The Missing: The Meeting Review

When the show opens, we see Malik Suri (Arsher Ali) paying Khalid Zane a visit in the penitentiary. It seems Khalid has gotten himself in trouble and is being help in the same solitary cell that Vincent Bourg (Titus De Voogdt) was held in, during his incarceration. We also discover that Malik is seeking out Vincent’s help. Khalid is happy to receive a visitor, but refuses to provide Mailk with any information.

Things go from bad to worse from Tony Hughes (James Nesbitt), as he quickly becomes the target of the police investigation. He is whisked away from his motel room, by Khalid Zane (Said Taghmaoui) and Julien Baptiste (Tcheky Karyo). At the police station, he is questioned about the mugshot photos, which were that of Greg Halpern. It seems Tony assaulted Greg in February of 2000, but was able to escape jail time, with the help of money and his father-in-law, Robert (Clive Francis). Of course, Emily Hughes (Frances O’Connor) knows nothing about the run in.

After we see a brief confrontation between Emily and her mother, who gives her some sleeping pills, Tony is questioned about an incident, which resulted in Olly fracturing his ankle. A dumbfounded Tony insists it was all an accident and that Oliver simply jumped off the bed and broke his ankle.

Meanwhile, Julien Baptiste is paid a visit by Antoine, who happens to be undercover. He gives Julien a tipoff about a strange transaction that is soon going to be going down. He suggests the merchandise isn’t drugs or weapons, which instantly makes Julien think it could be sex trafficking. Supposedly, the merchandise is going to be sent to Thailand. Of course, Mark Walsh (Jason Flemyng) hears everything.

Next, Ian Garret (Ken Stott) receive a call and is informed about Tony’s current condition. He immediately springs into actions have gets Tony a lawyer. While Tony goes free, Khalid tells him to stay away from the lake, until it has been searched entirely.

In present time, Mark lets it slip that Tony has possibly found something, which upsets Emily. Julien’s wife also comes to visit him. His wife mentions something about a woman visiting their home and stirring up trouble again.

With the information that was passed along by Antoine, Julien gets Georges Deloix (Eric Godon) to sign a search warrant. With this in hand, the police rendezvous at the transaction point. After a long wait, they enter and find nothing of value. It appears someone has been tipped off about the police’s knowledge of the event.

In the meantime, Ian tried to convince Tony that Vincent had nothing to do with the abduction. When Tony returns to the motel room, he is confronted by Malik, who tells him he should have let him interview him. After saying he got his front page story, he shows Tony a copy of the paper, which speaks about Tony’s violent incident. When Tony enters the motel room, he argues with Emily about the assault. Tony reveals that Emily had supposedly kissed Greg, which set him off.

In the present time, Tony and Julien hold a town meeting to try and get information from the residents. Emily enters and Tony and her speak outside. Emily insists the pair need to move on with their lives, which Tony suggests Emily has been doing a good job of. Malik also pays a visit to Vincent’s house. Vincent refuses to answer, which forces Malik to leave a business card. Vincent is spotted looking at pictures of an older woman on his computer. At least, it wasn’t little children this time! Next, Tony and Julien are working the case, when Georges enters and threatens to shut down their case.

Back in the past, Mark confronts Julien about Antoine. He discovers Antoine has been spiraling into drugs and has fallen for a woman. Emily has a heartbreaking hallucination that she sees and hugs Oliver at the pool. At the same time, Tony breaks into Vincent’s apartment and checks out his computer. When Vincent returns, a struggle ensues and Tony overpowers him. Tony eventually leaves, after Vincent continues to plead his innocence and says he never acts out his fantasies.

Julien attempts to rendezvous with Antoine, but instead finds him dead, with his throat slit. Julien chases a potential suspect and the chase transforms into a vehicle pursuit. Despite Julien’s efforts, the vehicle gets away. Julien wrecks his car, which results in his presently injured leg and wobble.

Back in the present time, Julien informs Tony that the neighbors across the street held a party on the night of the disappearance and happened to film the events. With the video zoomed in on the suspected house’s window, an image becomes visible. It appears Oliver is banging on the window, but is dragged away by a strange figure.


Wow! This was another powerfully emotional episode of The Missing! We uncovered quite a bit of information regarding the night of the disappearance and finally received confirmation that Oliver was definitely inside the house, where they discovered the drawing. On the other hand, the Antoine storyline definitely raised some questions to Mark’s involvement. Is he responsible for spilling the beans which results in Antoine’s death?

Of course, it was the excellent performance by James Nesbitt that stole the spotlight. The moment, when he was choking Vincent, was absolutely perfect and a little bit frightening. Another solid episode that deserves a 9 out of 10.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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