The Sinner Season 1 Episode 1 Recap

the sinner s01e01 jessica biel

At the start of the episode, we see Cora Tannetti (Jessica Biel) swimming. Someone is urging her to come on. It must be a flashback of sorts. After the intro, she works. Her coworker and husband enter and tell her that she is going to cost them their jobs. She is doing too good. Once Cora and Mason (Christopher Abbott) leave, they speak about Mason’s mother. Cora wants him to tell her that they’re not going to visit for a change. She wants time alone. They arrive at the mother’s place a short time later. It is clear that Mason’s mother is overwhelming. The family eats dinner together. After that, Cora and Mason go home.

Mason wants to have a little romance before hitting the sack. Cora takes some medications and joins him in bed. It doesn’t seem that she is too interested. In the morning, Cora cleans the house and prepares to go to the beach with her family. At the beach, Cora finds an opportunity to escape her family. She goes out into the water and crosses the safety line. She doesn’t return so Mason and the boy go looking for her. She eventually resurfaces and they agree to sit down for a little bit. This time, a couple nearby attracts their attention.

Leah Belmont (Teri Wyble) and Frankie Belmont (Eric Todd) play around and crank on the music. Leah makes fun of his old band. He gets on top of her and Cora strikes. She stabs him several times before Mason wrestles her to the ground. Cora is arrested and led away. Next, we’re introduced to Harry Ambrose (Bill Pullman) who just happens to have black fingernails. He appears to be spying on someone before receiving a phone call. Harry meets up with Dan Leroy (Dohn Norwoon) to work on Cora’s case. Harry admits he has never seen anything like this. At the station, evidence is collected from Cora. She has a flashback about her father forcing her to pray for her younger sister.

Cora is allowed to shower before trying to call Mason. He doesn’t answer and she doesn’t leave a message for him. Before too long, Cora is interviewed by Harry and Dan. She doesn’t want to speak about it again. She confirms that she already confessed and just wants to be done with it. She doesn’t want a lawyer or anything like that. After the interview, Harry and the others discuss the case. One of their daughters knows Cora and just can’t believe she would do anything like that. They wonder if she just lost it or something. Mason goes to the police station but leaves without going inside. With that, Cora is transferred to the jail without getting to see her husband first.

Cora has trouble sleeping in her cell so she asks for something to help. The guard on the other end of the intercom refuses to give her anything. She has a flashback of the killing, falls to the ground, and begins praying. Harry goes through the evidence in his office. Then, he visits a prostitute of sorts. She tells him about her two clients who like to visit together. After that, she steps on his fingers and that is why they’ve turned black on the ends. The following day, the press begins harassing the family. Mason gets a visit from Harry who looks through Cora’s room. Mason tells Harry what happened after Cora attacked the man. She started going towards the girlfriend and told her that it was okay now.

At the jail, Cora has another flashback. She remembers being led into her mother’s room to see her sister. The baby is very ill but her mothers believe that praying will solve everything. Mason finally visits his wife and apologizes for not visiting before. He confesses that he is still trying to wrap his head around everything. Cora tells him that it would be fine if he decides to move on with his life. Dan calls Harry and reminds him that the arraignment is coming up very soon. Harry heads to the hospital to check on Leah. While he is there, he speaks with Patrick who witnessed the murder. They sit down together and begin talking about the murder. Patrick eventually says that Frankie looked like he knew the woman after she stabbed him one.

He could have stopped her but didn’t. At the end of the episode, Cora is charged with second degree murder. She is asked to enter a plea before the episode ends.


The Sinner Review

I know this show received some nominations and such. I am a little late to the party but better late than never. At this point, I wish I would have stayed away. I am not digging it at all. I personally do not like Jessica Biel in this role. She seems awkward at times. She might be trying a little too hard or something. I don’t know but she seems out of place and I can’t quite find the right word for it.

I am sure things will get better or at least I would hope. However, this episode didn’t grab me. It was all over the place in the beginning. At work and the family’s house, it was lightning fast. At the beach, everything slowed to a crawl. Then, bang. Frankie is dead. The pacing is tough to stomach. I have some suspicions as to what is going to happen but I don’t know if I’ll bother hanging around to find out.

A 5.5 out of 10 is deserved for this episode.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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