Troppo Series 2 Episode 8 Finale Recap

Conkaffeys Troppo ABC Australia

The finale begins with a brief reenactment of Julian Naughton’s (Andrew Buchanan) murder.

Nearly as soon as Lilly (Chloe Delle-Vedove) discovers the bracelet, Sergeant Hench (Ling Cooper Tang) shows up with a search warrant. Lucky for Ted, Kelly (Radha Mitchell) is astute enough to not only notice the bracelet but hide it. The authorities are only a few minutes into the search when Amanda drops Ted off at home. She tells him about the bracelet and he tells her about Colin Finch (Brett Tucker).

Rather than questioning Ted’s claim about Colin, Kelly inquires about their next move. That is practically decided for them when Detective Sweeney (Zindzi Okenyo) calls Hench to tell her about Colin’s DNA matching with that found under Brooke Phelps’s (Sara West) fingernails.

Colin is practically arrested without incident while Ted and Kelly debate returning to Sydney. Much to his surprise, an invitation is extended.  Amanda receives a call from Ezra/Twist (Simon Lyndon), with the request for a meeting. After meeting him at the office, she learns that he wants to hire her and Ted to facilitate the trade at Redemption Point Bridge that Khalid (Arka Das) has arranged. Much to her surprise, Twist claims he has every intention of handing himself over.

Ted is loading the remainder of his luggage when Amanda returns with the good news about Colin’s arrest. Celebrations are cut short when she tells him about Twist’s offer. A few minutes later Colin trades himself for Raph/Raphael Naughton (Ethan Lwin) at the bridge. While Maz (Jacob Hohua) pats down Twist, he tells Khalid that he is missing out on the deal of a lifetime by not going into business with him. Khalid’s response is that he wouldn’t be in business long if he let Twists live. Everything goes rather smoothly and even when Raph steals Ted’s gun, Ted manages to disarm him before things get totally out of control.

Raph is taken to Doctor Vals (Angela Punch McGregor) for an examination. After being given the all-clear, Raph tells Taylah/Tayla (Miah Madden) about Twist being his father. That’s as far as that goes for the moment thanks to Ted learning that Colin is also there. It takes a bit of convincing but Amanda manages to talk him down. Sweeney even promises to make sure that his Claire Bingley (Jessi Robertson) evidence gets into the hands of Detective Crean (Hugh Parker) in Sydney. After saying goodbye to Val, Ted jokes about Amanda’s already busted taillight. It takes them a few minutes, but they eventually work out that they’ve been driving around the murder vehicle the entire time, which used to belong to Ronnie (Ursula Yovich).

Ronnie immediately admits everything as soon as they discover her at the plantation. She admits to not being a good killer and Ted tells her that some people simply want to get caught. After telling them the story and how Linda/Reggie (Meyne Wyatt) caught her in the act, she burns the small plantation to the ground.

It isn’t until later that evening after Ronnie has given her full statement on tape that Tayla learns of this. Even though the UTE is evidence, Ted takes it and returns home, leaving Amanda at the station. She makes him promise to not leave without saying goodbye. Nearly seconds after dropping Amanda off at home, Milbee (Lucas Linehan) calls to tell Sweeney that Colin not only escaped but he took his service weapon in the process.

Ted is the first to find Colin when he returns to find him celebrating Lilly’s birthday. Despite the tension, Lilly appears to have no idea that anything is amiss. Colin soon sends her out in search of a present in the goose house. By the Amanda shows up at Ted’s, Kelly has managed to stab Colin. Kelly is winged in the shoulder before Amanda hits him with her hammer. There is some more struggling but the scene eventually leads to Colin outside by the water’s edge while Ted takes aim at him. Colin goads him while Amanda tries to talk Ted down. When he goes too far, Ted shoots him in the side. Amanda kicks him into the water and the crocs show up. Once it’s fairly clear that he’s become croc bait, Amanda takes the gun and tosses it into the water.

In the following days, Amanda packs up the evidence from the past case while also removing Ted’s name from the PI advertisement. She also gets a brief visit from Sweeney which doesn’t amount to more than some brief joking, a tattoo, and a long kiss. A brief conversation with the local produce supplier, Barb (Tracie Filmer), reveals that Amanda has taken over caring for Ted’s geese until she can find a suitable replacement.

Amanda discovers a major surprise waiting for her when she arrives at Ted’s to feed the geese. Although not much is said, it is implied that Ted and Kelly’s reunion didn’t work out so well. The episode ends with Ted and Amanda sharing a beer.


Troppo Finale Review

Despite the resolution, I can’t help but feel unfulfilled. The ending was somewhat complete but also leaves the opportunity for the series to continue. I did like that aspect, although I would not be too sad if this was the final season. That said, I was a bit surprised by Ronnie being the killer and Amanda inadvertently buying the ‘murder vehicle.’ The ending just felt rushed and messy but I can’t help but admit enjoying it. So bad that it was good is the phrase that comes to mind. I’d give the finale a 5.3 out of 10.

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