The Frog Series 1 Episode 5 Recap

Yeong Ha The Frog Netflix

I’m Just ‘It’ In This Game Of Tag – Episode 5 begins with Yoon Bo-Min (Ha Yoon-Kyung) overhearing a news report about the suicide of Yeom Dong-Chan (Lee Yoon-Jae).  According to the report, he hung himself in his small apartment while working on Ji Hyang-Cheol’s (Hong Ki-Joon), autobiography. He Chan apparently also posted on a message board briefly before his death. This will ultimately cause Bo-Min to remember the day the much younger Yeom Dong-Chan (Lee Ga-Sub) came into her life.

After a very brief stint in the hospital, both Jeon Yeong-Ha (Kim Yoon-Seok) and Yoo Song-A (Go Min-Si) recover from the accident. Seong-A appears to be in much better condition and has already returned to her leisurely painting by the time he joins her back at the cabin. He appears to be defeated now that she has his evidence and tells her he’s giving up trying to take her down. Despite this, he still isn’t willing to sell her the property.

There is also a very brief scene where Bo-Min takes the officers to an indoor shooting range. She will prove quite adept at wielding a revolver as will another Young Officer (Kim Won-Suk). Seong-A has returned to her painting and is speaking to someone over the phone about showcasing her work but she doesn’t express the slightest interest in doing so. She will spend what appears to be an entire afternoon lounging around the balcony, eating yogurt, and sitting by the pool while Yeong-Ha is nowhere to be found. This is until a family shows up, claiming to have rented the cabin. The cops will end up getting brought in to resolve the issue while Yeong-Ha remains missing.

Being that the other Guests (Shin Na-Ra/Oh Jin-Kyoung) have verifiable proof of their booking and Seong-A does not, Officers have no option but to let them stay and move Seong-A out. Seong-A obviously becomes frustrated as he continues to fail to reach Yeong-Ha, but never completely loses composure. The Officers remember her from the earlier crash and help her relocate her paintings to Yeong-Ha’s small office. The Officers will eventually leave and Seong-A will only grow more and more surly every second Yeong-Ha remains missing.

In what appears to be a flashback scene, the young Yeom Dong-Chan visits Ji Hyang-Cheol’s Mother (Byun Jung-Hee) in the hospital. Their conversation is as veiled as it is brief but surprisingly enough, Dong-Chan later encounters Park Jon-Du (Park Ji-Hwan) and Kim Gyeong-Ok (Cha Mi-Kyung) in the hallway.

Despite Yeong-Ha’s absence at the rental, Seong-A’s mood appears to be improving as she watches the family pack the last of their belongings. This immediately changes when the Laundry Attendant shows up and announces that Yeong-Ha has asked him to handle the cleaning. As he does, Yeong-Ha will plot his next move by questioning Park Yong Chae (Lee Nam-Hee) at the hospital about unruly tenants. Park claims to have dealt with many in his years of running rentals but doesn’t offer any groundbreaking advice. His mention bout all tenants eventually leaving so others can book does appear to shake loose an idea for Yeong-Ha. That idea will later be revealed as a group of unruly teenagers who arrive at the rental later that evening.

Seong-A will attempt to go on with her life and painting but this proves extremely difficult. A verbal confrontation with one of the female guests will later lead to the teens busting one of the office windows as they are leaving. Yeong-Ha only makes matters worse when he calls to ask Seong-A to prepare the rental for its next tenants. This brief conversation will also reveal that Yeong-A has set up a campsite in the woods.

Yeong-A will eventually be forced to return to the cabin and make Seong-A hand over the keys to one of its future tenants. Despite her reluctance in dealing with the tenant, she hands the keys over to Yeong-Ha with very little resistance. Yeong-Ha is further shocked when he offers to give the rental a brief cleaning and finds Officer Yeong-A Kim Seon-Tae (Jo Eun-Sol) standing in the doorway. Although in uniform, Seon-Tae claims to be part of the guest list. He also appears to be under the impression that Yeong-Ha is going out of his way to make Seong-A’s life horrible.

Bo-Min will begin to look into Dong-Chan’s death and learns that CCTV footage captured an unidentified man leaving Chan’s building at the time of his supposed suicide. Even more surprising, Hyang-Cheol claims to know nothing about the supposed autobiography.

Seong-A will take a much different approach with the new guests and spend time partying with them. It becomes clear that Officer Seon-Tae is interested in her and after only a few days, he practically refuses to leave. Yeong-Ha will try a new approach as well by moving back into the property. This only makes Seon-Tae more protective and Seong-A will quickly tire of it. The situation erupts one evening after dinner when Seong-A tries to make an arrangement with Yeong-Ha just to get Seon—Tae out of the picture. This will segue into him choking her and leaving. As Yeong-Ha encounters the wild boar on his drive from the rental property and attempts to run it over, Seon-Tae will find Seong-A recovering from the attack. There will be a brief moment of intimacy which is eventually interrupted by Yeong-Ha. A brief physical confrontation ensues and ends with Yeong-Ha going to the police station and Seon-Tae in the hospital.

Bo-Min will question Yeong-Ha but at no point does it ever appear that he is in danger of being arrested. He’ll tell Bo-Min that he’s willing to fully refund Seon-Tae before she lets him leave. Seon-Tae will be picked up at the hospital by a fellow officer Choi Jung-Ho (Ahn Sang-Woo). There is a very brief, practically meaningless conversation before Seon-Tae returns to the cabin. By this time, it’s pouring rain outside and neither Seong-A nor Yeong-Ha are anywhere to be seen. Seon-Tae will do a bit of snooping that leads to him finding Yeong-Ha’s evidence, including the recorder. Although he is never shown listening to it, it’s merely minutes later that he running in the rain on the road out of the rental with the backpack. When he encounters Seong-A, it appears that she is going to attempt to run him down but if so, it’s not shown at the moment.

The footage then briefly cuts to Yeong-Ha who calls Seong-A and tells her that he will sell the property. The footage then returns to Bo-Min and Dong-Chan’s first meeting where they discuss the water tank case she just recently solved.


The Frog Review

A very needlessly long episode but I did enjoy it. I did enjoy the little game of back-and-forth that Seong-A and Yeong-Ha played throughout the episode, but I seriously doubt it is going to end there. Seon-Tae getting involved wasn’t honestly too surprising. Seong-A is an attractive lady and she can be quite alluring when she wants to be.

I still feel as if I am missing something crucial between Dong-Chang and Hyang-Cheol. Dong-Chang randomly running into Park Jong-Du also piques my curiosity. An hour later and nothing revealed about the episode 4 ending. I could have missed it or just not understood the ulterior meeting. I’d give the episode a 5.5 out of 10. I’d probably have gifted much higher if it didn’t feel so needlessly long.

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