Territory Series 1 Episode 1 Recap

territory episode 1 recap michael dorman

As the opening episode of Territory begins, Emily Lawson (Anna Torv) talks about the area and how everything can kill you up there. Her family is there and she loves it even though it can be hard. Emily has to deal with a bull and worries someone is going to get killed. A man, Trent, tells her he’s just waiting on the boss. Emily learns that Keeley Redford (Tuuli Narkle) is new. She tells her to go up to the office to get sorted out. Emily is told that Daniel Lawson (Jake Ryan). Trent (Beau Jones) points out that Nolan Brannick and his contract musterers are coming. They’ve hired Nolan (Clarence Ryan) to bring in their cattle. Nolan tells his men to do this right and they’ll be working for them soon. Keeley watches a video of Daniel Lawson who welcomes everyone to Marianne Station. Graham Lawson (Michael Dorman) sits nearby and listens. Every mustering season, their numbers grow to round up tens of thousands of cattle so they can be sent overseas.

Graham says he and his brother Daniel are fifth generation at this place. Colin Lawson (Robert Taylor) comes outside to greet Nolan and his men. Emily and Graham check on Nolan. Colin joins them. Nolan learns that Daniel has the program and he’s not there. Emily says the plan was the river paddock first although Colin argues they should wait for his son. Emily tells Colin they should really get Brannock moving because he’s costing them $22,000 a day. Colin is adamant that they wait for Dan. When he leaves, Emily tells Graham they should start the muster. She’ll take the newbies and Graham can ride out with Brannock. Graham isn’t up for bull-catching today. Instead, he suggests he’ll go looking for Dan. Emily decides to ride with Nolan. Daniel has been injured. He tries to crawl to safety while calling for help. Nolan asks Emily if the rumors are true and that the big boss can’t even show up to his own muster. He isn’t surprised they’re in trouble.

Emily insists the Lawsons will be fine. Dan ties a belt around his injured leg. Then, he finds himself surrounded by dingos. They kill him. The others begin working to round up the cattle. After an impressive display, Nolan suggests Emily doesn’t need them because she’s a one-woman show. Graham shows the newbies the birds in the sky and suggests something big has died. When he looks through his rifle scope, he sees dingos eating Daniel. Colin joins Graham and they check the body. Colin argues that the whole thing doesn’t make sense. Emily is going to head back so she can meet the police. They discuss whether they should keep the muster going and eventually agree to. Colin tells Graham to find his horse and call the kids because he wants them home. Marshall Lawson (Sam Corlett) rents a helicopter and takes it up. The man he rents it from realizes his license is fake a bit too late.

Sharnie Kennedy (Kylah Day) talks to Rich Petrakis (Sam Delich) about stealing cattle. Marshall arrives with the helicopter. They hit a pub and play pool. A man comes over and asks for a game. Marshall and Rich end up getting into a fight with the man and many others. Marshall learns about Daniel’s death on the news. Susie Lawson (Philippa Northeast) returns home to her mother, Emily. They talk about Daniel’s death. Emily says Marshall blocked her dad’s number and he hasn’t answered her calls in a long time. Susie has left Ag College. She wants on-the-ground experience instead. Graham comes over to say hello to his daughter. Susie and Graham speak in private. She suggests she can run the ranch and become the boss. Colin interrupts to ask Graham if he’s found Daniel’s horse. He hasn’t. Then, Colin confronts Brannock about taking his animals. Brannock reminds him that was the deal.

Colin wants Russell to pull his cows out of there. Graham asks his dad not to do this. Colin accuses Brannock of ripping him off. He doesn’t know what the deal is now that his son is dead. Colin calls Brannock a liar like his father was. Brannock tells his men to cut the cattle loose. Graham says this cost them a $15 million muster. Colin argues that respect is what matters. Later, Graham and Emily talk about how this is bad and how the banks are going to come after them. Emily thinks they should leave. She asks what Graham wants. Emily thinks he should stand up and fight for whatever he wants. She urges him to just stop drinking. Marshall tells his friends about his mother dying when he was young. Rich calls him a poor little rich boy. He shows them the wound his stepdad caused just before he shot his mom. They talk about going back for the funeral and doing some deals. He arrives home and is greeted by Susie and Emily.

Colin comes outside and tells Marshall to come to dinner tonight. They share a drink to Daniel during dinner. Colin tries to get Graham to drink but he refuses. Marshall tells them where he’s been. He is thinking about going overseas to America. Colin wants him to learn how to run the station. Graham excuses himself. He goes to the bathroom where he drinks alcohol in private. Susie talks about wanting to learn how to run the station. Graham returns to say something. He explains they need to think about the future of Marianne Station. The muster that was canceled would’ve kept the banks off their backs. Graham argues he should’ve got it because he’s the oldest. As for Colin, he thinks he got it for being the strongest. Graham insists he just needs a chance. Colin doesn’t want to leave the world’s largest cattle station in the hands of a hopeless drunk.

Colin doesn’t think Graham has the backbone. Marshall interrupts and tells him he has no hold on him. He complains he can’t hold it together for one day for Dan’s funeral. Next, everyone attends Daniel’s funeral. On a plane, Sandra Kirby (Sara Wiseman) says the Lawson boys were always arrogant. She is told about the old goldmine that they’re passing. They may be able to get it for eighty million. Sandra wants to offer them 70 million. She asks Lachie Kirby (Joe Klocek) if he had a good sleep. He mentions that the mine is on Lawson land. Sandra says they don’t own it. She explains that there’s an aboriginal native title and pastoral leases. They’re at the top because mining leases trump everything. Colin speaks to Uncle Bryce (Hamilton Morris) about no one wanting to work with him. Colin knows he’s pretty much screwed. Campbell Miller (Jay Ryan) speaks to Sandra and others nearby.

Susie and Lachie look at each other. He walks over to introduce himself. Campbell stepped up to run the Cattlemen’s Federation after the loss of Daniel. Sandra asks Colin about running Marianne Station. Campbell asks about Brannock and his lot. He offers 350 million and 20 for infrastructure. Sandra makes an offer as well. In private, Emily tells Campbell that what he just did was really low. She insists she’s supporting her family. Campbell says he’s there for her. Emily goes inside where she catches Rich looking at the safe. They talk about Marshall. Rich claims Marshall will do anything he tells him to. Susie and Lachie continue talking. They discuss Ian Crossing. Lachie invites her to stay with them when she comes to Sydney. Trent convinces Lachie to have a ride. He throws his hat and spooks the horse causing Lachie to get thrown to the ground.

Hank Hodge (Dan Wyllie) arrives at the funeral and says hello to his sister Emily. Hank tells Colin he always respected Dan and wanted to pay his respects. In private, Colin is told he’s got a truck in the southeast corner stealing cattle. Colin confronts Hank about what Jake just saw. They end up getting into a fight. Marshall gets involved and tells Hank to leave. Hank tells Emily that Colin hates her and will never let her run this place. He tells Colin he’s the Lawson who lost Marianne Station. Graham arrives after everything goes down. Colin pushes him down and says his grandson Marshall is going to run this station. Campbell finds Emily alone and tells her she’s better than all of them. He thinks the boy will end up losing this place and he’ll take it. He’ll give it back to Emily where it belongs. They begin making out. Graham approaches Marshall to talk to him. He complains about Marshall taking the business from him.

Graham insists he has no right to any of this. Marshall tells him to keep it then. Graham isn’t sure Marshall is his son. He believes Marshall is someone else’s mistake. A drunk Graham goes inside where he tells Emily he hates this place. He suggests he’s a complete failure. In the morning, Susie finds Emily and tells her that Marshall is stealing from them. They watch Marshall and the others leave. Colin sees them go as well. Emily approaches Colin who says he’s done. She agrees. She believes she has a shot at bringing Marshall back. Emily says she could train him and make him take on his legacy in exchange for Susie. She wants him to cut Susie in. Colin will give her whatever she wants if she brings Marshall home. A man approaches Daniel’s horse and notices he has a gunshot wound.


Territory Review

The opening episode of Territory had some bright spots although the script isn’t a highlight. The scenery is nice, but it could’ve been nicer if the colors weren’t drained from the series. The performances are mostly good without any bad acting. Despite these positives, it’d be hard for Territory to hold one’s attention until the very end.

The series is really trying to be too ambitious with a massively bloated cast and so much going on simultaneously. It’d be easy to forget names and mix up characters along the way because there are far too many of them. None of the characters are really that compelling or unique either.

The script has lots of clichés that we’ve seen in many other shows. Truthfully, the opener didn’t do enough to enthrall me to the point that another episode seems obligatory right away. There is still time for this to get better as it goes, but the first episode was pretty bland overall.

It scores a 5.5 out of 10. Recaps of Territory can be found here. Find out how to support our independent site at this link. Learn more about advertising with us here. See what others are saying here.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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