The Accident Series 1 Episode 3 Recap

Fabian The Accident Netflix

Everyone Is A Suspect – The episode begins by briefly showing how Paula Valleyo (Pau Menna) got to the location where she was discovered. Shortly after that, Daniela Robles (Ana Claudia Talancon) and Fabian Valleyo (Erick Elias) get the boat started. At the same time, Chief Santos (Mauricio Isaac) and Fonseca (Horacio Garcia Rojas) lockdown the station and arrange for statewide roadblocks in an effort to apprehend Ramon ‘Moncho’ Gomez’s (Silverio Palacios) assassin. For his part, Emiliano Lobo (Sebastian Martinez) attempts to revive Moncho but very quickly learns how futile his attempts are. Things quickly worsen when Yolanda Cuenca (Shani Lozano) randomly shows up, demanding to see Moncho.

While dropping Lucia Lobo (Macarena Garcia Romero) off at home, Alex Mejia (Sebastian Dante) makes her promise to never get so messed up again. She does and appears to genuinely appreciate how he cared for her. A brief argument between Guadalupe ‘Lupita’ Barranco (Erendira Ibarra) and Agustin ‘EL Charro’ Mejia (Alberto Guerra) over Alex and Lucia suggests their relationship is nowhere near as stable. Despite that, the mood changes dramatically when Charro receives news of Moncho’s demise.

Fabian not only learns from Paula’s Doctor (Luis Gerardo Leon) that she is going to pull through, but he gets to briefly meet with her, where he assures her the worst is over. At the same time, Chief Santos has discovered the assassin’s identity, Eulogio Pinto Rosales (Esteban Soberanes), as well as the fact that he was staying in a downtown hotel and used Arsenic to poison Moncho. In addition to this, they bring in their suspects one by one for brief questioning. Shocking enough, Emiliano and Daniela are among them.

Emiliano nearly tells Lucia the truth about his involvement in Rodrigo Lobo’s (Yago Andreu Sandoval) death when she asks why it couldn’t have been Rodrigo who was saved instead of Paula. Carla Robles (Regina Blandon) continues to cope with her loss by pouring herself into the article on Moncho. She will eventually hear about his death and Paula’s rescue from her Editor. When she later shares this news with David Matamoros (Erik Hayser), it appears that their relationship has been mended.

Yolanda’s anger over the loss of Moncho will come out in the worst way during a confrontation with Daniela and Emiliano. She will not only end up threatening them with a piece of rebar but she will use it to vandalize their SUV right in front of them.

The mood at the Mejia’s house is much more festive, at least for Charro. Alex, on the other hand, is on edge and when Charro attempts to include him in the celebrations, it only makes matters worse. This will lead to a very brief argument that is brought to an even more abrupt end by the arrival of the cops.

Elsewhere, Emiliano is drinking but for much more different reasons, he and David are debating who killed Moncho and what it means. This conversation is also interrupted by cops. This is when the footage expands on the earlier interrogation scenes. The suspects are questioned individually but practically share the same opinion. Shockingly enough, it is only Emiliano who doesn’t appear happy about the death of Moncho. None of them are willing to admit that they wanted to justice into their own hands. Yolanda will make another brief appearance, accusing Emiliano of murdering Moncho.

Despite the fact that he was only questioned and only discussed killing Moncho, Mauricio Campos (Giuseppe Gamba) freaks out during a visit with Charro and practically tells him that he will give him up to save his own skin. While spending time with Salome (Regina Reynoso), Lucia is surprised by a visit from Nico/Nicolas (Diego Bernal). As brief as the encounter is, it reveals that she dumped him for cheating on her.

Emiliano spends time at the hospital with Paula and Fabian while Daniela tells Carla that she’s thinking about selling the house to downsize. She will also learn about Carla’s pregnancy and attempts to be happy. At the same time, Brenda (Valentina Zamora) is shown downing a handful of pills. Shortly after, she coughs and gags, but it’s unclear at the moment if she throws them up or not.

Lupita refuses Charro’s attempts at intimacy which would have likely led to him raping her had Alex not stepped in at the right moment. Despite this, Lupita plays mediator and the confrontation goes no further than a few heated words. Their encounter does suggest that Charro was the family’s reason for relocating to a new area. Things do not go much better for Emiliano when both Lucia and Daniela question him about Yolanda’s accusations of him murdering Moncho. He plays it off but ends up spending the night alone on the couch with a bottle and memories of Rodrigo.

Although Daniela claims to not believe it, Fonseca will later only end up strengthening her belief that Emiliano is hiding something. In an attempt to keep her mind occupied, he agrees to bring her up to speed on the drug case. Lucia and Alex’s relationship begins to show signs of cracking when he chooses to leave him to spend time with Salome.

Brenda appears to be completely transformed after the failed overdose. This is soon explained when she tells Javier Serrano (Ruben Zamora) about rededicating her life to have another child. This doesn’t go over so well when he not only suggests that she might be trying to replace Mateo but also reminds her that he never wanted children to begin with.

At Moncho’s funeral, Emiliano will attempt to mend his relationship with Yolanda but this only ends with her leveraging him for more money. David uses the opportunity to comfort and hit on Lupita until Emiliano interrupts with the news of them urgently being needed at the office. Although this turns out to be the incredible discovery that the theme park deal has gone through, it only leads to a huge argument between Javier and Emiliano.

Paula’s eventual release from the hospital is overshadowed by the discovery of the other’s deaths.

The episode ends with Emiliano seeking guidance from a priest (Mauricio Bont), who practically tells him that the truth will set him free. Later that evening, she shares his role in Rodrigo’s death with Daniela.


The Accident Review

The episode was probably packed with the biggest reveals of the season, but it still somehow felt like a typical series. That could be either good or bad, depending on how you look at things. Nonetheless, I am glad the truth finally came out and the fact that it was Daniela who heard about it first makes things more interesting. How will this figure of supposed truth and justice react? Will she keep the truth hidden? Will she reveal the truth or will she even take greater steps to make sure that the truth remains veiled?

I was surprised that Paula was found but at the same time admit that it brings another potentially intriguing dynamic to the series. The way in which she was found and the whole boat scene was abhorrently awful, but I’m glad this is out now also out of the way. Charro’s near rape scene and his smacking Lupita around was poorly executed. I don’t know if it is the language barrier or poor translation but some of the conversations are just bad.

Despite all this, I’m still interested in seeing how things play out, and for that, the episode deserves at least a 4.9 out of 10.

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