The Twelve Series 2 Episode 7 Recap

Colby The Twelve Foxtel

The episode begins with SC Meredith Nelson-Moore (Frances O’Connor) and Rana Billings (Jennah Bannear) arriving at the prison to prep Sasha Price (Amy Mathews) for her future testimony. Sasha has apparently just learned that she’s being called to the stand and doesn’t appear very happy about it. Despite the initial hesitation, Meredith convinces her to testify. At the same time, SC Brett Colby (Sam Neil) shares his startling discovery with Nina Distazio (Kaila Ferrelli).

Claudia D’Angelo’s (Stefanie Caccamo) relationship with her mother, Connie D’Angelo (Elle Mandalis), continues to deteriorate after she learns Connie chose not to share her gift with Rosa D’Angelo (Koko Kelemete). By this time, Colby has arrived at the prison to tell Patrick Harrows (Erroll Shand) about Sasha choosing to testify. He isn’t happy about it.

When Sasha does take the stand, Meredith begins by asking her about her relationship with Bernice Price (Kris McQuade). She describes her as tough but fair and Sash’s flashback proves this to be true. There are a few moments when Sasha does become emotional before Meredith begins questioning her about the day Bernice died. This is the same day Sasha also picked up the money at the bank, shared the news of the pregnancy with Patrick, and refilled Bernice’s medication. Although there is quite a bit of back and forth, Sasha’s testimony ends up alluding to the fact that Patrick had time to go to Airly Downs, kill Bernice, dispose of the body, and make it back to the waterfall before meeting Sasha.

During a recess, Colby shares his big discovery with Patrick. The envelope’s contents aren’t revealed at the moment, but after Patrick looks at it, he not only claims he didn’t know, but he tells Colby it wouldn’t be fair to use it in court. Colby reminds him that Sasha just delivered a devastating blow with her testimony. At the same time, the jurors briefly debate Patrick’s guilt, while Thelma Connell (Tasma Walton) clearly struggles with what she’s done.

The trial presumes with Jude Persand (Fayssal Bazzi) now in control of Sasha’s testimony. He approaches her delicately enough but when he begins questioning her about inheriting the farm and her involvement with Patrick, his strategy becomes clear. Before he’s done, he’s practically yelling at her and accusing her of conspiring with Patrick to kill Bernice for fear of being cut out of the will. Sasha’s brief flashback reveals that Bernice had discovered her positive pregnancy test on the day she died. When Colby is called to cross-exam, he asks for an adjournment due to Nina not being present. Justice St. John Ross (Keith Robinson) grants the request, ending the trial early.

With the afternoon free, Colby very briefly meets with Meredith to tell her that he is sorry for what is about to happen next. She practically laughs in his face and tells him he isn’t afraid. Despite how hard Jude went during Sasha’s questioning, Detective Kora Gardner (Shareena Clanton) doesn’t feel it was nearly hard enough.

Over dinner, Winston Hang (Anthony Brandon Wong) tells Jay Hang (Carlin Monteiro) about selling the mill. In addition, he tells him that he will be going ahead and giving him and his sister, Wendy Hang (Grace Chow) their take. If Wendy and Jay want to see him, he’ll be available. If they want nothing to do with him, he understands. Jay appears to be touched by the sentiment. Thelma’s discussion with Marjorie Watson (Lynne Porteous) about her roots doesn’t go near as well. It ends with Thelma storming out of the room.

Nina briefly tells Colby that the lab confirmed the test results before he questions Sasha. Like Jude, Colby begins questioning Sasha about her wage and inheritance of the farm. When Colby shines light on the fact that Bernice’s mother and grandmother lived to be in their early 100s, it becomes clear where he is taking the story. The testimony also reveals that Bernice was quite cruel and commonly referred to Sasha as ‘heifer’, although this had nothing to do with her weight. Heifer was apparently the name of their prize pig that Sasha liked to brag about carrying around. This ultimately highlights the fact that Sasha was strong enough to carry Bernice’s body to the well alone.

It is after returning from a brief recess that the testimony takes a dramatic turn. Colby begins questioning Sasha about Bernice’s previous relationships, which makes for a few awkward moments. Things only become more so as he pursues this line of questioning. After a bit of back and forth, it is revealed that Bernice was sent to Bell Hills Home where she gave up a male child after giving birth on April 1, 1973. That child is supposedly Patrick. Everyone, including Sasha, appears to be completely stunned by the discovery. Colby also suspects that Bernice had shared this with Sasha after finding out about the pregnancy. Sasha takes this discovery so poorly that Justice Ross ends up end calling it an early day.

Despite everyone from the court reporters to the jurors being shocked by the discovery, they all handle it in different ways. Claudia ends up even more surprised when he spots Rosa outside the courthouse in her new rollerblades. Thelma ends up breaking down in tears after being confronted by Ray Connell (Glenn Prendergast) for her argument with Marjorie. Joey Kovac (Josh McKenzie) ends up back at the garage where he is about to use until Mr. Kovac (Benj D’Addario) comes in with a check for the money that Joey requested earlier. Mr. and Mrs. Kovac (Michelle Doake) have apparently already heard of Joey’s split with Alice Jinx (Lila McGuire) and suspect it might have something to do with the engagement ring. Although Joey tells him that it isn’t, it appears that he’s going to take the money.

Much later that evening while Joey visits the cops to revise his statement about Pete McKirney’s (Will McNeill) death, Claudia and Connie argue over telling Rosa the truth. In the end, it doesn’t matter because Rosa overhears them. This causes her to flee into the street where she is hit by a passing motorist. Jude and Alex Bentley (Ronnie Bhalvani) are just down the street at dinner discussing case strategy when they overhear the approaching sirens.

The episode ends with Meredith telling Sasha that she could have prevented the embarrassment if she shared the news. Sasha’s response is that she is done taking her advice.


The Twelve Review

Now, that was a decent episode. Despite dragging Colby’s big discovery out until the near end, I enjoyed the suspense. Normally this would have been frustrating, but I enjoyed it. The reveal was fairly obvious to me from the previous episode. However, before episode 6, I had no idea that this would become part of the storyline.

I’ll have to give the writer credit for that. Since season 1, I have always appreciated how the trial co-mingles with the lives of the jurors. This episode was also a bit shorter than the other, which I’d say also contributed to its success. As for Amy Mathews’ performance, the stage was set, but unfortunately, I don’t feel as if she pulled it off. She wasn’t awful but she was far from great. I also feel it necessary to give kudos to the musical interlude after the big reveal. The episode deserves a 5.7 and has set the stage for what should be a grand finale.

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