Successful Kickstarter Campaign: Alpha Audiotronics Skybuds

If you own an iPhone and enjoy listening to your favorite tunes, you have most likely had difficulty hanging onto your earbuds. Well, you are not alone, hundreds of individuals lose their earbuds, because they are so small and they have no place to store them. Alpha Audiotronics launched a Kickstarter campaign on October 13, 2015 and now have earned a total of $104,130, which is over half of their goal.

Skybuds Specifications

The Skybuds consists of an iPhone charging case and wireless earbuds, which are equipped with a Bluetooth chip. The earbuds are ergonomically designed to fit perfectly into the ear, so you will not need to worry about loosing them.

Once you receive the device, you will simply download the Skybuds app to your iPhone and complete the initial setup process. The micro USB port is located on the bottom of the charging case, just like the iPhone, so when you are charging the Skybuds, you are also charging your iPhone.

You simply store the earbuds in the case, by placing them inside the built-in storage holes. Do not fret, if you misplace one or both of your Skybuds, because with the tracking feature that is embedded into the Skybuds app, you will be able to locate them in a matter of seconds.


The battery indicator that is embedded into the app will also alert you, when the battery needs recharged. When your phone rings, two icons will appear on the display screen, one is red and the other is green, which self explanatory. If you choose to answer the incoming call, just press the green phone icon once and eject the one or both of the Skybuds out of the case.

The Skybuds is equipped with a button that allows you to pause and play music. You do not need to utilize both earbuds to listen to your music, since one is suitable. You will have to push on the Skybud to remove it from the charging case, this will prevent them from falling out of the case, when you are not paying attention.


The Skybuds are definitely a futuristic device that will offer so much more than the traditional earbuds. If you are searching for an innovate way to listen to your music, you should definitely consider the truly wireless Skybuds.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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