Those About To Die Season 1 Episode 4 Recap

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Fool’s Bet – Episode 4 begins with Titus Flavius Vespasianus’ (Tom Hughes) first Senator meeting as Emperor. Titus immediately tables the 200-plus deaths from the Circus Maximus debacle and the rise of the Gold Faction to turn attention to deifying Vespasian (Anthony Hopkins). There is a slight hesitation, but they all jump on board once Marsus (Rupert Penry-Jones) agrees.

Tenax (Iwan Rheon) doesn’t get long to enjoy his win thanks to the Imperial Guard’s announcement that the Emperor has withdrawn the Gold Faction from the Circus Maximus. Things only worsen when Leto (Vincent Riotta) shows up with his guards to reclaim his stolen chariots. This segues into Scorpus (Dimitri Leonidas) backing out of the Gold Faction.

In the following days, Titus is crowned and Vespasian is laid to rest. Although Domitian (Jojo Hashim) doesn’t give the appearance of happiness, during the ceremony, he does save Titus from embarrassment when he finds himself lost in a daydream. It is also during the ceremony that Drusilla (Gabrielle Schrnitzky) tells Cala (Sara Martins) about the origins of Rome’s Vestal Virgins and Antonia’s (Gabriella Pession) daughter being chosen at the age of seven.

Berenice (Lara Wolf) confronts Titus when she learns that he will continue to keep her people enslaved to rebuild the Aqueduct Virgos. She doesn’t get long to air these grievances due to Porto’s (Adrian Bouchet) urgent news about food riots due to sabotaged grain shipments. Titus eventually tasks Porto with uncovering the saboteur when it is suggested that Domitian is the culprit.

These suspicions are proven true when Domitian hails Tenax for a secret meeting. Domitian not only apologizes for the Gold Faction’s dismissal from Circus Maximus but he suggests he might be able to get it reinstated if Tenax makes sure Lucius’s (Thomas Hunt) dealing in the food riots are not linked back to him.

By the time Titus calls Domitian before him, Tenax has done a commendable job erasing any trail that might link back to Domitian, including having Lucius killed and the Harbor Master (Bruce McGuire)slain. Despite the lack of evidence, Titus has Domitian confined to his room and orders Proto to see to it that the Fleet Navigators (Nicolas Van Beveren) are immediately brought to him when they land ashore. Domitian uses the confinement to strategize with Hermes (Alessandro Bedetti) after learning that all the Judeans are not happy with Titus and Berenice’s relationship.

Cala does a bit of scheming of her own when he visits Jula (Alice Ann Edogamhe) and tasks her with uncovering information on Antonia’s daughter. At nearly the same time, Scorpus attempts to get his position back within the Blue Faction, but Antonia and Marsus practically laugh him out of the room.

Caltonia (Angeliqa Devi) becomes outraged when she learns about Rufus (Michael Maggi) losing Salena’s (Romana Maggiora Vergano) shares in the Blue Faction. Once she discovers her living in squalor, she not only vows to help her get the shares back but she extends an invitation for her to stay with her.

While visiting Lentullus (Niccolo Senni) to order two chariots, Tenax learns about his experimental wooden chariots. Lentullus tells them they are lightning fast but couldn’t even come close to passing the Maximus’ weight regulations. Intrigued, Tenax orders two of these and tells Lentullus to let him deal with the regulations.

Scorpus looks to regain his prominence in the Circus Maximus by gathering the various Faction leaders and announcing his free agency. No one really wants him and when they learn that he’s asking for as much as Xenon (Emilio Sakraya), they want him even less. He is ultimately left with Leto’s offer of 600,000. His situation certainly doesn’t improve when he is later visited by Tenax who tells him about getting the Gold Faction reinstated. When he mentions driving for the White Faction, Tenax insults him by wishing him good luck against his new, lighter chariots and Spaniard drivers.

Despite still being under confinement, Domitian conspires with Tiones (Christopher Ward) and Carpo (Felix Lampert) to further drive a wedge between Titus and the Judeans. Manilus’s (Davide Tucci) involvement is required as well but his participation is blackmailed, whereas Tiones and Carpo are willing.

Domitian is forced to watch handy work in secret, but his efforts immediately pay off when Berenice is practically booed out of the arena. Things only get worse when she’s mocked on center stage while a faux Jerusalem burns to rubble. Things reach a crescendo when the lion is brought out and rips the Judean captives to shreds. It doesn’t take Titus long to track down Domitian and begin extracting his anger. Rather than denying involvement in the atrocious acts, Domitian claims he did Titus a favor because there were dissidents within the group of Judeans plotting to kill Berenice.

It takes some doing but Domitian eventually convinces Titus that his claims are true and even offers to show proof. Titus has an equally difficult time convincing Berenice that he knew nothing of the spectacle but he eventually convinces her to let him protect her. She however only agrees under the condition that he take a Roman wife and they continue their relationship in secret.

Tenax has been continually impressed with Cala’s performance in his betting establishment and after learning that she can speak several different languages, he not only agrees to increase her pay but Auras (Kyshan Wilson) as well.

Cala visits Antonia’s daughter at The Temple of Vesta where she pleads for help with freeing her family. The priestess claims that it is her matron who has the ear of God and not her. After learning that Jula is in the employment of her mother, she agrees to speak with her matron.

Tenax is relieving himself in a dark alley when he is approached by Ursus (Daniel Stisen) who apparently blames him for the death of Quintus (Adriano Sabrie). Ursus goes a bit overboard explaining how he tracked Tenax down and what he’s going to do now that he has, giving Tenax the opportunity to mount an attack.

Although there is a brief fight, the episode ends with Ursus standing over Tenax, promising to make his pay for Quintus’ death.


Those About To Die Review

Unfortunately, it only feels as if this show is getting worse as it goes along. It’s a shame too because it could have been intriguing. There are some parts and certain aspects that do get my attention every now and then, but the cast is way oversaturated, there is too much going on and there is never enough focus placed on what I find interesting.

To be completely, honest I was surprised Titus’s crowning and Vespasian’s funeral didn’t consume the majority of the episode. I was also surprised that Kwame was only mentioned. I do enjoy learning more about Tenax and the ending confrontation only adds to his intrigue. I’m not so as keen on the chariot racing but I do enjoy the misdirection and politicking that goes along with it. I’d have to give the episode a 4.7 out of 10.

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