The Wives Series 1 Episode 3 Recap

the wives episode 3 sky

As the third episode of The Wives begins, Charlie Morgan (Jamie Bamber) asks Sky (Catriona Chandler) to spend some time with Jade Glover (Katie Clarkson-Hill) while he’s gone. He pleads with her not to let her mad aunties lead her astray. She says they’d have to notice her first. Sean Morgan (Jonathan Forbes) tells Natasha (Angela Griffin) that he’ll come back with a job and everything will be sorted. Jade rushes down to say goodbye to Charlie. The women wonder if Charlie has told Caroline about Jade. Sylvie (Tamzin Outhwaite) doubts mommy dearest knows. Charlie tells Jade they can move on with their plans as quickly as he gets the death certificate lodged. Sky steals something from his wallet.

Charlie tells Jade she doesn’t need to feel obligated to spend time with the others. Sylvie shows the girls a layout of the evidence she made. Just over a year ago, Annabelle (Christine Bottomley) went out and never came home. The next morning, a hill walker found her phone at the top of St Thomas’ Bay. Locals thought it was an accident, but they’ve learned that Annabelle had planned to leave her husband. Sylvie mentions the man who received the bag of money. He got the death certificate much earlier than expected. The women discuss what they need to do, including identifying the man and speaking to Jade. Beth (Jo Joyner) interrupts Jade during her meditation session. Jade makes her participate. Beth invites her over for dinner. Beth reminds her she’s becoming one of the wives.

Sylvie speaks to Sky and asks if there is a way to find someone’s name by using their picture. Sylvie tells her a little more about the doge geezer (Mike Parish). Sky asks the Hive Mind if they know who the man is. Natasha goes shopping only to find out that her card has been declined. She tries it again and it’s declined again. Luca Vella (Louis Boyer) steps in and pays for her items. Outside, Natasha tells Luca about her money issues. Luca says he would do anything for Sylvie’s family. Natasha asks him not to mention this to Sylvia. Luca tells her how his uncle owns a restaurant, but still makes him pay for food. He says they all tell lies from time to time. As Luca walks away, he calls Andre to say he may have found the solution to their problem. Sky learns that the man in the picture is Vinay Taneja. It appears she sends it to Sylvie. Then, she gets into an argument with Jade.

Sylvia tells Beth and Natasha that Vinay works for the British Consulate. They believe the death certificate is legit and Vinay was helping push it through the system. Someone breaks in. Jade asks Sky not to say anything about Charlie selling the apartment. Beth greets them when they arrive. Natasha gets wine from her apartment before returning to the others. Luca searches her apartment and finds out more about their money issues. He looks at the location of Natasha’s phone. Jade begins asking questions about the apartment and its potential worth. Sylvie tries to change the subject, but Jade tells them about Charlie’s decision to sell the apartment. Sky gets upset and rushes out. Jade says that’s why she’s never having kids. Beth and Natasha grill Jade who says she and Charlie are not in a rush. Jade tells them about buying a yoga studio. Sylvie approaches Jade and tries to cheer her up.

She talks to Jade about how things are going to be different without her mom. Jade likes it there because it feels like she can feel her mother all around her. Sylvie says they have her back and will try to prevent Charlie from getting what he wants. When she goes inside, Sylvie tells Beth that Charlie hasn’t thought about how this is going to impact Sky. Beth asks Jade if it was her idea to sell the apartment. She claims she has no problem breaking up families. Jade tells them they can judge her all she wants. She had an affair, but that is not a crime. Jade questions why Beth is so obsessed with Annabelle’s affair and whether that’s what happens when you don’t have to work. Jade claims it broke Charlie when Annabelle went missing. He was terrified and couldn’t breathe. Jade was with him since she flew out to surprise him.

Charlie was at the hotel with her and that’s in the police statements. Charlie lied because he didn’t want them to find out about their relationship. Jade thinks the whole family is based on lies. Once Jade leaves, Natasha and the others complain about the men lying to them. They end up getting into an argument as well. The next day, Beth calls the British Consulate to book an appointment with Vinay Taneja. Sylvie tries to get her to answer the door. Sky arrives and tells Sylvie she’s been researching Vinay. He’s got a wife and kids. Plus, Sky knows where he lives. They decide to go there. Once they arrive, they see Vinay speaking to another guy near the pool. They kiss. Sky wonders if his wife knows he’s banging the pool boy. Sylvie begins recording them. Beth goes to the Consulate to meet Vinay. While she waits, she ignores a call from Sylvie.

Beth messages her saying she’s going to see Vinay. Natasha speaks to Sean about the footy cones he bought. Luca visits Natasha to say he wants to help with her situation. He asks her to look out for something for him for a few days. Natasha suspects it’s something illegal. Luca offers to pay her ten grand. When she hears a knock at the door, Luca gives her his card and tries to leave. Natasha lets Sylvie come in. Sylvie tells her what Beth is doing. She insists they need to stop Beth because Vinay is clearly corrupt. Natasha grabs her keys and sticks Luca’s card in her pocket. Sky tells Jade she’s going into town to do something she used to do with her mom. Beth and Sylvie talk about Sylvie’s current boy toy. Sylvie claims it’s just a bit of fun. Vinay meets Beth who asks him to bend a few rules for her. She mentions Charlie Morgan.

Vinay claims he doesn’t know that person. He threatens to call the police. Beth doesn’t get any answers from him before she’s escorted out by security. Vinay calls someone. Natasha and Slyvie catch up with Beth. They see Vinay leave. Sylvie decides to approach him to see if she can get anything. She shows him the video she recorded and threatens to send it to his wife. Vinay gives her a location and asks her to meet him there in 30 minutes. Sky goes to the spa where she has a reservation. Beth and the others go to the meeting location. They find themselves locked inside. OceanMagic22 likes Sky’s photo. Natasha tries to get someone’s attention. The women end up arguing again. Natasha asks why Sylvie didn’t tell them about Charlie selling the apartment. Beth believes Jade was right about them not being close anymore.

She doesn’t think she has Annabelle’s back that night either. Sylvie reveals she slept with Charlie after Tom left. The others know they should’ve been there for her when Tom left. Natasha tells them that she and Sean have lost everything. Then, Sylvie confesses she’s been keeping something from them for years. Charlie is infertile so he’s not Sky’s real father. Sky tries to pay using Charlie’s card. The woman working at the spa wants to speak to Charlie before processing the payment. Sky tries calling Beth, Sylvia, and Natasha. When they don’t answer, she considers calling Jade. Annabelle never told Sylvie who the actual father is. Jade arrives at the spa and takes Charlie’s card. She accuses the spa of upselling a minor. Jade refuses to pay for the facial. As they leave, someone is watching them. Vinay approaches the women. Natasha claims he can’t do anything to them because it would point back to him.

Vinay says they can go, but he warns them they’re meddling in dangerous things. He mentions that Charlie and another guy wanted the death certificate. Later, Jade contacts Charlie to ask him about sending money across for the treatments. He asks if they can sort it out when he gets back. Jade tries to access Charlie’s bank account but the password is incorrect. Sky interrupts to ask why she helped. Jade tells her that she’s a kid who just lost her mom. She’d be a cow to her too. Jade insists she’s not trying to replace her mom and she doesn’t want to be enemies. Sky says Annabelle would’ve been 45 on the 22nd of November. When Sky leaves, Jade finally gets into Charlie’s account. Beth and the others are cornered by two vehicles.


The Wives Review

The third episode of The Wives was okay although the story is definitely becoming more farfetched by the minute. A lot is going on and there’s a good chance that only a bit of it will matter in the end. The episode revealed a great deal. For starters, Charlie is infertile and he’s not Sky’s biological father but Annabelle never said who the real father is.

Sylvie also admitted to having sex with Charlie after her split from Tom. The women managed to identify Vinay who helped Charlie get the death certificate. It seems Jade has smoothed things over with Sky, but she may be up to something as well. After all, she was looking at Charlie’s bank account.

Viewers will need to bend reality a lot to fully accept what is happening. Some of the acting is a little wooden at times too, but it’s acceptable for what this is. Truthfully, this is on Channel 5 so expectations are minimal. It’s watchable and possibly even enjoyable with the right mindset.

At the very least, the mystery surrounding Annabelle’s disappearance and possible death is compelling enough to stick around. This episode scores a 5 out of 10. Recaps of The Wives can be found on Reel Mockery here. Find out how to support our independent work at this link. Learn more about advertising with us here. See what others are saying here.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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