The Accident Series 1 Episode 4 Recap

David The Accident Netflix

The Storm After The Storm – Episode 4 resumes at the height of Emiliano Lobo’s (Sebastian Martinez) confession to Daniela Robles (Ana Claudia Talancon). She shows him little empathy and his self-wallowing about hiding the truth only makes her madder. He pushes her over the edge when he admits to promising to take care of Ramon ‘Moncho’ Gomez’s (Silverio Palacios) family if he takes the blame.

Carla Robles (Regina Blandon) begins to become suspicious when David Matamoros (Erik Hayser) takes an invested interest in Daniela. As her suspicions grow, he will eventually use the deal with the Americans to distract her.

Javier Serrano (Ruben Zamora) and Malpica’s (Valentina Acosta) relationship isn’t doing much better, especially not now that he’s told her about having a vasectomy the year before meeting her.

Guadalupe ‘Lupita’ Barranco (Erendira Ibarra) continues to use religion as a distraction, but her building a shrine in their home and mentioning cremation is too much for Agustin ‘Charro’ Mejia (Alberto Guerra) to bear. He very plainly tells her that Gabriel Mejia (Dhaniel Cardoza) might not be replaceable but she is.

While Fabian Valleyo (Erick Elias) does his best to shield Paula Valleyo (Pau Menna) from the aggressive media now camped outside their home, Fonseca (Horacio Garcia Rojas) questions Yolanda Cuenca (Shani Lozano)about Moncho being threatened. She practically laughs in his face and their lower class status to claim no one would care if she did say anything. Fonseca doesn’t get much of a chance to respond thanks to an urgent alert with the location of the gang that’s supposedly been supplying the teens. He immediately arranges to meet Daniela.

Before joining Fonseca, Daniela gives Emiliano the ultimatum to be gone before she gets back. At the same time, Salome (Regina Reynoso) will convince Lucia Lobo (Macarena Garcia Romero) to go to San Antonio with her to pick up a package from a friend. Before is it revealed that San Antonio is where Daniela and Fonseca are headed, Emiliano tells David about confessing to Daniela. Despite his instant anger, he ends up comforting Emiliano.

Lupita tries to get Alex Mejia (Sebastian Dante) to visit Gabriel’s grave but he claims to prefer to remember Gabriel how he was before the death. Charro will use Lupita’s absence to plead with Alex for his help with Lupita. Charro claims that she is headed down a very dark road and the need to put their differences aside for her sake.

Frustrated with Daniela, Emiliano only manages to make things worse for the entire firm when he not only tells Javier the truth but tries to back out of the amusement park deal during a meeting with the Americans. This is where he discovers that the contract, already signed, includes a clause that once the $5 million is funded for the project, returning the money and backing out constitutes a %50 compensation fee.

Brenda doesn’t appear to be in a much better mood when she randomly shows up at Mauricio’s to vent over Javier. After a drink and Mauricio’s offer to help with a new child, she leaves in a much happier mood. Daniela will take a few minutes away from the undercover operation to plead with Fabian to take her on as a patient. While he agrees, Paula goes behind his back to speak with the media. Things quickly avalanche when Paula implies that it was the Virgin Mary who guided her to safety while she was stranded. Fabian doesn’t improve matters when he shows up and destroys one of the crew’s cameras.

Chief Santos (Mauricio Isaac) learns about Charro’s phone with Officer Horacio Mendoza (Guillermo Nava) at about the same time Nico/Nicolas (Diego Bernal) shows up at the stakeout. Fonseca immediately dispatches backup while Lucia is taken by complete surprise that Nico is the dealer they’ve been waiting on. Lupita is nearly as surprised when David shows up at the cemetery again. It doesn’t take long before this turns into an intimate encounter that Lupita immediately regrets.

By the time Alex unexpectedly shows up and sends Lucia a warning text, Daniela is ready to go in without backup. The brief headstart and a shootout with two of the kids give Lucia just enough time to get to Alex’s car without being spotted. Despite that, Fonseca isn’t far behind and after picking Daniela up they will eventually force him to pull over. Before this happens though, Lucia will bail out of the vehicle without being seen.

Charro is eventually brought into the station, along with his Lawyer (Emmanuel Varela) and Officer Horaico. Being that the phone tap was illegal and Horiaco was on leave at the time of Moncho’s death, Charro never loses his cocky attitude. Yolanda is just as smug as she tests out Emiliano’s TV in her new apartment. Although she teases and threatens him a bit more, this will be the first time that he shows some resistance.

While Emiliano moves into Javier’s place, Charro begins to suspect David and Lupita’s affair after he finds the book David gave her. She also refuses to sleep with him, which is what initially causes his suspicion. Charro will later confirm this when he kidnaps David while he’s pumping gas. David will later bargain for his life with the truth about the bounce house. Although it’s not shown, it is all but implied that Daniela shares the news with Fabian as well during their first session.


The Accident Review

As bad as this series is, at least it is consistently bad. The whole Charro and David debacle only makes it all that much worse. I understand that the Spanish are an extremely superstitious people but the whole Virgin Mary scenario killed Paula and Fabian’s storyline for me. The only thing I really liked about the show was how quick everyone was to turn on Emiliano to make themselves look better or feel better. At least that was authentic enough. I’d still give the episode a 5 out of 10.

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