Sunny Series 1 Episode 3 Recap

Masa Sakamoto Sunny Apple TV

Mmmm, Hinoki – The episode begins with Hime (You) being fitted for a new pinkie. Hime’s ensuing conversation with the vendor not only reveals that this is an impromptu late-night visit but the accident that claimed her original was work-related. The vendor is clearly apprehensive with Hime and a frantic screaming emanating from someone being tortured in a rear workroom by two goons (Haruki Takano) might explain this.

A brief conversation between the spy and his Home Bot suggests that Suzie Sakamoto (Rashida Jones) hasn’t left her room in weeks.

Suzie’s inactivity causes a host of scheduling conflicts and embarrassments for Noriko Sakamoto (Judy Ongg). In the following days, Noriko delicately approaches this over the phone with Sunny (Joanna Sotomura) but it only leads to her remembering a similar situation with Masa Sakamoto (Hidetoshi Nishijima). After learning that one more delay will result in two of her closest friends being absent from the funeral, Noriko decides to proceed.

Noriko does attempt to unveil the news to Suzie in person but Sunny refuses to let her see her. Before practically being tossed out, Noriko does leave behind an elegant pearl necklace and Masa’s painting that used to sit on her living room wall. When Suzie finally looks at the painting, it is revealed to be the symbol for the author of the Dark Manual.

The painting inspires Suzie to return to the bar and tell Mixxy (Annie The Clumsy) the truth about Masa and Zen. While doing so, she attracts the attention of some disguised as a food truck vendor. While Mixxy arranges to stop by Suzie’s apartment after work, Noriko continues planning for Masa’s funeral. There is a bit of back and forth before Suzie simply comes out and asks Mixxy for help with the code. Although this clearly makes her uneasy, she takes Suzie to where she purchased the code.

At what appears to be a novelty shop, Takumi (Ryotaro Sakaguchi) ineptly hits on Mixxy until Suzie mentions the ‘Dark Manual’. He immediately becomes uneasy as well but thanks to Sunny, she plays on his vanity to get him to provide a lead. He tells them that if he wasn’t working, he would take Mixxy to a restaurant called, Wanted and ask for Tendo.

When they arrive at what Suzie refers to as a ‘host club,’ they suspect they have been misled. This is until Suzie drops the name Tendo and the Host (Takumi Hori) leads her and Mixxy backstage. Sunny isn’t allowed and at this very instance, Takumi receives a visit from the food truck vendor who followed Suzie earlier.

Suzie and Mixxy briefly meet with Tendo and his bodyguard (Yasuhito Shimao), but it is only Suzie who is taken further downstairs to what is revealed to be an underground bot-fighting league. At nearly the same time, Sunny is approached by someone outside, claiming to know Suzie. As the Emcee (Gala Katsutoshi) introduces the competitors and mentions the Junko League, this causes Suzie to briefly remember Zen imitating the fighting.

After an impressive showing, Little Chunky is declared the winner and when the next combatants are introduced, Suzie realizes one of them is Sunny. She quickly intervenes which causes Hemi to get involved. There is a bit of a shoving match between the three of them that ultimately leads to Hemi’s fake pinkie falling off. This provides the opportunity, Sunny and Suzie need to escape and do so.

The episode ends with a brief scene of Masa’s funeral. As a Buddhist Priest (Taido Ishige) leads a ceremonial chanting, Hemi shows up to pay her respects.


Sunny Review

I’d have to give the episode a 5.4 out of 10. It wasn’t the best one but there were aspects I enjoyed. The bot fighting was interesting, although an old concept. Although I do find myself continually intrigued by the shadowy figures watching Suzie and the involvement of the Yakuza, I’m not sure how long this could possibly hold an average viewer’s attention.

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