The Flash: Power Outage Review

In the latest episode of CW’s The Flash, Flash (Grant Gustin) faces a new metahuman, Farooq (Michael Reventar) or Blackout, who is capable of absorbing and using electricity. After being zapped by Blackout, Barry loses his speed. Will he be able to recover and overcome his difficult predicament.

When the show opens, we flashback ten months ago and see Farooq and his friends. Farooq has climbed on top of an electric tower, which is hit by lightning. Farooq is electrocuted and drops violently to the ground. Afterwards Dr. Wells (Tom Cavanagh) accesses his computer journal and speaks about Barry’s condition and actions. Wells says that Barry has yet to unlock his full potential. When Barry arrives at STAR Labs, Wells tells him that he needs to step up his speed a notch to improve their research.

Afterwards, Barry, Joe West (Jesse L. Martin) and Eddie Thawne (Rick Cosnett) investigate a homicide. They discover the victim has been electrocuted. Joe day dreams about his visit from the threatening metahuman from the previous episode. With Cisco’s help, Barry is able to identify the homicide victim. Afterwards, The Flash makes contact with Farooq, but is zapped with electricity. Barry has lot his speed!

Back at the lab, Barry has the speed of a normal individual. Dr. Wells promises to find a way to help recover Barry’s speed. Harrison uses his computer to research the future, which turns up no results for The Flash or Barry Allen. Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) and Barry discuss Barry’s dilemma, before Cisco enters and gives the team the identity of Farooq. Afterwards, Farooq is outside trying to make contact with Harrison.

We are introduced to the Clock King (Robert Knepper), as Farooq uses the lab’s electricity to increase his power. While the crew attempt to restore Barry’s speed, Farooq has entered the building. Barry suggests Farooq just might need help and insists on speaking with him. Meanwhile, the Clock King has the detective held hostage. Next, Barry speaks with Farooq and mentions the particle accelerator. Farooq zaps Barry, while insisting that Wells did this to him.

Joe attempts to negotiate with the Clock King. Afterwards, Eddie shoots him, but he is wearing a bullet proof vest and receives no damage. He drops Eddie with a few shots.. Meanwhile, Wells makes a deal with the devil, Tony Woodward (Greg Finley). He promises to give the steel man his freedom, if he kills Farooq.

Meanwhile, Farooq continues searching for Wells, while Cisco gets the power back on. Tony punches Farooq, but is zapped. He turns to steel and the electricity is useless. Barry shocks himself, in hope of regaining his speed, but it fails. Afterwards, Joe warns Clock King that Eddie is going to bleed out, which causes Clock to use his tie to attempt to stop the bleeding.

Barry and Caitlin watch as Tony is killed by Farooq. Afterwards, the pair rendezvous with Cisco and soon Wells, who admits to freeing Tony and using him as a distraction. Wells insists he used Tony to protect everyone else, but Barry doesn’t buy the justification. Wells discusses Barry’s condition and says it could be mental. Caitlin attempts to reinforce Barry’s confidence. Meanwhile William Tockman grabs Iris West (Candice Patton). After some convincing from Joe, she is allowed to stay goodbye to Eddie. She grabs something from Eddie.

Barry and crew make it to the vehicle lockup only to be confronted by Farooq. Iris pulls the gun on Tockman. Farooq demands answers from Wells, who admits to knowing all of the names of the that died, when Farooq was transformed. Farooe zaps Wells, as Barry regains his speed. After a game of catch and mouse, Farooq zaps Barry, but is overpowered and knocked unconscious.

Afterwards, Eddie is hauled off on a stretcher and Tockman is taken into custody. Iris is being comforted by Joe. When the show returns, the team reveals Farooq’s new nickname, Blackout. Caitlin also reveals that Barry is more powerful than ever before. Barry attempts to apologize to Wells, but the offer is rejected.

Barry enters Eddie’s hospital room carrying some flowers. It is revealed that Eddie will be fine. Joe discovers Barry has reclaimed his speed. The Flash pays a visit to Iris. The Flash flirts with Iris a little, before disappearing. When she returns to Eddie’s room, she forgot all about her coffee. Afterwards, Wells tells his super computer that Barry’s attachment to people is responsible for his powers. Barry is prepared to push himself to see how fast he is able to go.

At the end of the episode, Wells withdraws blood from Farooq and suggests he wants to figure out how he was able to drain Flash’s powers.


This episode of the Flash was significantly different. Instead of adventuring outside of STAR Labs, the team stayed in and Tockman and Blackout brought the action to them. Despite their predicaments, the episode was more about Barry’s struggle to regain his abilities. When he needed it the most, Barry was able to pull through and save Wells. It is intriguing to see how Wells behaves compared to Barry’s clean style. The two are possibly polar opposites.

The only downside of the episode was the fact that the story wasn’t developed at all. We learned nothing about the metahuman that visited Joe. Still, the show continues to play with the morality of Wells. The episode was fun and deserves an 8 out of 10.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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