The Woman In The House Across The Street From The Girl In The Window Episode 2 Recap

episode 2 anna painting woman in the house

As the second episode begins, Anna (Kristen Bell) gets out of bed and climbs into the attic where she retrieves her light green marker. She walks across the street and runs into a woman dressed like an air stewardess. The woman knows all about last night and suspects Anna is bringing the markers to Emma (Samsara Leela Yett). When Anna asks who she is, the woman introduces herself as Lisa (Shelley Hennig) and reveals she is Neil’s girlfriend. Emma and Neil (Tom Riley) come out of the house to join them. They didn’t think they’d see Lisa before school. Lisa says there was barely any traffic from the airport and they’ve got her scheduled on the 9:20 to Seattle tonight. After Lisa gives Emma the markers, Anna tries to make sure she knows they’re from her. Lisa gets money from Neil for a tip.

Neil checks on Anna and learns about the markers. Lisa makes Neil and Emma come back for a group hug. Anna watches them and imagines herself hugging Douglas (Michael Ealy) and Elizabeth (Appy Pratt). An embarrassed Anna rushes back to her house to look for wine only to find the box empty. She goes to the store to buy more. While she is there, she hears Carol (Brenda Koo) belittling her for showing up to school dressed like that and standing up Scott’s client. She goes on to say Anna has a drinking problem. Carol says Anna is throwing herself at the new neighbor even though he has a girlfriend. They agree it is sad and tragic, but you can’t be a victim for the rest of your life. As Anna returns home, she sees Lisa throwing her markers in the garbage.

She asks what the heck she is doing before running her over with her car. Back in reality, Lisa waves at her and ends the call. Anna approaches her to ask if something was wrong with the markers. Lisa complains that they had a weird smell and she has a sensitive nose. When Lisa turns around and walks away, Anna calls her a bitch. Lisa asks if she said something while walking back toward her. Anna claims she said nothing before Lisa walks always for real this time. Inside, Anna fills a cup with wine until it is topped off. Her therapist calls to see how she is doing. She admits she has been feeling crazy because she has been hearing noises in the attic and she saw Elizabeth playing in her room again. He believes it was just old house noises and seeing Elizabeth is a part of the trauma. Once he asks about her drinking, she insists she has cut back.

He reminds her not to mix the pills with alcohol since that could lead to a psychotic episode. Anna is tired of talking and feels like she could kill someone. Her therapist says she could come in, but she can’t risk driving all that way and getting caught in the rain. He says they should talk about her ombrophobia. Anna wants to call it what it is which means she is a crazy person who is afraid of the rain. The therapist says she has a good reason to fear the rain since it is linked to the worst day of her life. He encourages her to talk about it. Anna starts by saying it was take your daughter to work day. A flashback shows Douglas trying to leave with Elizabeth only for Anna to stop them to take a picture using her smartphone. Before their car pulls away, it starts raining so Anna gives her daughter an umbrella.

Elizabeth was excited to go with her dad who was a forensic psychiatrist for the FBI specializing in serial killers. Douglas takes Elizabeth into a room with a serial killer who murdered and eaten at least 30 people. The warden entered before the assessment could begin to discuss an urgent matter. Once Douglas steps out with him, the warden accidentally locks them out of the room with Elizabeth and the murderer who was nicknamed Massacre Mike. Anna stops telling the story and immediately ends the call with her therapist. She looks through her window and sees Lisa with her top off. She soon notices that Lisa has two phones causing her to wonder if she is a drug dealer. Anna wonders who the heck she is.

Anna grabs another glass of wine before she sits back down and watches Lisa ride a stationary bike. She gets a notification on her phone. It allows her to begin looking at Neil’s pictures with himself, Emma, and Lisa. She finds out that Lisa’s last name is Maines. Anna looks at her pictures and jokes that Lisa must love herself a bit too much. Sloane (Mary Holland) enters as Anna complains about Lisa taking a selfie and laughing at the same time. Anna explains she had dinner with Neil and they had a connection because he knows what it is like to lose someone. He never mentioned Lisa once. If it had been an important relationship, Anna thinks he would’ve mentioned her. Sloane learns about the burner phone which is a second phone criminals and spies usually have.

She checks Lisa’s pictures and learns someone called Sexy Rexy has liked every one of her photos. Anna wonders if Lisa was using the burner phone to contact Rex (Benjamin Levy Aguilar) although Sloane thinks she is crazy. She sends him a follow request as Sloane tries to talk her out of it. While Sloane recommends painting, Anna suggests she needs to tell Neil about this. Anna is told that Elizabeth died that day, but she didn’t have to die with her. Moments later, Anna is shown setting up a still life for her next painting. She gets mad midway through the painting session and puts a big, black X over the painting. Next, she begins stabbing it with her palette knife.

As she cleans her palette knife in the kitchen, she sees Carol talking to Buell (Cameron Britton) by the mailbox he is still working on. Anna rushes out with the palette knife in her hand to confront Carol about crap talking her. She argues she’d be crazy if her kid just died too. Anna also curses her for buying all the chocolate bars with almonds. Carol says there is a new mailman so she was asking Buell if any of their mail had been delivered there by mistake. Scott is waiting for an important letter. Buell gives her the mail. Carol turns to Anna to say she used to feel bad for her and even prayed for her. She isn’t going to pray for her anymore though. Once she is gone, Anna confesses she is so embarrassed. Buell admits everyone does. He has although that is a story for another day. Anna goes to Elizabeth’s grave to say she feels like she is falling apart like a house of cards.

Once she stops talking about how she feels, it begins raining. She makes it home and runs inside as the rain gets harder. Once she sits in her favorite chair by the window, she takes pills and swallows them using wine. She looks across the street before checking her phone to see if Rex Bakke accepted her follow request. She curses when she finds out that he hasn’t. As she scans through her photos, she blames them for not getting approval. She gets into her bra and panties while remembering Douglas waiting for her in bed. In the present, she chugs the rest of her wine. She wears the black bra and panties to take pictures for her social media account in hopes of getting Rex to approve her follow request. Once she has snapped enough pictures, she creates a new account using the name verysexyanna.

After she opens the account, she tries to follow Rex again. Her request is approved within seconds. While scrolling through Rex’s pictures, she finds one of him with Lisa and it was taken just five days ago. She wonders who the heck she is. Later, she watches Lisa through her window while drinking more wine. After she grabs another bottle, she notices something that worries her. It looks like Lisa is holding her neck in pain. Anna watches as Lisa removes her hand and her neck is covered with blood. Once Lisa drops to the ground, Anna grabs her phone and calls 911. She frantically tells the 911 operator that there has been a murder at 406 Canterbury Hill. When asked to say the address again, she says 406 is her address so it must be 407 Canterbury Hill. She panics and decides to run through the rain to check on Lisa. She doesn’t make it and instead collapses in the middle of the street.


The Woman In The House Across The Street From The Girl In The Window Review

The series is beginning to take many twists and turns as Anna tries to find out what is going on next door with Neil and Lisa. I still don’t see the parody aspect of the show, but I suppose you’d have to watch the parodied movies recently to get it. Those who haven’t seen these movies or haven’t revisited them lately probably aren’t going to get the point.

On their own, the first two episodes have been interesting enough although this isn’t going to be for everyone. I suspect many will be disappointed by the comedy aspect of the series since it hasn’t hit the right buttons for me. For me personally, it is just too early to say whether I’ll enjoy this series or not. The psychological, mystery are aspects okay while everything else is silly as expected.

We’ll have to wait and see, I guess. The second episode scores a 6.5 out of 10. Recaps of The Woman In The House Across The Street From The Girl In The Window can be found on Reel Mockery here. Find out how to support the Reel Mockery project by following this link.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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