The Longest Night Season 1 Episode 4 Recap

Lennon Crew The Longest Night Netflix

The show begins with Dr. Elisa Montero (Barbara Goenaga) ordering everyone to Red Block. Bastos (Xabier Deive), Willy (Cesar Mateo), and a group of inmates heed her order.

Lennon (Jose Luis Garcia Perez), Ruso (Roberto Alamo), and Sara Oliver Gomez (Laia Manzanares) monitor the prison surveillance cameras. Lennon suggests they take out the Canteen first.

A man covered in blood voices his concern about being seen with a woman. Lennon promises to handle it before telling the man to go home.

Lennon’s men place a drunk Rey (Pablo Alama) in the bathtub and slice his forearm with a razor knife. In another room, a man lays a partially nude woman on a bed. Rey’s blood begins to turn the water red.

Bastos asks a new inmate with a scar on his forearm if he prefers the men’s or women’s block. After choosing to be with the male inmates, the inmate professes his innocence. Diego (Jean Cruz) asks Bastos why the inmate was given a block choice. Bastos informs him that the inmate is transgender.

Red Block 10:12pm – Carmelo (Jose Alias) watches Rey stare intently at the surveillance footage of Lennon removing his mask. Cherokee (Daniel Albaladejo) enters the room with Hugo Roca (Alberto Ammann) in tow. Alicia “Ali” Roca (Zoe Arnao) and Guillermo Roca (Ivan Renedo) rush over to hug their father. Cherokee demands to know what Lennon and his men are after. Hugo denies knowing anything about it. Cherokee points out that Lennon has an army. Hugo suggests they guard the passageway.

Green Block 10:15pm – Bastos and Macarena Montes (Sabela Aran) gradually enter the hallway, with the inmates in tow.

Lennon and his men enter an empty Canteen. Sara suggests they return downstairs.

Elisa and Willy gather the inmate to escort them to Red Block. As they pass through the hallway, Lennon and his men enter the hallway. Sara tells Lennon that the inmates and guards are heading to the passageway. When he asks about the other guards and inmates, she informs him that they have securitized Red Block. He suggests Simon Lago (Luis Callejo) is being held before ordering his men to head downstairs.

Cherokee informs Hugo that the guards have been released until everything is over. Shaking hands, Hugo agrees Cherokee is in charge. Cherokee sarcastically says Simon’s first shift just happened to be tonight when everything is going down. Simon describes is “bad luck.” Syringe complains to Cherokee about the guards being released. Diego asks Hugo what is going down. Hugo tells him that Baruca is under attack.

Sara is watching the surveillance footage when several screens go black.

Elisa and Willy lead a group of frantic inmates through a hallway when Lennon’s men open fire. Several inmates are shot. Willy fires back hitting one of the men.

Montes and Bastos lead a group of inmates down the stairs and into the passageway.

Willy is shot during a shootout with Lennon. Elisa assists him down the stairs while Lennon’s men continue to shoot at them.

The inmates run through the hallway.

Lennon and his men fire on them. Several inmates are hit. Cherokee says they are getting slaughtered. Hugo orders the door to be opened. Simon tries to stop him from leaving but he doesn’t listen. As the shootout continues, Cherokee assists Manuela Monoz (Cecilia Freire) to her feet. When Hugo asks Bastos where Elisa is, he tells him that she stayed behind. As he starts to take off down the hall, shots are fired in his direction. They close the door after everyone is safe inside the block.

Nuria (Lucia Diez) tells Hugo that everything is his fault before demanding he hand Simon over. Cherokee asks who she is referring to. Javi (David Solans) tells him that Simon is a prison, not a guard. Cherokee demands Simon to identify himself. Simon calls for Hugo and Diego with no response. Cherokee threatens to smash his face if he refuses to identify himself. Bastos suggests he return to his cell with the others. Cherokee calls to a distraught Hugo who doesn’t respond. Bastos reminds him of their agreement. After handing over his weapon, Cherokee orders the inmates to their cells. Bastos orders Diego to find Rey and do a headcount to see if there are any missing inmates.

Diego leads Rey to his cell while Hugo enters the security room to check on Ali and Guillermo. They bear hug.

Rosa (Elisa Matilla) ties Laura Roca (Maria Caballero) to a chair. She stops Chema Lopez (Paco Marin) from gagging Laura for fear she will suffocate. Rosa assures her that she will be all right if her father makes the right decision.

Cherokee asks Manuela if she has any information on Simon. She tells him that Simon arrived last night before thanking him for saving her. He asks her to take part in his breakout. After she agrees to go, he tells Carmelo. They all agree to flee to Brazil. Carmelo informs him that one of the inmates has information on the shooters.

Javi tells Nuria that Sapo and Charlie were killed in the shootout. Lupe (Laura Baena) suggests Tere was also killed. Nuria blames their deaths on Hugo.

Rey informs Cherokee that the men shooting up the prison are the police. Cherokee asks if Hugo knows. Rey says he doesn’t think so.

Lennon assures his crew that the prison inmates are inexperienced with guns. One of his men warns that the guards will shoot them. He orders his men to bar the main entrance.

Guillermo asks Hugo about the female doctor. He tells them that her name is Elisa. Alia says she is sorry for what happened to Elisa. Looking at the surveillance footage, Simon warns Hugo that Lennon won’t stop. Bastos suggests they be prepared.

Willy contacts Hugo to inform him of their being in the passageway near the boiler. Elisa asks which inmates were shot in the passageway. Bastos tells her that Sapo, Tere, Charlie, and Sabino were killed. Hugo suggests they stay hidden before promising to save them.

Lennon orders his men to be ready when the Red Block is accessible.

Bastos, Hugo, and Simon discuss the door in Red Block. Bastos claims it is one of the strongest in the prison. Simon warns that Lennon and his men will take the door down. Bastos assures him that the guards will be waiting. When Elisa asks to speak with him alone, everyone leaves except for Simon. She asks what it will take before he hands Simon over to Lennon. He promises they will get out alive. As she pleads with him, Simon disconnects the line.

Smirking, Cherokee says the guards need the inmates now. Hugo warns that Lennon’s crew will kill them when they break through the Red Block door.

Cherokee informs him that the men are police officers. Hugo assures him all that matters is them getting in. Carmelo tells Cherokee that the inmates and guards will be slaughtered if they get in there. Hugo suggests utilizing anything they can get their hands on as weapons. Cherokee calls all the inmates in to inform them of his agreement to partner with the guards. He orders them to the workshop for weapons.

Montes asks Bastos if the guards with be fighting alongside the inmates. He acknowledges it is Hugo’s plan. When she suggests the two of them turn Simon over to Lennon, he says it isn’t something prisons do.

Hugo asks Simon why he never said Lennon and his men are cops. Simon says he didn’t think it was important. Hugo questions why Lennon is trying to stop him from speaking with the judge. Simon suggests it is best he doesn’t know.

In the workshop, the inmates are creating weapons. Nuria suggests Javi stay behind her for his own safety. Cherokee tells the inmates if anyone needs to die, let it be the guards.

Hugo alerts Willy and Elisa that Lennon is going to bust through the Red Block door. He suggests they go to the door in Green Block.

Lennon and his men cut through the Red Block door.

Willy and Elisa agree they can trust Hugo before heading to Green Block. When they enter the hallway, they hear Sara and a man talking about what will happen when they get through.  Sara admits to being afraid. The man asks why she is there. She claims it is for the money. Willy grabs the man around the neck and a fight ensues. The man is getting the best of Willy when Elisa shoots him. Willy orders her to keep the gun on Sara while he alerts Hugo that they made it to the Green Block door.

The guards and inmates stand in front of the Red Block door.

Willy shoots tear gas canisters in the direction of the Red Block door. Lennon and his men move out as the hallway fills with smoke. The men rush to the stairway while struggling to breathe.

Admissions 22:47pm – Lennon orders his men to bar the door. Richi demands to know what just happened.

Hugo slides back the window on the Red Door to see the men coughing on the ground. Dr. Emilio Espada (Adolfo Fernandez) pleads with Hugo to not do it. Hugo orders Pincho (Simon Ramos) to open the door. When the door opens, the inmates rush into the hallway to attack the men. As the inmates beat the men to death, Espada tries to convince Hugo to call it off. Simon watches with a smile on his face. Bastos and Diego take Ruso to Hugo who orders him to be moved to the library.

Willy tells Elisa that Sara is going with them. As they advance into the yard, Lennon’s crew plans to make their way to the rooftop. Willy unarms to men in the yard. Espada opens the door for them. The inmates celebrate their win. Hugo and Elisa embrace. Cherokee and Manuela kiss.  When Sara greets Cherokee, he questions why she’s there.

Hugo and Simon enter the cell to speak with a delirious Ruso. Hugo asks him why the police want Simon and who is responsible. Montes demands Hugo to tell her Simon’s story, or she will shoot him. Hugo informs her of the men kidnapping his daughter before showing her Laura’s video. She orders him to put his gun on the ground. When Hugo asks her plan, she says to save them. After Hugo is tied up, she escorts Simon out of the cell. Hugo pleads with her to not do it.

Laura asks Rosa about her dad. Rosa denies knowing anything about his well-being. Laura asks what her family did to her. Rosa assures her she was just “unlucky.”

Lennon speaks to someone on the phone about losing several members of his crew. The man demands they leave nothing that can be traced back to them. Lennon says Hugo is willing to risk it all. The man warns that he will be in a worse situation if Simon isn’t out of there by tomorrow. Lennon replays their conversation.

Montes asks Lennon if he has Lennon will they leave. Lennon claims their plan was for no one to die. She tells him to meet her at the yard entrance. Lennon and his men head to the yard.

Hugo breaks down crying.

Montes leads Simon through the hallway as the episode comes to an end.


The Longest Night Review

The least impressive episode by far. Too much airtime focused on the characters running through hallways and the passageway. There were some good scenes, but nothing to brag about.

This is my first-time seeing Luis Callejo perform. His performance was outstanding. The way he capitalized on every second of his character’s airtime was extraordinary. His evil smirk even gave me the creeps.

The episode added little to the story. Hopefully, the next episode will be better. Less filler would definitely be nice.

The episode deserves a 5. Get more of The Longest Night recaps here. Support Reel Mockery by clicking on the link.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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