The Frog Season 1 Episode 7 Recap

Jeon Ui Seon The Frog Hulu

We’ll See The End Together – The episode begins with a bloodied Jeon Yeong-Ha (Kim Yoon-Seok) at the hospital making a blubbering confession to no one in particular.

Things aren’t going much better for Yoo Seong-A (Go Min-Si) when she arrives at her gallery to find that her paintings aren’t being shown. Her assistant will attempt to explain but she receives a call from a mysterious man who assumes complete blame.

Although Seong-A gets her way in the end, she is later surprised by Ha Ja-Sik (Jang Seung-Jo) in the underground parking garage. They will spend several minutes arguing but this will ultimately reveal that Seong-A killed his son, Ha Si- Hyeon (Jo Yeo-Joon), and had Ja-Sik wrongfully imprisoned for it. Security will eventually scare Ja-Sik off as he gains the upper hand. Despite her bloodied and battered appearance, Seong-A will return to the gallery to discover that her paintings have been removed once again. This will result in her ramming a van through the front entrance of the gallery. After this, she casually gets out and briefly speaks to The Director (Lee Sung-Chul) about Ja-Sik’s release.

The story briefly flashes to the laundry attendant who has just learned from his security system that he has an unexpected guest, Seong-A. The following day, Park Yong-Chae (Lee Nam-Hee) is released from the hospital but his son is nowhere to be found. He ends up grabbing lunch and taking a cab to Yeong-Ha’s rental where he encounters Seong-A.

After discovering Yeong-Ha missing, Yong-Chae will phone Jeon Ui-Seon (Roh Yoon-Seo) who can’t shed any more light on Yeong-Ha’s disappearance. Although their meeting begins amicably enough, it only takes her mentioning buying the rental that enrages him. He will call her a liar and threaten to call the cops but being on crutches, he is clearly no match for her. After attacking him, she’ll find herself at the store, attempting to buy supplies to dispose of the body. She will be forced to change tactics when Yoon Bo-Min (Lee Jung-Eun) notices the unique shopping list. Bo-Min will later follow Seong-A to a cornfield. This scene will end with Bo-Min receiving a mysterious phone call.

After several more unsuccessful attempts to reach Yeong-Ha, Ui-Seon ends up at the rental. Instead of finding Yeong-Ha, she will find Seong-A, who initially expresses an equal concern for Yeong-Ha’s absence. She will quickly tire of the ruse and tell Ui-Seon that she and Yeong-Ha killed her ex-husband’s son. There is a brief fight that ends with Seong-A as the victor. Although it’s not completely confirmed, it is suggested that Seong-A has killed her.

Yeong-Ha returns to the rental with Koo Gi-Ho’s (Choi Jung-Hoo) rifle but finds that he’s powerless to use it if he wants to save Ui-Seon’s life. After spending several minutes goading him, Seong-A will give him the opportunity to save Yong-Chae’s life. Although the encounter is only briefly shown, Yeong-Ha will be shown leaving Yong-Chae at the hospital.

Yeong-Ha manages to return to the cabin to prevent Seong-A’s escape. He will chase her back to the rental where she’ll bargain with Ui-Seon’s life, once again. Yeong-Ha appears to be at the end of his rope and claims that not killing her is only delaying the inevitable. After spending several minutes showing him her departure ticket and assuring him of Ui-Seon’s safe return, it appears that she’s convinced him. He receives a call from Bo-Min but ignores it.

They’ll spend several minutes more fine-tuning their arrangement before Yeong-Ha agrees; under the condition that he sees his daughter first. Seong-A reluctantly agrees and drives them to a nearby dock where a red suitcase is perched on the pier. She becomes frantic when opening the case to discover that Ui-Seon is not there. Shortly after this, Seong-A will find herself surrounded by officers. There will be a brief flashback to reveal it was the laundry attendant who set all this in motion. After alerting Bo-Min of Seong-A, she would confront and conspire with Yeong-A to distract Seong-A so that she could track down his daughter and then arrest Seong-A.

Seong-A will be arrested and read her rights while Yeong-Ha joins Ui-Seon at the hospital. Once there, he’ll be forced to sign a consent form, agreeing to abort Ui-Seon’s baby in order to save her life. He’ll obviously have a very hard time with this and Bi-Mon will stop by briefly to speak with him. After their discussion, he realizes that Seong-A was in the process of burying something or someone when he interrupted her. Once he shares his memory with Bo-Min, the footage will abruptly cut to reveal someone at the rental, retrieving Gi-Ho’s rifle. This is where the episode ends.


The Frog Review

Another great episode that deserves a 5.8 out of 10. I would have given it a 6 if it didn’t take the scenic route to telling the story. It would have been so much more impactful and effective just to get right down to the point. An hour and 8 minutes is needlessly boring. Don’t get me wrong, the content is great and holds my attention, but it’s simply too long. Along with cutting down on the run time, I feel that a much better job could have been done with the editing. It’s not that there are errors but the time jumps sometimes feel randomly out of place.

Above all, it is the ‘devil’s deal’ storytelling that I am enjoying most. It’s as if nothing ever good happens to the characters and when it does, it’s always followed by something bad.

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