The Twelve Series 2 Episode 2 Recap

Anthony Hayes Liam The Twelve Foxtel

The episode opens in a flashback with Patrick Harrows (Erroll Shand) plucking and butchering chickens. He looks up to see Bernice Price (Kris McQuade) in the distance with a child. In the present, Patrick is working out in his cell when Brett Colby QC (Sam Neill) approaches and tells him that today is preserved for Sasha Price’s (Amy Matthews) defense. Patrick asks if Kelly Lawyer (Shanta-Maree Surendran) will be able to visit him. Colby says it will need to wait until after the trial because she is giving evidence. Upon leaving, Colby gives him a word of encouragement about being found innocent. In a flashback, Kelly teases Patrick about Sasha falling for him. He promises to have the money for her soon. In the present, Sasha can be seen alone in a cell.

Thelma Connell (Tasma Walton) complains about the neighbor’s unruly kids. A demented Marjorie Watson (Lynn Porteous) becomes anxious while talking about Bernice. Elsewhere, Joey Kovac (Josh McKenzie) stresses the need to keep the media and Mr. Kovac (Benj D’Addario) from finding out about the accident. Pete McKirney (Will McNeill) assures him that Ryan will repair the damage and keep it quiet.

South West Region Healthcare nurse, Teddy Hardcastle (Domenic Anthony) visits Winston Hang (Anthony Brandon Wong) to teach him Foley catheter care. Frustrated by the interruption, Winston demands he return about the Price trial. Elsewhere, Claudia D’Angelo (Stephanie Caccamo) tells a solemn Rosa D’Angelo (Koko Kelemete) goodbye but doesn’t get a response. In the jury room, Dean Pearcey (Luke Pegler) tells the other jurors about the damaged Tunkwell sign. Thelma says a well-to-do designer created it. Gus Heath (Nelson Baker) suggests it is Tunkwell’s unwelcome sign. Joey keeps his head down when Felix Tilly (Adriano Cappelletta) announces the first witness has been detained elsewhere. In the courtroom, Justice St John Ross (Keith Robinson) orders Prosecutor Judge Persand (Fayssal Bazzi) to find another witness. Persand says they are trying to contact the witness, Liam Bevan (Anthony Hayes). Elsewhere, Liam stares at Bernice’s Bevan Wells & Drainage invoice for $95,500 when his attorney, Alex Bentley (Ronnie Bhalvani) calls. Ignoring the call, he gulps down some alcohol.

In a flashback, Liam promises Bernice that he will make repairs to the well once the invoice is paid. She demands he fix it first before saying he has been drinking. Sasha hears them arguing. He refuses to leave until he gets his money. Retrieving her shotgun, she threatens to shoot him if he doesn’t leave. Irate, he curses her while leaving. Back to the present, Liam is on the witness stand, telling the court about his professional qualifications. Gus makes a sarcastic remark. The other jurors urge him to be quiet. Gus explains the mechanics of the well at Airy Downs. Persand asks if it would be possible for someone to fall into the well. Seeing Meredith Nelson-Moore SC (Frances O’Connor) incoming call from Chris Moore (Gerald Lepkowski), Colby objects because Liam is not a medical professional. Ross strikes the question. Later, Meredith ends a phone call and apologizes to Colby. Nearby, Joey is on the phone with his father. When his father insists on filing a warranty claim, Joey tries to run to the garage but is hampered by an injured knee. He unlocks the door as his father arrives. He warns Pete, retrieves the warranty, and asks Mr. Kovac for a ride to the courthouse.

Meredith says the WA inspection found all the electrical components fully functional. He questions if someone lied about the defective internal light. In the jury room, Parvinder Sangar (Sharon Johal) and Felix clear the dishes after lunch. After Joey returns, he gets upset at Ian Campbell (Greg McNeill) for calling him “champ.” Brad Francis (Columbus Evans) takes Joey’s slice of pie. Winston warns the other jurors against judging Liam. Skye Lehman (Isabelle Basen) says it is okay to question his integrity. Back in the courtroom, Meredith questions Liam about his call from Bernice. He tells the court that she wanted him to repair the well but he refused until she paid his $94,500 invoice. He attributes her refusal to pay to her being stingy. He blurts out that she never paid her debt. Persand objects. After a warning from Ross, Liam refuses to stop talking about Bernice’s unpaid debt to multiple local companies. In a flashback, Patrick complains to Sasha about Bernice not paying him. She claims Bernice doesn’t like the idea of them dating and promises to get his money. Bernice watches them from a short distance away.

In Bernice’s log, she documented issues with the well. Liam suggests it was Bernice’s way of keeping evidence for his lawsuit but has no evidence. Meredith asks if it is possible that Sasha’s claim about the internal light malfunctioning is true. He calls Sasha a liar. Ross threatens him with contempt of court. Liam admits to being upset with Bernice. Colby says in Graham Yacek’s statement, he said Liam told him that he was going to Airly Downs to permanently fix the problem. Liam admits to saying it. Colby reminds him that he testified the well was working efficiently. Elsewhere, Meredith confronts Sasha about her previous claim that Bernice tripped because the lights weren’t working. Sasha says they were working, someone must have repaired it. Outside the courthouse, Rana Billings (Jennah Bannear) asks Fleur Hepburn (Katherine Pearson) if she saw anyone access the well before the inspector arrived. Fleur claims Neal Collins (Myles Pollard) was in the house with her and Sasha but Patrick was left unattended.

Connie tells Rosa that she is not to hang out with Emma and Stacey. Claudia urges her to let Rosa learn to rollerblade. Tony D’Angelo (Vito De Francesco) scolds Rosa for sassing Connie. Rosa gets upset and leaves. Elsewhere, Winston tells Wendy Hang (Grace Chow) and Jay Hang (Carlin Monteiro) that he has decided to sell the mill because he has terminal cancer. He threatens to cut them out of his will if they refuse to work on their relationship with him. Wendy leaves to smoke a cigarette and Jay follows her.

Pete claims Joey said Bernice was bitten by a dog and fell down the well. Joey says he is joking. Mrs. Kovac (Michelle Doake) questions what happened to the Tunkwell sign. Alice Jinx (Lila McGuire) doesn’t believe a local is responsible. Mr. Kovac calls the culprit a coward. Joey criticizes Pete for laughing. Elsewhere, Chris gives Meredith a hard time for not returning his call.

Thelma is collecting eggs when Bobby West (Bevan Winmar) and Savannah West (Nevaeh Winmar) approach. She orders them to leave. In court, Stanley Churchill (Phil Bennett) claims Bernice spoke with him about changing her will. He says she considered letting Sasha take over the running of Airly Downs which is valued at $20 million. Bernice believed Sasha resented her for not going through with it. In the jury room, Ian says $20m is motive enough to kill. Skye and Claudia don’t think too much of Bernice for her mistreatment of Sasha. Winston rushes to the restroom and has a mishap while emptying his Foley catheter bag. Thelma believes Ian is trying to sway their opinion. Upon returning to the jury room, Winston attributes his wet pants to a malfunctioning faucet. In court, Churchill denies Bernice said anything about not finding Patrick a suitable match for Sasha. In a flashback, Patrick refuses to take Sasha’s money and only wants his pay from Bernice. He didn’t appreciate keeping their relationship a secret. Back to the present, Colby informs Churchill that Bernice discovered Sasha’s pregnancy on the day of her death. Churchill claims she never said anything to him. Colby suggests Bernice wanted to add her first grandbaby to her will.

Thelma leaves Ray a note demanding he not utilize her trash bin. Hardcastle urges Winston to safe-proof his house but he refuses. Savannah and Bobby egg Thelma’s house. Passing the D’Angelo’s diner, Fleur sees Rosa and Claudia dancing. Rosa expresses her desire to go to the roller rink. Claudia assures her that Connie just wants to keep her safe. Connie is disappointed when she sees Rosa’s new hairstyle. Upset, Rosa runs to her room. Connie pursues her. Claudia breaks down crying. Alice catches Joey with drugs. He promises to stop using at the right time but she isn’t so sure. He shoots up between his toes and passes out. Fleur comforts Sasha while she cries.

In a flashback, Liam asks Patrick if he having sex with Sasha. Patrick curses him. Liam assures him that he won’t get any money from Sasha until Bernice is gone. Patrick and Sasha make love. The episode ends.


The Twelve Review

Season two has an entirely new plot and cast, excluding Sam Neill. The acting remains the series’ strong point. The story doesn’t flow, partially due to the hit-and-miss editing. The plot lacks the same level of intrigue as in season one. The flashbacks and side stories add little to no value to the main plot. Of course, without them, there wouldn’t be a long-drawn-out eight-part series. The episode deserves a 5.5 out of 10.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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