The Wives Series 1 Episode 1 Recap

Jade Charlie The wives Channel 5

The episode opens with Beth Morgan (Jo Joyner) frantically calling for Annabelle Morgan (Christine Bottomley). As the waves hit the shore, Frankie Morgan (Ben Willbond) embraces Beth and assures her that it is okay. While searching for Annabel, Sean Morgan (Jonathan Forbes) asks Natasha Morgan (Angela Griffin) if she heard them arguing. As it begins to get daylight, Sylvie Morgan (Tamzin Outhwaite) leaves Tom a voicemail about Annabelle’s disappearance. She doesn’t know where Tom is and Charlie Morgan (Jamie Bamber) has notified the police. Charlie comforts a distraught Sky Morgan (Catriona Chandler). Beth tries Annabelle’s phone again. On a remote cliff, the broken phone rings.

One Year Later In Malta – A man working nearby greets Beth as she walks down the beach to the resort to meet Sylvie and Natasha. The women have reunited at the resort for 10 consecutive years. Natasha recalls Sylvie and Tom had been married a short time when they first visited the resort. Sylvie reminds them that she and Tom divorced. Natasha assures her that she will always be part of the Morgan family. Sylvie says their mother-in-law and husbands would probably disagree. After a brief discussion about Annabelle, the women depart ways and agree to meet up later. Later, Natasha complains about their deception and opens her suitcase to reveal what looks like toilet paper. Sean pulls her down onto the bed with him. In a nearby room, Beth looks at a news report about Annabelle never being located. She asks Frankie who was the lead detective in Annabelle’s case. He urges her to drop it. She says there may be new evidence in her case. He pulls her out onto the balcony and reminds her of Sky who lost her mother. After he declines her offer to take a walk on the beach, she sits down to work on her book. Grunts and groans can be heard coming from Natasha and Sean’s room. Alice calls but Sean insists on waiting. Natasha admits to feeling bad for lying about the length of their stay. He says it is necessary and promises to tell them once they are settled.

Sylvie confirms that Tom’s girlfriend is pregnant. Beth tells them that she would decapitate Frankie if he did that to her. Sylvie assures them that she is happy. The women prepare dinner. Sylvia admits to disliking Annabelle’s husband, Charlie. Natasha says she didn’t always feel that way about Charlie. Later, Beth scans Annabelle’s photos and listens to a voicemail from over a year ago. Annabelle pleads with her to meet for cocktails. Charlie and Sky arrive at the resort. Natasha refuses to answer a call from her mum. Beth is awakened by a call from Sylvie inviting her to join them at the pool. A short time later, Beth greets Sky and Charlie. Sean fills everyone’s glass. Seeing a woman who like Annabelle, an angry Beth shoves her into the pool. A frantic Charlie jumps in to rescue not Annabelle but Jade Glover (Katie Clarkson-Hill). Later, Charlie introduces Beth and Jade. Beth admits to having a hard time accepting Annabelle’s death and thought Jade was Beth. Charlie tells her that Annabelle is dead. Jade understands because she did the same when her father died. He professes to love Jade. Beth offers to have her dress dry-cleaned. Jade boasts of her new summer wardrobe from Charlie. Frankie and Beth quietly watch them kiss. Sky claims Charlie has put her mother’s photos away. Beth scolds Sylvie and Frankie for not warning her about Jade. Charlie asks Sylvie if she is jealous. She says no. They had sex a few months ago. Jade breaks up their little conversation. Later, unable to sleep, Beth goes out on the balcony.

Jade tells Beth that Frankie said she was struggling with her HRT. She recommends yoga. While they go for a swim, Beth shows Sylvie and Natasha a photo of Annabelle wearing a red dress which she swears Jade wore last night. She insists Jade could be Annabelle’s twin and now, she is stealing and wearing her clothes. They look out to see Charlie and Jade making out in the water. Natasha urges her to find something to keep her mind busy. Beth informs them of her impending memorial for Annabelle. Sylvie offers her a summer job. Beth lashes out at Natasha by asking what she has been doing since Alice enrolled in art school. Natasha says she shoved Jade into the pool. Beth accuses her of thinking she is beneath her because she doesn’t have a fancy job. Sylvie tells them to grow up. Beth asks if she has looked at herself since Tom left her, hooking up with strangers to have sex. Sylvie claims to be a freelancer and has to work to eat. Beth storms away. Later, Sylvie takes a taxi to meet Luca Vella (Louis Boyer).

Natasha asks Sean what is in the boxes that he randomly receives. He claims they are filled with returned products that the company sells for a fixed rate. He suggests there is nothing wrong with most of the returned products which he plans to resale. She suggests selling her jewelry but she refuses. She receives a call from Tina claiming Sean asked her for money. Natasha denies any knowledge of why Sean would need to borrow money. Tina assures her that she would be glad to help them. Natasha assures her that they are fine. Tina says Sean owes her 1-grand. Natasha scolds him for borrowing money from Tina but not his brothers. She suggests he ask them for a job in the family business. He refuses to work with his family. She reminds him that their house is being repossessed. They fled to get away from debtors. Natasha breaks down sobbing because she misses her mum. Sean apologizes and promises to have Alice and her mum down when they are settled. She demands he not borrow any more money from Alice. Elsewhere, Luca and Sylvie are having mad sex.

Beth overhears Frankie telling their sons about what she did to Jade and assures them that it is okay if they don’t want to join them. Upset, she tells Frankie that she is going for a walk. He admits to being concerned about her and suggests she see a doctor. She says he and the others are blind to what is going on there before storming out the door. On the beach, she screams and breaks down sobbing. On her way back to her room, she overhears Jade on the phone with her father, promising to get him the money. She says she and Charlie have been together for two years and he trusts her. The next morning, Beth empties the wine bottles into the sink and announces a new her. Over breakfast, she asks Frankie how long Charlie and Jade have been dating. He says a few months and questions if their relationship is serious. Sean completes online surveys. Natasha asks how much he pays for each of the boxes. He says 60 quid. She thinks that is a bit steep when Beth arrives to apologize about their recent row. Natasha assures her that they are good but it is not a good time before shutting the door in her face. A short time later, Beth is apologizing to Sylvie when she sees a nude Luca. Sylvie hurriedly shuts the door and orders Luca to leave.

At the Marsa Club, Charlie tells Frankie that he has business at home. Frankie is not keen on the idea of Sky staying with Jade. Elsewhere, Beth is surprised to see a yoga instructor, Jade drinking coffee. She reminds her that she said her father was dead. Jade claims to have been 19 when he died and her mother had left them years before. Beth asks about her bracelet. Jade says it is a birthday gift from Charlie when her phone rings. She tells Beth that Charlie is taking her to a spa in Mellieha later. Beth asks if Sky is going with them. Jade claims Sky isn’t too fond of her. A short time later at the beach bar, Beth takes Sky’s keys while she is engaged in conversation with Natasha and Sylvie. She utilizes bug spray as an excuse to slip back to Sky’s room. At the beach bar, Natasha and Sylvie probe Sky with questions about Charlie and Jade’s relationship. Beth discovers Jade’s passport. Charlie and Jade return and have sex. Beth hides in the closet where she discovers a registration document with Annabelle’s name, birthdate, and parents’ names. Charlie professes to love Jade and vows to get her everything he promised her. The episode ends.


The Wives Review

The execution is better than expected but it feels a bit soap opera-ish. It could easily be compared to a Lifetime production. The cinematography is good but the night scenes could use more lighting. The acting is by far the series’ best quality. While there are far too many sex scenes, they are mostly tasteful.

The scenery is breathtakingly beautiful. I had anticipated a deep, dark drama, instead, it is at times flippant. I prefer dark dramas but some people will find that the touch of humor breaks up the monotony. The story isn’t as serious as I would have hoped. Some scenes are corny and juvenile.

The series reminds me of “Holiday” and Sally Lindsay’s “The Madame Blanc Mysteries.”

I’m curious as to which direction the plot will take. Overall, it is well worth a watch. The pilot episode deserves a 5.7 out of 10.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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