The Hardacres Series 1 Episode 3 Recap

Ma The Hardacres Channel 5

The episode opens at the docks. The Hardacres join a group of locals in watching as the Hardacre & Son Co. sign is hoisted up, covering Shaw’s sign. Sam Hardacre (Liam McMahon) says the sign is his promise to invest flesh and blood into the company. He announces Joe Hardacre (Adam Little) and Fred Holdsworth (Conor Deane) are joint managers and the overseers of the docks. The people cheer and clap. Jack (Jack Weise) tells the man standing beside him that only one of them earned it. Mary Hardacre (Claire Cooper) greets and embraces Lena Temple (Siobhan O’Kelly). Betsy (Sarah Agha) asks Joe how he would like her to address him. He says Mr. Hardacre is appropriate in the company of other workers. She asks if that is how he talks about his old friends. He stresses the need to maintain discipline. Liza Hardacre (Shannon Lavelle) assures him that she could do a better job than him. He insists it is man’s work. She questions if he is really up to it before walking away with Betsy.

Lord George Fitzherbert (Owen Roe) and Lady Emma Fitzherbert (Cathy Belton) have a disagreement about her charitable tea party fundraisers. He sarcastically says they will be a charitable cause if she keeps it up. She tells him that the Duchess of Harrogate requested she host the tea party. Lady Adella Fitzherbert (Holly Sturton) warns of their social ruin if Emma fails. He suggests asking the Hardacres to hold the party at their house. Adella says at least their roof doesn’t leak. Emma reminds them that the Hardacres are trade. At the docks, Sam and Joe scan through Mr. Shaw’s (David Pearse) records. Callum Saunders (Taheen Modak) informs Sam that the company’s shareholders have an equal say. Sam realizes that he can be outvoted. Callum stresses the need to turn a quick profit. Fred tells them once the crane is repaired, they could double their capacity. With the crane fully operational, the work schedule could be shortened to lower the risk of accidents. Workers would be more content. Sam insists each worker receive a 10-shilling bonus. Callum warns him of the consequences. Sam tosses the safe key to Fred. Joe reminds him that he is supposed to be in charge of the money. Sam insists he waits until he has more experience. Callum wants to explain double-entry bookkeeping to Joe.

Harry tries on his Barlow’s Boarding School uniform. Mary assures him that he can do whatever he sets his mind to. Maggie (Ella Maria Carmen) announces Emma and Adella’s arrival. Mary insists Liza join them. She and Harry promise to remember they are as good as anyone. Emma explains the importance of charity for the poor. Mary readily offers to help. Emma cons Mary into hosting the tea party at Hardacre Hall. Adella assures her that the ladies will accept her like she and Emma. Liza sneers at her. Emma promises to point her to upscale confectioners, vintners, and florists. Adella and Liza are to entertain the ladies. Later, Harry insists on going to Barlow’s alone. The family sees him off. Liza complains about singing at the tea party. Sam proposes a deal, she sings one song and Mary will never parade her around again. At the docks, Jack and Lewis tell Joe that Lady Jane’s catch is for the auction house. Sam orders Jack to warn the skipper that they have a deal. He tells Joe that it will take time and experience to proficiently run the business. Joe promises to not let him down.

Emma and Mrs. Dryden (Ingrid Craigie) discuss the preparations for the tea party. Mary assures Emma that Mrs. Henderson (Paula Wolfenden) is a clever cook but she doesn’t buy it. Emma sends her to check on the floral pallet. Dryden and Emma talk about Mary behind her back. They fear the tea party’s success will be next to impossible. Ma (Julie Graham) warns Mary that Emma is using her and not to drive her friends away by playing “Lady Snooty-Drawers.” Liza and Adella criticize each other. Liza sings “The Boy I Love is Up in the Gallery” by George Ware. She tells her that Nancy Green taught it to her while they were gutting fish. Emma says it sounds fun. Liza argues that fish gutting is hard work. Emma asks if she thinks being a lady is easy. At the docks, Sam is watching the workers repair the crane when Mary arrives. She briefly asks about Joe before inviting Lena and Betsy to her tea party. When they hesitate to accept, she challenges Lena to a fish-gutting race. Sam and the workers gather around to cheer them on. Joe questions if Mary should be gutting fish. Sam says he would love to see him try to stop her. Mary wins.

Ma gives Dryden a list of the finest oysters, brandy, and champagne for her impending poker game. She says Big Jonesey (Eddie Capli), Chinny the Butcher (Stuart Wolfenden), and Billy Three Fingers are coming. Victor Ward (Connor Byrne) asks if he can come. Dryden confronts her about a missing silver creamer. Ma asks if she looked behind the dresser. The servants snigger. Ma tells Victor that they are meeting tomorrow at 8pm at The Old Yards. At the docks, Joe overhears Jack criticizing Sam for investing 1,000 pounds in a steam crane. He assures them that the steam crane will reduce their work hours by half. Big Jonesey questions if their hours will be decreased. Jack sarcastically says they will need to ask Fred. Shoving him,  Joe warns that he will terminate all but the best if the operation can be managed with fewer workers. Big Jonesey threatens a strike if Joe keeps talking like that. Joe says you wouldn’t dare. Sam and Fred intervene to break up Joe and Jack. Joe immediately retracts his threat. Fred assures them that their wages will not be reduced. Sam explains how cutting their hours will benefit them. Joe demands Sam make an example of Jack and Lewis. Sam sends him home. Upon returning home, Joe teases Liza about her singing. She questions why he is home early. He boasts of being a manager and the freedom to do what he wants. She reminds him that he and Fred are joint managers. He tells her that it will all be his one day. Adella compliments him at every turn.

Ma wins the poker game. Victor exposes her as a fraud by dislodging the cards hidden up her sleeves. The men tease her as she and Tinny head for home. Mary believes Joe is not ready to be a manager. He promises to keep Joe out of trouble starting tomorrow when they hear Tinny barking. Mary informs him of Ma’s poker game. The next day, Maggie calls Dryden out when she says Thornton Hall. Dryden orders her to clean the outside privies. Maggie argues that it isn’t in her job description. Dryden threatens to make her clean horse feces if she backtalks her again. At the docks, Sam tells Joe that he is to work in the office until he is ready to be a manager. Fred assures him that it won’t take long to catch up. Joe asks if it was his idea. Sam says it was his and orders him to work on the ledger while they check on the crane. Joe puts money from the safe in Fred’s desk.

Lena and Betsy arrive at the tea party. Emma says they are not in need of any more servants. Mary intervenes and says they are her dear friends. Liza excitedly greets them and offers Betsy one of her dresses. The ladies stare at Lena. When Lady Beaumont (Michele Moran) compliments Mary’s floral display, Emma takes the credit. Emma warns Mary that it’s up to the Duchess of Harrogate (Rosaleen Linehan). Maggie finds Tinny trying to get inside. Holding a glass of whiskey, Ma takes a seat between Emma and the Duchess. At the last minute, Liza decides to sing “She Sits Among the Cabbage and Peas” by Neil Hamburger. Emma slams the piano lid shut. The Duchess applauds Liza and Adella. The women follow suit. As Mary forcibly removes Liza from the room, the Duchess requests her ear trumpet. Mary scolds Liza when they hear a scream coming from the kitchen where Tinny is devouring the refreshments. Dryden threatens to wring Tinny’s neck. Maggie smirks. Emma scolds Dryden. Mary and Sam set up a Hardacre Herring stand in the dining room. The Duchess surprisingly likes the fried herring and is impressed with the business. Emma looks irate. At the docks, Callum finds money missing from the safe. At the tea party, Joe compliments Betsy. Adella asks if he would care to get her some lemonade. Lena and Betsy watch as he bows to her. Fred helps out with the party. Joe accuses him of trying to get another promotion. Fred says while he worked hard to get where he is now, Joe was sitting on his behind. Joe claims to work hard. Fred urges him to put in more effort and suggests they start over. They shake on it.

Joe listens outside the study as Sam confronts Fred about the money. After denying the allegation, Fred storms out of the room and angrily stares at Joe before leaving. Emma takes credit for the fried herring but Lena calls her out. The Duchess attributes the successful fundraising to Mary. Beaumont invites Mary to join their charitable circle. Mary accepts as the episode ends.


The Hardacres Review

Harry’s promising education is by far the series’ only uplifting attribute. The clichés and stereotypes are piled on thick. As the story progresses, it becomes less believable and more irksome. The episode deserves a 5 out of 10.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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