Troppo Series 2 Episode 5 Recap

Max Troppo ABC Australia

The episode begins with an extended version of Lilly’s (Chloe Delle-Vedove) birthday party. The audience is clearly led to believe that Crean (Hugh Parker) is working from a tip that someone has spotted Claire Bingley’s (Jessi Robertson) bracelet in the home. As Ted Conkaffey (Thomas Jane) walks away from his fight with officers, a man in a hooded sweatshirt watches him closely.

Amanda Pharrell (Nicole Chamoun) and Ted debate what it means now that they uncovered Twist/Ezra as Raph/Raphael’s real father. For Amanda, it only confirms his guilt. Ted doesn’t disagree but reminds her that Twist didn’t supposedly return to town until Julian Naughton (Andrew Buchanan) after Julian was killed. Either way, Ted makes her promise to keep the information hidden and they have other leads to run down with tire tracks.

While picking up his vehicle, Colin (Brett Tucker) apologizes to Kelly (Radha Mitchell) for his actions at dinner. Before Ted and Amanda return to the Family Tree, Ted learns about the upcoming Crimson Cup races from Wayne (Cramer Cain).

At Family Tree, Amanda not only gets photos of Twist’s tires, but she gets Taylah/Tayla (Miah Madden) to admit the truth about the visit from the ‘coffee traders’ the previous day. Meanwhile, Ted questions Raph about Julian’s knowledge of the McQuillan’s efforts to rezone their property from rural to industrial. Raph openly admits that his father was opposed to the idea, although he did not share that opinion with Max (Robert Mammone) and Stella McQuillan (Di Adams). It’s not long after Amanda joins them that Raph leaves. Once alone Amanda proposes the theory about Taylor being Nathan’s (Josh Lacy) dealer, hence the $10,000 payment for their services.

The ensuing discussion between Raph and Tayla prove Amanda’s suspicions to be true. Despite this, Tayla does not appeared concerned, being that it has nothing to do with Julian’s murder. This eventually leads to an argument and Twist’s continued persecution of Tayla’s mother, Ronnie (Ursula Yovich) doesn’t help matters.

Later that evening, Amanda confronts Brooke (Sara West) about choosing to work at Shark Bar. The conversation is extremely brief and practically results in Amanda assuring Brooke that she will never forgive her for her part in her arrest. Things certainly aren’t helped when Amanda is subsequently questioned by Sweeney (Zindi Okenyo) about Devil’s Breathe. Thanks to the unexpected arrival of Trent (Joe Davidson), Amanda doesn’t offer much more than the fact that Devil’s Breathe is made from a legal plant. Sweeney’s presence does come in handy when Amanda gets caught taking photos of Trent’s tires in the parking lot and punches him in the face.

Twist confronts Amanda about the very same thing the following day when she arrives early at the funeral and lies in what will soon be Julian’s grave. Although menacing, this confrontation doesn’t last long thanks to the arrival of mourners.

It’s not long after Devi (Georgina Naidu) begins her saintly praising of Julian that Raph hears enough and leaves the funeral. It is Ted who goes after him and tells him there is no denying that he got the short end of the stick with Julian, but today is the day that he can put all that behind him. This is soon interrupted by Twist, who says they don’t want to miss this next bit of the funeral. Upon rejoining the mourners, Twists rushes Devi off stage and tells them how Julian once ratted on him so that he could sleep with his girl while he was locked up. Amanda and Raph get a kick out of the story.

While Raph and Twist bury Julian, Amanda and Ted stop at a Dougie (Brett Molloy) and Tex’s (Hugh Angus Forbes) fruit stand/yard sale. Amanda’s attention is immediately drawn to a set of three tires. It takes a bit of negotiating, but she soon discovers the location of the fourth, which she and Ted later visually confirm to be a math to the tread from where Julian’s body was dumped.

While attending the Crimson Cup, Ted learns that Max and Stella lost the vote to have their property rezoned. This results in Max drinking a bit too much during the Cup and trying to attack Flo (Caroline O’Connor) with an axe. Ted is there to prevent anything bad from happening but is arrested anyway. Although Sweeney does question him about his alibi on the night of Julian’s death, she ultimately releases him.

Lilly is bushed from the big day at the Crimson Cup and falls fast asleep that night. Ted takes advantage by planning a romantic evening with Kelly by the water. He apologizes for getting her and Lilly involved in Max’s dispute at the Cup. Much to his surprise, the evening goes much better than he could have imagined and they even end u ending the night with a kiss.

Elsewhere, Colin sits his sights on Brooke and manages to get her back to his room. Although she claims to be six months sober, she doesn’t hesitate giving drinks. While things get hot and heavy in the room, she spills a bottle of rum on his computer. When he takes it to the bathroom to dry it out, she cleans the nightstand which leads to her discovering his research on Ted’s case. By the time he comes back out from the bathroom, there is no trace of her. It doesn’t take him long to discover that his files are gone.

Amanda receives an unexpected late-night visit from Twist while working at the offices. Although hi unexpected arrival scares her, she lets him in and gives him a tattoo. When finished, the name Raphael is revealed and she tells him that he is the boy’s father. He appears completely taken aback by the statement.

The episode ends with Brooke walking down the street somewhere texting some on her phone. She doesn’t appear to have Colin’s files with her and her attention is soon drawn up to the approaching headlights of a vehicle. This is where the episode ends.


Troppo Review

As with every episode, this one was incredibly long-winded. About 60% of this stuff could have been left off and viewers would have been just as informed. The whole Amanda/Trent situation with her threats of breaking his nose was embarrassing. Since I didn’t watch season 1, I am continually confused with the hold Twist seems to hold over Amanda. If she is so scared of him, why let him in the offices? Why give him a tattoo? Why tell him the truth about Raph? Is she drawn to living on the edges?

I am not at all surprised that Kelly and Ted reignited their flame but I would be surprised if it ended up going anywhere.  The whole Max debacle at the Cup was abhorrently bad. From Flo’s crawling on all fours like an idiot to Ted’s stepping in and talking him down, the whole thing was just bad. For me, the best way to describe this entire series would be to say that it is so bad it is good. Despite all this, I am intrigued to learn how thing turn out. I’d give this episode a 5 out of 10.

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