The Summer I Turned Pretty Season 2 Episode 6 Recap

Love Fest – The episode opens with Julia (Kyra Sedgwick) at the beach house As both Conrad (Christopher Briney) and Jeremiah Fisher (Gavin Casalegno) hand over the keys, Julia admits to being glad it’s finally over. Skye (Elsie Fisher) is none too thrilled with the decision to sell the beach house. She and Julia get into a squabble. Julia tries to explain how her feelings have changed in the past two days. Julia, on the other hand, never and still doesn’t feel welcome there. As Skye claims that her mother is only selling the house for closure, Julia may have been misleading with the financial claims.

The mention of closure sparks a Christmas flashback between Julia and her late sister Susannah (Rachel Blanchard). Julia is concerned about do-dads for stockings. Susannah offers up what she has left. Julia is shocked to learn she stuffs her own stockings. Susannah plays it off as her husband is busy. Julia chalks it up to aloofness but admits her father is the same. Susannah suggests a trip to the beach house. Julia readily declines because it holds too many bad memories. She claims to have heard Lillian nagging her father about Susannah tagging along on trips.

Back in the present, Julia questions if Skye believes her story. Skye blames her for keeping her away from the family and emotionally shutting down. Julia assures her that it would be impossible to back out of the deal at this point. She must be back in Boston by 10. Skye loves her but can’t support her on this and chooses to stay.

Beach House –Jeremiah assures everyone that things will improve. Being more pessimistic, Conrad says it isn’t Skye’s fault. Belly Conklin (Lola Tung) suggests throwing a party. Susannah and Laurel Park (Jackie Chung) hosted a Gatsby-themed party after Susannah’s father died. The others support the idea because the house deserves such a sendoff. Conklin (Sean Kaufman) voices concern about Conrad’s panic attic. Steven says there is no middle ground for him. Conrad asks if he got the idea from Taylor (Rain Spencer). Steven tells them that Taylor is good at providing sound advice.

Elsewhere in the beach house, Taylor informs Belly of Marcy (Sasha An) and Donna’s decision to bunk together to ensure there is plenty of room for her. Belly believes Coach Shaw (Heather Magee) doesn’t want her at camp. Upset, Taylor claims she is the only reason she plays. Belly assures her that it isn’t Shaw’s fault but her own.

Poolside – Jeremiah asks Belly if she is familiar with the safe places in her dreams. He says the beach is his safe place. Belly attempts to lighten his worries by tackling him into the pool. While frolicking in the pool, they come close to kissing. Taylor tells her that Conrad summons her for a supply run. Jeremiah asks to tag along. Taylor receives a call from Milo (Will Spencer) which makes Steven jealous. Milo overhears them discussing the party.

Russell’s Gas & Convenience – Conrad attempts to impress Belly and Jeremiah with a fake ID. Being a stickler for the rules, Jumper’s (JP Lambert) declines the sale. Chiding him for a failed attempt, Jeremiah boasts he and Jumper are tight, so there is no need for a fake ID. Jumper refuses to sell him alcohol as well. Learning about the sale of the beach house, he just wants to go home but agrees to sell Belly some alcohol. She even convinces him to take it the car for her. She gives Jeremiah a fountain drink. Feeling left out, Conrad takes a gulp of her drink before complaining about it being too sweet.

Cam’s House – Skye and Cam (David Iacono) raid Cam’s late sister’s DJ gear. She calls him a nerd for being obsessed with whales. His sister enjoyed jumping which drive their mother crazy. Cam boasts of him and his mother being two peas in a pod. He contributes their father’s desertion to their closeness. Skye tells him that she and her mother are close as well. He admits to accepting a whaling internship over the summer which his mother knows nothing about.

Party City – Conrad produces his father’s emergency Amex Card before everyone splits in different directions to gather part supplies.

Poolside –Steven and Taylor discuss a playlist for their impending party. The mere mention of Miley Cyrus reminds her of her and Taylor’s obsession with “Party In The U.S.A.”

Party City – Conrad and Belly have their shopping carts filled. She believes his supplies are party-appealing before decorating him with a colorful scarf and a flower glass. Returning the favor, he places a tiara on her head. When she calls him Connie Baby, he recalls Susannah calling him the same thing. She apologizes for her bad behavior at Susannah’s funeral. Conrad being with Aubrey (Mohana Krishnan) didn’t help matters. He claims Aubrey was helping him through a panic attack but he wishes it was her.

Cousins House – Taylor attempts to explain kissing to Skye when Belly asks for help unloading the party supplies. She asks where are Conrad and Jeremiah. Belly explains how Jeremiah is raiding the garage while Conrad is unloading what is left of the supplies. Taylor asks her about kissing. Skye claims it is different with each boy. She explains what it feels like to kiss Cam before admitting to having blacked out when she and Conrad kissed. She describes her and Jeremiah’s kiss as hot even though they were friends.

In The Garage –Jeremiah discovers a pair of Susannah’s old roller skates and several photo albums. When Conrad joins him, they ponder if their memories of her will fade. Jeremiah encounters Belly en route to the house. He confronts her about the way she mooned over Conrad at Party City. Belly tries to explain but he questions if he interrupted something special.

The Party – Belly puts Susannah’s roller skates to use to refill their guests’ cups. Steven and Conrad snap photos with their new cameras. Skye and Cam man the DJ booth. Sparing Belly from a crash, Jeremiah assures her that an injury wasn’t necessary to get his attention. Milo receives a cold reception from Skye and Cam. Skye asks Cam to kiss her. He readily complies. Steven leads Taylor to the dance floor while both are unaware of Milo being present. After Jumper starts the music, the couple put their best feet forward. He confesses his feelings for her while Milo witnesses everything.

Jeremiah tells Belly that his first and second kiss, on the same night, took place there. A near kiss is interrupted by a dispute. They arrive in time to see Steven and Taylor trying to convince Milo to leave. A physical altercation breaks out and temporarily ends when the Fisher brothers break them apart. Determined, Steven and Milo start again but Taylor intervenes. Milo unleashes a flurry of insults at nearly everyone present. She defends him while saying he knows nothing about her before asking him her middle name. Knowing it is Madison, Steven follows to console her. Skye learns that her mother has convinced the new buyers to allow the brothers to rent the beach house for one week every summer. Everyone is elated with the news except for Conrad. This sets off a very disagreement between him and Jeremiah. Conrad claims he refused to give him approval to date Belly. Shocked by the revelation, Belly runs away. The brothers continue with the insults.

Belly watches the beach house being sprayed with upchuck. She grabs a bottle of liquor before heading to the beach. Conrad forces her about from the encroaching surf. She would have fought harder to make their relationship work if she knew he asked for Jeremiah’s approval. She can only assume their love wasn’t strong enough and that’s what depresses her.

It’s Steven’s turn to attempt an apology now as he joins a moping Taylor. She points out how wrong it was for Milo to just show up. Despite that Taylor feels bad about what happened. Steven attempts to apologize again and brings up their earlier conversation. She asks him if he wants to take back what he said. He doesn’t and she is impressed and turned on that he remembered her middle name. The two share a kiss before the action kicks over to an even drunker Belly.

Belly encounters her volleyball teammates at the pool. They attempt to get her in the water, but she only gets even more depressed especially when someone breaks a nearby bottle. Running off back into the party, she locks eyes with Jeremiah across the crowded dance floor. Seconds later, she locks eyes with Conrad at the opposing end. This ends with her retiring upstairs and calling leaving her mother a bawling message about losing the summer house and how the Fisher brother may never speak to her again. She asks her mom to come and fix it.


The Summer I Turned Pretty Review

Let me start by saying, I honestly can’t understand what it is about this show that keeps pulling me in. At times I find myself so frustrated that I want to just turn it off, yet I am unable to. The thing that really gets me is how ungrateful and close-minded these youths are about certain things. I am certainly not in the top half of the academic bracket, not the most political, or even that in-tuned with the modern world. If these honestly are the problems that well-to-do teenagers deal with today and the ways they deal with them, it is no wonder the world is in the shape that it is in.

I know loss is hard, and people and places can be special, but I can’t resist feelings these youths have a very twisted and warped view of the world. To me, it just seems so depressing that these kids are running around wasting thousands of dollars on parties and fretting over a beach and personal relationships when there are many worse things in the world. Conrad seems the worst, with his fretting over getting into Stanford and not being grateful about the newly added contract clause. Even Julia came off as juvenile and spiteful.

Despite all this, I unabashedly admit that I am extremely intrigued with how this will play out. On a scale of 10, episode 6 gets a 5.

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