The Twelve Series 2 Episode 6 Recap

Patrick Harrow The Twelve Foxtel

The episode begins with Patrick Harrows (Erroll Shand) briefly remembering the day he was arrested by several officers (Alex McArthur). After this, SC Brett Colby (Sam Neill) receives words about Patrick’s plea change and quietly slips away from his evening with SC Meredith Nelson-Moore (Frances O’Connor). At the jail, Colby is acute enough to never give Patrick a chance to speak, except to admit that he didn’t kill Bernice Price (Kris McQuade). Colby also suspects that Patrick is feeling guilty and wants to fall on his sword after Sasha Price’s (Amy Mathews) visit with their child.

While Joey Kovac (Josh McKenzie) wakes to learn from Alice Jinx (Lila McGuire) that Marty McKirney (Christopher Strollery) has been calling him all morning, Thelma Connell (Tasma Walton) tries to uncover more about Bells Hills by going straight to the source, her mother, Marjorie Watson (Lynne Porteous). Marjorie is either too addled from her illness to provide a proper response or she is just pretending, but either way, the arrival of Parvinder Sangar (Sharon Johal) sidelines this.

Thelma and Parvinder ready Marjorie for their day at Passata Day while Mr. McKirney asks Joey to take over coaching the youth soccer league. Joey doesn’t give him an answer but it appears that he will take the position out of guilt. As most of the jurors enjoy making tomato paste at Passata Day, Colby continues his research on the well light by having Nina Distazio (Kaila Ferrelli) run down a serial number that he got during his previous outing with Meredith. Claudia D’Angelo (Stefanie Caccamo) later approaches Nina at the festival about legal advice but the context of that conversation isn’t revealed at the moment.

Meredith briefly studies photos of her family before calling to question Colby about his absence. This is explained in the next scene when he visits Liam Bevan’s (Anthony Hayes) warehouse. This encounter is just as brief as it is awkward, given that it’s a Sunday and Colby has approached from the rear entrance.

On their way to court, Jude Persand (Fayssai Bazzi) and Alex Bentley (Ronnie Bhalvani) briefly discuss a motion that Colby has filed as well as his failure to mention anything about Patrick’s plea change. They are soon met by Colby and Meredith but do not mention the plea change. Instead, they agree to recall the well digger, Liam Bevan.

The trial begins with Meredith questioning Doctor Paloma Ferraro (Nicola Bartlett) about being called to Airly Downs by Sasha to examine a steer that came down with a mosquito-borne virus, four days before Bernice died. Sasha would later call to cancel to appointment, which would leave Ferraro assuming that the steer either recovered or succumbed to its illness. This questioning eventually leads to Amethyst Walker’s (Caroline Brazier) visit months earlier when she brought her dog, Milo, in after Bernice shot it. During this encounter, Amethyst offhandedly said that someone should put Bernice down. This is later a popular topic amongst some of the jurors who all appear to have varying opinions.

When Jude questions Ferraro, he gets her to admit that the mosquito-borne illness (Bovine Ephemeral Fever/BEF) is commonly referred to as the ‘three-day sickness’ because most infected animals never survive longer than three days. Being that the illness was reported on April 15th, the sick steer would have been put down on April 18th, the day before Bernice died. Colby later gets her to admit that some animals last four days with the illness. It is also at this time that Nina arrives with the motion to have Liam recalled.

When the jurors are called to recess, Thelma attempts to hand over what she learned about Bells Hills but is sidelined by Alex. In addition, she lies about her intentions. At the same time, Nina gives Claudia a business card for a family attorney who she claims can help her friend.

Court resumes with Colby questioning Liam Bevan. It is during this testimony that Colby confirms that although Bernice owed him $100,000, he isn’t listed among the Farm’s creditors, meaning he’s written the debt off. Colby is eventually led away from this line of questioning by Jude’s objections but the big takeaway is that he gets Liam to admit never visiting the Airly Downs property after Bernice’s death. This is subsequently proven to be a lie when Colby uses evidence to show that Liam had gone back out to the well after Bernice’s death to make repairs to the light and pump. Liam admits knowing that a WA Safe investigation would follow Bernice’s death and he wanted to ensure that his work was up to par. The jury is asked to leave, once again, so Colby can make an application to end the trial due to evidence tampering. Justice St. John Ross (Keith Robinson) agrees to dedicate the afternoon to the request.

Later that day, Meredith hints to Colby about them making their relationship a serious entanglement. She plays down the request after learning that he isn’t at all interested. When he leaves, she appears to be hurt by this but she doesn’t get long to dwell on it thanks to the unexpected arrival of Jude. Jude apparently wants to run something by her without Colby being present. She is immediately cautious and tells him that she’ll consider it.

At the same time, Thelma tails Jude to a café where he appears to debate giving him her evidence from Bells Hills. She decides not to at the moment. Nearby as well, Claudia spots a pair of rollerblades that she buys for Rosa D’Angelo (Koko Kelemete). The purchase later leads to an argument with Connie D’Angelo (Elle Mandalis). During this argument, it is revealed that Claudia’s efforts with Nina have been all about Connie falsifying Rosa’s birth records to make her appear as her biological child. Thelma continues to follow Jude and is in the process of giving him the evidence when the arrival of Meredith changes her mind. It is during this discussion that he tells her about Patrick’s plea change. Meredith pretends to be unaffected and even justifies Colby’s actions but it’s clear that she is hurt. Jude promises to go easy on Sasha if she puts her on the stand. Her response is not revealed at the moment.

Winston Hang (Anthony Brandon Wong) pays an unexpected visit to Teddy Hardcastle (Domenic Anthony) at trivia night. Teddy incorrectly assumes that Winston wants more gummies, but Winston quickly amends this by apologizing for Wendy Hang (Grace Chow) speaking to his employer. Teddy doesn’t appear to be too upset with the discovery and even mentions being concerned for Winston’s health. While Winston and Teddy retire back to Winston’s place, Alice tells Joey that she wants him to leave. Surprisingly, Joey ends up in Patrick’s old room at Guy Dovey’s (Daniel Buck) motel.

After learning that there will not be a mistrial, Meredith joins Colby at dinner to reveal that she is going to put Sasha on the stand. He is not at all happy with this and even accuses her of doing it because of their earlier conversation. She claims that she is only doing what’s best for her client but at the same time, admits to not trusting him.

The episode ends with Colby returning to his room to find Thelma’s evidence waiting on him.


The Twelve Review

Not a horrible episode, although I didn’t necessarily like the way Patrick’s plea change resolved itself. I can understand it, but feel that something cleverer could have been done there. Nonetheless, I was taken by surprise with Bevan’s tampering. I feel that the show could do a better job of explaining things. I understand they are probably trying to keep viewers guessing but I’d appreciate a more thorough explanation on some issues. I am still a bit in the dark about Thelma’s dig discovery. I am sure all will be explained in due time.

It was good to see that Joey didn’t get so much attention in this episode, although I do find his story more interesting than most. Meredith is emotionally stunted and Colby is going to regret going to bed with her. I did admire Winston’s reaching out to Teddy to apologize but feel that Teddy was far too tame in his response. The whole debacle with the sick steer felt like a complete waste of time to me. Other than this, not an entirely awful episode, but it could have easily been cut to 30 minutes and been just as captivating.

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