Those About To Die Season 1 Episode 8 Recap

Viggo Those About to Die Peacock

All Or Nothing – The episode opens six years earlier Emperor Vespasian (Anthony Hopkins) working on a campaign speech. Domitian (Jojo Macari) suggests playing down his wealth by claiming to wear a plain iron ring. He also urges him to accuse Emperor Nero of utilizing citizen land for the Domus Aurea and promise to build the citizens an amphitheater. Vespasian is impressed. A short time later, Domitian and Hermes (Alessandro Bedetti) are talking when a slave charges at them with a sledgehammer. A soldier intervenes and kills the slaves. Ehud (Kyle Rowe) runs over to get a better look and calls the slave a “hothead.” When a terrified but angry Domitian steps toward him, Hermes stops him. Ehud says the slave acted alone. Domitian stares at him before leaving with Hermes. Two slaves drag the dead slave away.

Jula (Alice Ann Edogamhe) rushes to get dressed after having sex with Elia (Goncalo Almeida). She claims to only think about making love and promises to tell him something when they meet later. She makes eye contact with Drusilla (Gabrielle Scharnitzky) as she enters the house. Elsewhere, Aura (Kyshan Wilson) feels guilty about not intervening when the man attacked Cala (Sara Martins). At the stables, Fonsoa (Pepe Barroso) is helping Andria (Eneko Sagardoy) get dressed for an impending race when Elia returns and asks if Ferox at celery. Fonsoa claims the Andalusian diet is better than it was in Baetica. Xenon (Emilio Sakraya) tells Scorpus (Dimitri Leonidas) that it was all a mistake and wishes him luck. Scorpus has no interest in what he has to say.

Tenax (Iwan Rheon) takes a seat to watch the race. Titus (Tom Hughes) and Marcia (Clelia Zanini) receive a roaring applause. He announces their pregnancy. Passus (Victor Von Schirach) drops a white flag and the race begins. As the horses make their way around the track, several chariots collide, sending Andria and other drives sprawling into the air. Elia watches the race from the stables. Lying on the track, an injured Xenon sees the horses approaching and tries to move. Desperate for a win, Scorpus forces Andria toward the crash. Elia, Fonsoa, and Gavros (David Wurawa) rush out to move an injured Andria from the track. A dying Andria urges Elia and Fonsoa to take care of each other. Devastated, Elia punches Scorpus and accuses him of causing Andria to crash. Tenax says it was an accident. Scorpus offers his condolences. Fonsoa tells that Tenax is right. Elia leaves the Gold Faction. Cala confronts Tenax about lying to protect Scorpus.

Elia kneels beside Andria’s grave as it is filled with dirt. Tenax tells Cala that he never had time to mourn others. She warns him against lying to himself. He apologizes in his own way. She suggests he apologizes to Elia and Fonsoa, not her. She denies any feelings for him. Elia packs up his belongings. Fonsoa refuses to leave Salena (Romana Maggiora Vergano) and he has been offered second driver with the Gold Faction. Elia leaves.

Two soldiers drag Kwame (Moe Hashim) into the arena. Atticus (Bruno Bilotta) tells Domitian that Kwame has refused to eat for the past five weeks. The Flavian Amphitheatre is scheduled to open in two weeks. Kwame spits in an elegant meal that Domitian had prepared for him. Atticus starts to punish him but Domitian intervenes. Domitian shoots an arrow through Tuccian’s (Jonathan Harboe) leg. He orders Kwame to eat before shooting an arrow into a slave’s right shoulder. Atticus suggests shooting his friend, Viggo (Johannes Haukur Johannesson). Kwame thanks Domitian for the food and starts eating. As Domitian and Atticus leave, Kwame spits his food out. Tenax and the new master of the games, Tuccian, disagree on the the Flavian Amphitheatre opening celebrations.

Fonsoa rents a flat for Otho (Federico Ielapi) and Salena. She refuses to accept it unless he offers it as a loan.  At the stables, Elia begins to question what he saw on the racetrack. Gavros denies seeing the crash. Elia questions if Xenon saw it. Elsewhere, Scorpus visits Xenon who is recovering from his injuries. He offers him money to cover his medical care. Xenon accuses him of forcing Andria into the “spina.” Scorpus says he was injured and confused. Xenon assures him that saw it clearly and demands he confess to the faction owners. After strangling Xenon to death, Scorpus calls for help. Elia arrives as Scorpus announces Xenon’s death. Elsewhere, Gavros informs Fimbria (Pietro Ragusa) that he has been dismissed from the Gold Faction. Elia expresses his desire to race. Antonia asks why he wants to race for the Blue Faction. Elia vows to beat Scorpus who drives for the Gold Faction. Seeing his hatred, she agrees to give him an opportunity to prove himself as a driver. Upon leaving, Elia encounters Jula. He informs her of his plan to leave Rome. She has something to tell him but he leave before she gets the chance.

Senator Leto (Vincent Riotta) says a fleet navigator, rescued off the coast of Sicily, claims Domitian is responsible for the grain delays. He tells Titus that he has connections in the Senate that can sway votes. He offers his full support in exchange for financial participation in the Flavian Amphitheatre. Titus says there is no money to make from the project. Leto suggests there will be in the future. Titus accepts the offer and orders Porto (Adrian Bouchet) to sent their most trusted man to meet the fleet navigator in Ostia. Later, Titus confronts Domitian with Leto’s claim. Domitian denies the claim. Titus tells him about the fleet navigator. Later, Domitian tells Tenax about the fleet navigator. Tenax insists on killing him. Domitian says he has written out a statement and their only option is to kill Titus. Later, Domitian finds Hermes having sex with another man. He orders the guards to apprehend him. A guard kills Hermes’ lover.

Iris (Eleonora Gaggero) gives her money to a tavern pimp (Tommaso Sacco). Aura pulls Iris out of the tavern but the pimp intervenes. She overpowers him and threatens to kill him if he goes anywhere near Iris. Cala watches as they leave. Upon returning home, she tells Tenax that she lost Aura to Rome. He says there is a possibility that he is of patrician blood. She questions if they will overlook his wrongdoings. He starts to kiss her but she stops him. Elsewhere, Aura finds a sword under Iris’ bed. Iris says her cousin is a gladiator at the Ludus Magnus by choice. At the stables, Elia gives Incitatus a snack. He tells Gavros how to connect with a horse.

Basilica Julia Roman Forum – Tenax warns Noro (Christian Hillborg) of Titus’ impending death. Noro asks who will replace him. Tenax says, Domitian. Noro agrees to pay 10 million sesterces in gold but if he betrays him, he will kill him. He gives him two days to kill Titus. At the arena, Fimbria and Gavros watch Elia demonstrate his racing capability. Fimbria is impressed with his speed. The episode ends.


Those About To Die Review

Senator Leto tells Titus that Domitian is responsible for the grain supply shortage. Titus confronts Domitian who denies the allegation. Domitian blames Tenax and insists he eliminates the problem. Killing the eye-witness, a fleet navigator, would be futile, so their only option is to kill Titus. If Tenax can pull it off in two days, Noro will give him a lot of gold.

Scorpus intentionally causes Andria to crash during a race. Elia and Xenon are the only witnesses. Scorpus offers Xenon a lot of money if he doesn’t tell anyone. When Xenon refuses the offer, Scorpus strangles him to death. Elia leaves the Gold Faction and earns himself a driver position with the Blue Faction. He is determined to beat Scorpus and return to Spain. Fonsoa will stay with Salena in Rome. The episode deserves a 5.2 out of 10.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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