Commissioner tells Oskar he’s under arrest. Meier takes Oskar’s gun. Oskar warns the Commission that Mephisto is out to get him. He asks the Commissioner who he told about his visit. Oskar pushes him and flees. Leah looks at the gifts Max brought back from New York. She is shocked when Oskar appears nearby. He tells her what’s going on and why he needs her help. Oskar imagines he’s speaking to Max about running away and how that made him look guilty. Meier visits Max at the hospital. It appears he’s going to grab a pillow until Max’s parents enter. Meier tells them he’s a friend from the police station. At the station, the Commissioner speaks to Bartholdi and Meier about what’s happened. They know Haussmann is loyal to Oskar. They’re standing Haussmann down.

Haussmann pleads with Bartholdi who says they can’t put him in charge. Meier joins them and learns he’s being tasked with finding Oskar. Meier is sent with him. Police storm Oskar’s residence to look for him. Meier questions Therese who learns Wenzel has been murdered. She’s told Oskar is the prime suspect. Therese doesn’t think Oskar is capable of murder. Meier warns her this could get bad for her and her daughter if she’s hiding something. Clara’s boss checks on her and questions whether she should be at work. She’d rather get her work done. The Commissioner and Bartholdi are told about Therese. Bartholdi suspects Oskar went to Wenzel to avenge her. They wonder where else Oskar could be. Leah complains about them being there.

Haussmann apologizes to Leah and explains they just promoted Meier. Once the police leave, Haussmann remains behind so he can apologize to Leah. When they’re alone, Haussmann convinces Leah to show him where Oskar is hiding. He tells Oskar that he wants to help. Haussmann tells him everything that’s happened. Oskar thinks they should go over the crime scene piece by piece. He believes someone knew about Therese and her husband. Clara tells Max she has feelings for him. She pleads with Max to come back to them. Rachel tells Mendel she thinks they should go home when Max gets better. Mendel soon learns that Oskar is hiding in their home. Oskar tells them what’s going on. Mendel remembers the officer who was hanging around the hospital in Max’s room. Oskar knows who it is and he wants to find him.

Lisa speaks to Meier about taking over the investigation. She has information on the cigarette butts found in the woods and at the casino. The expensive cigarette is a Turkish-Egyptian mix. Lisa tells Meier where they sell it. She managed to get a client list. Meier asks her to leave it with him. Karner speaks to Helena about the numbers being down a little. He says people have heard about the killings. Helena admits it can feel like a burden having all this responsibility on her shoulders. Oskar keeps an eye on Meier that night. He follows him and ends up getting caught. Meier asks why he’s following him. Oskar wants to know it wasn’t Meier who betrayed them all. They end up fighting, but Oskar quickly gets the upper hand. He asks Meier how much Mephisto paid him. Meier hits him and tries to flee.

Oskar chases him. Once they stop, Oskar accuses Meier of killing Wenzel and framing him. Oskar eventually tackles him and puts him in a chokehold. He pushes Meier against the wall and asks if he’s responsible for Max. Meier warns him he doesn’t know what Mephisto can do. Before Oskar can get any answers, Meier is fatally shot by someone in a nearby building.

Bartholdi confronts Von Bulow about his actions that led to Meier being fatally shot. Von Bulow says things are direr than they had assumed before showing him Oskar’s crushed case from the crime scene. He suggests it proves Oskar is involved. Bartholdi demands Oskar be located and charged. Von Bulow agrees to take over the case. A short time later, Von Bulow orders the officers to canvas the city in search of Oskar. Haussmann tells Lisa Linder (Mariam Hie) that Von Bulow believes Oskar is responsible for what happened to Meier. She insists Oskar is innocent. Karner (Rainer Galke) arrives at the police station to speak with Oskar. Haussmann informs him of Oskar being suspended. Later, Haussmann warns Oskar of what is going on. Oskar questions why Mephisto let him live and killed his accomplice, Meier. He insists Mephisto is also responsible for Wenzel Thanhofer’s (Daniel Jesch) murder.

In disguise, Oskar meets with Karner about a break-in at Riegers. Helena says they took some of her files. Oskar suggests someone is trying to conceal their identity. She tells Oskar that she only trusts him because some of her clients are senior officers. She explains how Fraulein came about. There are no wager restrictions for any of the players. A server drops a tray. He claims Franz Burgstaller (Murathan Muslu) was murdered before he could identify the person responsible for sharing important state secrets with Serbians. He says Carlos Carrillo (Luis Carlos Hernandez-Luque) was working with them as a secret messenger. He believes one of the players is the traitor. She jots down the players’ real names. He promises to protect her.

The Baron/Paul Herzog (Johannes Zirner) scans over Clara’s piece for the newspaper before informing her of his decision to not print it because it lacks substance. He says she squandered her opportunity. Elsewhere, Herr Friedl tells Schratt that the Emperor will be in attendance at her grandfather’s Votive Mass.

Langle tells Straub that a 27mm cannon and two 8mm machine guns will revolutionize war. Straub signs a partnership agreement with Langle. They shake hands on it. Elsewhere, Oskar tells Haussmann Schratt, Straub, and Herzog are politically involved in the scheme. He claims Herzog has half of the city politicians on his side. Oskar imagines Max telling him that information is important above all else. Back in the present, Oskar tells Clara that the traitor, Mephisto is providing their enemies with secrets and may be responsible for Max getting shot. He asks for her help in finding Mephisto via Herzog. Later, Herzog is working when he receives a call from Von Bulow validating if everything is set. Herzog says yes. Von Bulow warns him against trying to betray him. Clara is at her desk when Herzog walks past to the exit. When Oskar arrives, she escorts him into Herzog’s office where they discover a post-dated editorial about the threat of a war. She questions why Herzog went from calling for peace to inciting war. He suggests another player is putting pressure on him.

Herr Friedl informs Schratt that the Emperor will be wearing civilian clothes to avoid detection. Schratt dresses for her grandfather’s Votive Mass. At the casino, a frantic Helena tells Oskar that there was another break-in. Mephisto left a note requesting a meeting at the cathedral. Oskar warns her against going before racing out the door. En route to the cathedral, Oskar alerts Haussmann. The mass is in progress when Oskar arrives. Oskar imagines Max telling him to retrace his steps the night he was shot. He says the room is filled with memories. Oskar believes Max was shot because he saw Mephisto’s face. Back in the present, Oskar thwarts a gunman’s plan to shoot the Emperor. A physical struggle ensues. Haussmann heads in their direction. The gunman flees up a flight of steps. Haussmann tries to break down a door. Oskar pursues the gunman into what appears to be a storage room. The gunman tells him that it has been a long time. Oskar recognizes the gunman as Lazar Kiss (Stipe Erceg). Kiss tries to stab him. Oskar utilizes a rope to dislodge the knife from Kiss’ hand. A fight ensues. Oskar shoves him out a window onto the roof and he goes out with him. He is dangling from the roof. Kiss steps on his hand, leaving him dangling with one hand. A crowd watches from below. Oskar grabs his leg. Kiss loses his balance and falls onto the ground below. Haussmann pulls Oskar to safety.

Oskar receives a special congratulations from the General. Bartholdi insists Von Bulow write a recommendation for Oskar’s reinstatement. Von Bulow congratulates him and shakes his hand. Oskar walks away. Later, Oskar tells Helena about Mephisto and assures her that she is safe now. She shows him a photo of her and her father. She says something about her father that reminds him of a murder, Bruckmuller. Helena claims to have changed her name, so she could run the casino. He identifies her as Mephisto. Karner enters the room. Laughing, she admits to selling secrets to the Serbians. He accuses her of inciting war. In a flashback, Straub signs a document and hands the file with Rieger Waffenwerke AG back to Langle. Back to the present, Oskar says Helena set Herzog, Schratt, and Straub up to lose their fortunes and force them to play a part in her scheme to start war. Shocked, he takes a seat and suggests she wanted Kiss dead to reveal the Serbian aggression to the world. Bartholdi appears and threatens to kill Oskar’s loved ones if he talks. Oskar imagines Max telling him there is nothing that can be done about Mephisto.

Oskar sends Hannah Thanhofer (Ilvie Moritz) for another book. Therese Thanhofer (Maria Kostlinger) asks if he is okay. He kisses her hand when Haussmann barges in. Oskar imagines reading an eulogy that he prepared for Max. He loved Max who made him a better man. Holding back tears, Max says it is very touching.

Leah Liebermann (Charlene McKenna), Rachel Liebermann (Amelia Bullmore), Mendel Liebermann (Conleth Hill), and Clara are gathered around Max’s hospital bed. Oskar joins them. Max wakes up and asks if he missed anything. Oskar says he was in his mind the entire time. Bartholdi reinstates Oskar to the police force.


Vienna Blood Review

This episode of Vienna Blood was okay at times, but the clichés really overwhelmed the story. Furthermore, the story got a bit too complicated in the end and just muddled everything. As far as the clichés, Oskar being framed for murder was easily one of the biggest of the episode.

We also knew that Max was going to survive. Meier’s murder wasn’t the most believable. Some of the camerawork is over-the-top, especially for a series based on this time period. Also, there are many corny moments and twists throughout.

The scenes in which Oskar imagined he was speaking to Max weren’t necessary and rarely added anything. Truthfully, there isn’t a lot of chemistry between the two in the fourth series. The series is watchable with a lot of caveats. The payoff isn’t really worth it since it started as one thing and ended up being all about war.

There are also corny moments that are jarring enough to take viewers out of the time period and story almost immediately. Some of the performances aren’t particularly strong possibly because the performers are using English. Dragging out the story for three hours only to end it like that wasn’t very satisfying honestly.

The series’ issues would be much easier to forgive if we were only spending 45 minutes with each episode. It also needs to pick what it wants to be and stick with it instead of blending so many genres into one.

The finale is not fulfilling as it ends before Mephisto’s case is solved.

The episode scores a 5 out of 10. Recaps of Vienna Blood can be found on Reel Mockery here. Find out how to support our independent work at this link. Learn more about advertising with us here. Discuss this show at the Reel Mockery Forum.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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