The Perfect Couple Season 1 Episode 4 Recap

s01e04 the perfect couple netflix nicole kidman

Someone Could Get Hurt – As this episode of The Perfect Couple begins, the Coast Guard is unable to find the kids. In an interview room, Amelia Sacks (Eve Hewson) is asked about Merritt’s bracelet. Amelia says she was wearing it that night and Tag Winbury (Liev Schreiber) gave it to her. She believes they’re covering something up. Tag knew Merritt was pregnant because she told him that night. Nikki Henry (Donna Lynne Champlin) asks if she told anyone else. Amelia believes the whole family is involved. She explains that Greer makes anyone who spends any significant time in the house sign an NDA. Another girl Tag was seeing tried to kill herself a few years ago. No one talks about that.

Benji (Billy Howle) gets offensive when she asks him about it. They’re interrupted and learn the kids have been found. They’re bringing them in now. Greer (Nicole Kidman) receives a call confirming they’ve found Will. Nikki asks Amelia about Shooter Dival and whether he could be involved as well. Amelia doesn’t think he’s involved. Nikki asks why he’d try to get on the ferry despite their orders. In a flashback, Amelia is shown boarding a plane and meets Shooter (Ishaan Khattar). He explains that Benji’s meeting got pushed to this afternoon. They talk about Nantucket. Shooter asks if they’ve met before. Amelia doesn’t think so. They arrive at the house a short time later. The staff comes next weekend and the heat goes on then as well. Amelia says he said they should make themselves comfortable.

They walk along the beach. Shooter says he was 14 and his mom died when he first came there. Benji invited him because he likes helping people. They were roommates at Deerfield. Shooter heard her mom is really sick. Shooter decides to get undressed and dive into the water. He urges Amelia to join him. She eventually does. In the interview room, Amelia claims not to know why Shooter would try to leave. Nikki asks how well she knows Shooter. Will (Sam Nivola) is checked out at the hospital. Dan Carter (Michael Beach) interrupts to ask how Will could take his daughter out into a storm. He warns him not to put Chloe in danger again. Then, he asks Will why he had Merritt Monaco’s bracelet. Will can’t tell him that because someone could get hurt.

Dan asks if he knows what happened to Merritt and whether he was there. In a flashback, Will remembers seeing Merritt tell Tag she’s pregnant. Will approaches Merritt in private to warn her that his dad will never leave his mom. Merritt thinks he might have to. Will tells Dan that he offered to help Merritt with the baby if she needed it. He’ll have money since he’s getting his trust in a month. Merritt told him it wasn’t about the money and it would be okay. Will claims he found the bracelet on the beach that night. He insists she dropped it in the sand. Will knew she’d want it back and he wanted to bring it back to her. The cut on his hand was an accident. Chloe Carter (Mia Isaac) was nearby when it happened. Will tells Dan that he didn’t want his mom finding out. Thomas (Jack Reynor) yells to let Greer know that her favorite son is home.

Greer checks on him while Tag asks Will what the heck he was thinking. Abby (Dakota Fanning) answers the phone. The caller asks to speak to Greer. He says Abby can tell her it’s Broderick. Tag and Tommy grill Will. Will claims Dan was only asking about the boat and his daughter. Abby interrupts to tell Greer that Broderick Graham is on the phone. Greer claims not to know who that is. Abby ends the call with Broderick (Tommy Flanagan) who hangs up. Amelia visits Shooter to ask why he tried to get on the ferry and where he was going. He claims he panicked and it’s just money stuff. Shooter insists it has nothing to do with Merritt. Amelia says Will had her bracelet and she found stacks of drawings of her in Benji’s room. Shooter insists Benji wouldn’t hurt her. Later, Amelia asks Benji why he has the pictures of Merritt.

He claims Merritt gave them to him because she wanted him to paint her. Benji asks why she thought he had them. Amelia asks when he found out about Merritt and Tag. He says he swung by the house on the golf weekend and they were together. He told Merritt to stop, but Tag wasn’t going to. He claims he was waiting for her to do it but she wouldn’t answer his calls. Benji says he promised her he wouldn’t tell Amelia. He insists he’s not like his father. Benji says no more secrets. In the past, Amelia hangs out with Shooter and insists they haven’t met before. Amelia knows she shouldn’t get comfortable because she doesn’t match there. Shooter believes he remembers her from the B train on the Fourth of July weekend three years ago. Before she can confirm it was her, Benji finally arrives. Later, Shooter tells Benji it’s always been obvious that his dad really loves his mom.

Benji believes he’d die without her. He could never look the other way with Amelia. Meanwhile, Amelia tells her father, Bruce (Michael McGrady), that he doesn’t need to wash his socks in the sink. Bruce and Karen (Dendrie Taylor) talk about Merritt who was a good friend. Karen tells Amelia it doesn’t have to be a big wedding and she doesn’t need to wait too long. Karen has to take her medication. Greer tells Tag she’s working. He believes it’d be a nice day for a paddle. Greer argues she doesn’t have time for him right now. Tag offers to tell them all to leave. He asks if she wants to talk about it, hit him, or yell. Tag admits he wants her back. Although he says nothing has changed, Greer believes everything has changed. She asks him not to touch her. Tag says he can’t control himself and never could.

They end up having sex. Later, Greer remembers speaking to Merritt who makes friends everywhere. She tells Merritt that he’s lying and she’s one of many. Abby comes over with drinks. Greer tells Merritt that she’ll find someone of her own. In the present, she tries to get back to work. Benji asks Tommy what he’s doing when he brings a cake into the house. Tommy says they’re hungry and they’re going to eat some food. Benji tells him he’s not eating that. Tommy asks if he’s going to put it in a museum and Abby’s blood sugar is dangerously low. Benji tells him to put the cake down. Abby eats some of the icing. Benji threatens Tommy who eats a piece. Benji ends up shoving his head into the cake. Tommy throws some at him. Abby breaks up a weak scuffle. Once she’s alone, Abby begins yelling for Gosia (Irina Dubova).

Dan looks at the toxicology report and mentions stearic acid, tallow, and titanium dioxide. Greer approaches him and notices the report. She apologizes on behalf of Will. Dan reveals that Merritt had a heavy dose of barbiturates in her system. Greer gives him a receipt for a bracelet that her husband bought Merritt. She insists she wants the guilty party brought to justice. After getting out of the pool, Amelia yells to let Benji know she’s coming in. She walks in on Shooter who is naked. Amelia approaches him to say she hasn’t been fair to him. In another life, they could’ve been something. Shooter asks her to look him in the eye and say she doesn’t want this. Amelia says she doesn’t but he kisses her anyway. Dan and Nikki visit Tag to ask him to come down to the station.

Benji returns and sees Shooter and Amelia together. He hits the wall.


The Perfect Couple Review

The fourth episode of The Perfect Couple did very little to push the story forward giving the impression that the finale is going to amount to little. There isn’t anything new here. It’s another show about rich people and rich people problems. The whole thing is held together by a murder mystery that moves at a snail’s pace while the cliché affairs try to keep things interesting.

The story obviously had potential, but the series is executed in the worst possible way. Despite a good cast, the performances aren’t great. Some are very bad and wooden. The constant jumping back and forth leaves a sense of exhaustion and a general lack of caring about any of it.

The series could’ve been shrunk to four episodes and nothing would’ve been lost. Viewers will need to accept that this is as unrealistic as possible, especially considering these are ultra-rich people. It’s watchable with the bare minimum expectations and viewers must prepare for lots of cringe and dull, uneventful moments.

The fourth episode scores a 4.5 out of 10. Recaps of The Perfect Couple can be found on Reel Mockery here. Find out how to support our independent site at this link. Learn more about advertising with us here. See what others are saying here.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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