The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 2 Episode 2 Recap

carol finale the walking dead daryl dixon

Moulin Rouge – The episode begins by briefly showing what an average day of studying and chores at the camp is like for Laurent Carriere (Louis Puech Scigliuzzi). The return of Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus), along with the hostages, however, makes this day a bit different. Laurent is not only there to greet Daryl at the gates, but he comes bearing gifts in the form of a carved dog. Daryl will briefly ask him about Isabelle Carriere (Clemence Poesy) before his attention is drawn to Losang (Joel De La Fuente), who greets him kindly enough.

Elsewhere, a fuel leak forces Carol Peletier (Melissa McBride) and Ash (Manish Dayal) to make an unplanned stop. After dispatching several stray walkers with ease, she’ll be surprised by several underground walkers. Ash gets involved but ends up in trouble as well. They will ultimately be saved by two people in the distance with a rifle and exceptional aim.

While Sylvie (Laika Blanc-Francard) attempts to help Emile (Tristan Zanchi) readapt to life by giving him a haircut, Daryl teaches Laurent America baseball. They’ll eventually be joined by Isabelle who briefly plays catcher before Laurent is called for a lesson. Once alone, Daryl expresses a concern for Laurent being academically overloaded but Isabelle is just as fast to remind him that he pushes Laurent equally hard. They continue to discuss faith and doubt for several minutes before Daryl mentions her and Laurent leaving with him. She claims that it is Laurent’s destiny to be there but the scene ends with the appearance that she is at least considering the offer.

Isabelle wakes with the sunrise the following morning only to discover that Laurent is missing. It doesn’t take long for Daryl to suspect a kidnapping and it’s confirmed merely seconds later by the guard’s account of being knocked out. Losang (Joel De La Fuente) orders all to follow Daryl’s lead but is clearly uncomfortable with Isabelle tagging along. Emile appears uneasy, whereas Fallou Boukar (Eriq Ebouaney) can’t get loaded and gone fast enough.

By this time, Ash and Carol have been formally introduced to their rescuers, Eun (Minami Bages) and Hanna (Maria Erwolter), and are on their way to their camp to look for spare parts. Eun and Hanna’s explanation of Tupilak and the walker suggests they have scientific backgrounds, which is proven true the second they return to camp. Hanna and Carol share world views while Ash and Eun return to make the repair after discovering duct tape. Ash and Eun also share their world views as Hanna feigns interest in Carol’s crossbow.

Before Carol knows it, the weapon is loaded and Hanna’s holding her hostage. Despite her initial bolster, it will become clear that Hanna isn’t much of a killer as she attempts to explain her actions. At nearly the same time, Ash is put on alarm by Eun’s talking of using his seed to repopulate. Eun will be shown pulling the rifle on him before she reruns to discover that Hanna has yet to kill Carol. This will lead to an argument and Eun’s death. Despite all this, Carol promises to take Hanna with them but Ash later kills her with a flare gun. After returning to their flight, Ash reveals Eun was the only life he’s ever taken.

Daryl’s group decides to continue the search on foot after finding evidence that suggests the kidnappers stopped to refuel. Daryl tracks these signs to a nearby camp while Sylvie follows a maid who leads her to Laurent and Losang. At the same time, Daryl, Isabelle, and Fallou will be ambushed by their own people. Isabelle will save Daryl and together they will save Fallou while simultaneously learning that Jacinta (Nassima Benchicou) arranged this ambush out of fear that Daryl would stop tomorrow’s ceremony that is supposed to prove that Laurent’s birth was a miracle and they no longer have to worry about being hurt by the walkers. Fallou will stop Emile from shooting Daryl and Isabelle will end up killing Emile.

Carol wakes just as they reach France. It isn’t much longer when they are on the ground, unloading, and hiding the plane. It takes a bit of work but Carol convinces him to stay behind with the plane. Surprisingly enough, she also leaves him with the crossbow and tells him to give her two weeks and leave if she doesn’t return.

As Carol makes her way through the closest town, she’ll see resistance posters for Genet. Shortly after that, a cargo truck carrying seeds and apples appears out of nowhere. She watches the driver get out and harass a man sleeping in the streets before beating him and throwing him in the front seat. While he does that, she slits one of the bags of seeds that she subsequently tracks back to what appears to be a gathering of sorts. Along with the many others, Carol will give up her weapon and consent to a search. She’ll soon learn that the gathering is more of an offering of food.

Despite the hysteria of the crowd racing for the food, it is nothing compared to when a Genet follower begins addressing them with a speech. The guards will have to step in but the speaker quickly ends things by firing several shots in the air. All the while, Carol has safely watched all this go down behind one of the soldiers’ cargo trucks. Once she is caught trying to sneak into the back of one of the trucks, she is apprehended and put in the back with several others. Despite this, the whole situation doesn’t go down like an arrest.

At the same time, Daryl, Isabelle, and Fallou make plans to return to camp and get Laurent once the tide cooperates. Much to his surprise, Isabelle also agrees to leave with him after rescuing Laurent.

Elsewhere, Jacinta finds Losang in heavy doubt over kidnapping Laurent. The ensuing conversation will reveal that he knew nothing about the attack. Although she doesn’t come right out and admit to her actions, he practically figures it out once she tells him that Daryl agreed to leave so Laurent could fulfill his destiny without distraction. Learning that Fallou and several others would be victims only makes Losang madder and raises his doubt.

Carol sparks up a conversation with a former English professor who claims to be traveling with his husband, Julian, although he’s supposedly in the following vehicle. He doesn’t directly answer her question about where they are being taken but instead, tells her about Genet and the resistance. He will also add that where they are going he’s heard rumors of a doctor, which will be good for Julian due to his breathing issues. The professor will soon become disturbed and one of the guards will have to step in when he notices that the trailing vehicle splits off.

The resistance follower who gave the speech in the square briefly meets with Genet in an underground barracks of sorts, where she is shown torturing someone for information on Losang. This is how the episode ends.


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon The Book Of Carol Review

This wasn’t such a horrible episode, but I just couldn’t get excited about it. It was mildly intriguing at times, but pretty boring for the most part. Unfortunately, I just don’t see a good future for the series. I could only imagine that hardcore followers and maybe newcomers would be interested in this.

Except for Norman, the acting isn’t horrible but even the beauty of the desolate landscape can’t do this series any justice. How funny would it have been if Daryl left when Carol arrived in France? I’d give the episode a 5.0 out of 10.

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